RD3 Update – October 2023

Things were moving pretty fast with the prototype, but moving on to the actual LSP-driven project hit a roadblock as far as actually achieving the cross-process JsonRPC communications. I put it aside for a while, hoping to get back to it later, and then summer arrived and real-life stuff kept me busy. Renovations in Rubberduck, renovations at home.

Wow time flies, pretty much six months have elapsed since the last status update, and now it’s Hacktoberfest again already! So what happened?

RPC Issues

For about five of those six months, not much moved forward, but ideas kept brewing all along, and the RPC issues have now been resolved.

So, where’s RD3 at?

Clean Start, Clean Exit

When the VBE loads RD3, the add-in starts a separate language server process and connects to it through the language server protocol (LSP), using the very same technology that Microsoft put in VSCode, via the OmniSharp libraries. When the add-in is unloaded from the VBE (whether manually or as the host application shuts down), the server receives both Shutdown and Exit notifications, and once they’re handled and the server actually shuts down we’ll be left with a clean exit every time.

Logging is implemented on both client and server sides, and while debugging the startup and initialization was a bit painful (can’t start the server from Visual Studio, and can’t hook up the debugger quickly enough to attach in time to see what’s going on), now that it’s done the server process can be attached after it starts, so we can hit breakpoints in the server code.


Perhaps the biggest achievement is that RD3 is now building with .net 7.0, save for a specific library that has to target Framework 4.8.1 because of its use of a number of COM-marshaling methods that don’t (yet?) exist in .net core: that’s the parts dealing with unmanaged memory and pointer magic, that allow RD2 to run unit tests, among other things.

Because everything else is under .net7, Rubberduck gets to leverage all the amazing enhancements that have been brought to the C# language and development platform in the past, uh, decade or so. RD3 will likely release under .net8, which has long-term support from Microsoft.

There’s a catch though: this means RD3 will not be able to run on old, officially unsupported versions of Windows – we’re forfeiting them, in favor of being able to leverage the many enhancements being made to the .net platform. At this stage it’s still unclear exactly what this means for VB6 support: for now the focus is integrating with the VBIDE in VBA, but nothing says VB6 support is being ditched – it was just simpler to exclude that one RD library from the solution for now.


One of the first pieces of Rubberduck written around this time back in 2014 – the settings I/O and modeling – has officially been axed at long last. Since forever, Rubberduck settings have been serialized to an XML configuration file. In RD3 that’s changing to JSON and much simplified abstractions. In RD2 the default settings live in an XML-encoded “Settings.settings” file that’s a pure nightmare to maintain; in RD3 defaults are moving back into the code itself (I know, it’s data, not code per se), with each serializable struct implementing a generic IDefaultSettingsProvider interface that mandates the presence of a “Default” member that returns a static instance of that settings struct (e.g. LanguageServerSettings.Default, returns a LanguageServerSettings instance with the hard-coded default values.

JSON settings is how pretty much everyone else does it, and there’s a reason for that: the format is much easier to read and manually edit. Plus we already have JSON involved with the RPC messages between client and server. XML was originally adopted because that was the format for Visual Studio’s own settings and configuration under .net Framework 4.x.. and today it’s JSON everywhere.

Rubberduck Editor

Last spring the prototype editor was being integrated into the VBE using essentially the same mechanics used in RD2 for the dockable toolwindows, just undocked and basically turned into just another VBIDE document window.

With the project now under .net7, it turns out we can now have actual WPF/XAML windows in Rubberduck, so there is no more need to implement the entire UI as user controls that are embedded inside a WinForms user control that gets injected into a native toolwindow.

The RD3 editor will let go of most of the native VBIDE integration, and live in a separate window – very much like the Power Query Editor in Excel. The only native UI components in RD3 are the Rubberduck menu items, which have been boiled down to just “Show Editor” and “About” commands, both of which will now bring up a fully WPF UI, rather than a WPF UI embedded in a WinForms dialog: the Rubberduck Editor will be its own application, and we’ll have full control over everything that happens inside that editor.

The downside (if it is one), is that we have to implement basic commands such as Copy and Paste, as well as toolwindows we take for granted, like Properties and Object Browser.

At this stage the editor shell is able to display tab documents bound to a ViewModel; tabs can be moved around, torn from the main window and dragged to another monitor, or docked inside the editor shell. I’m now working on figuring out how the toolwindows are going to work; I’d like something similar to Visual Studio, but the Dragablz library would need to be forked and updated with such capabilities… the “toolwindows” aren’t docking and don’t work in a way that would make sense in a code editor.


This does impact the VBA dev workflow: in RD2 the single source of truth was the VBE. In RD3 that’s no longer the case, since the VBE isn’t going to contain the code that’s being edited. The single source of truth in RD3 is going to be moving to the Rubberduck Editor, and the editor will be working off code files exported to file system folders, dubbed “workspace folders”.

When the Debug/Run command is executed, the RDE will save all modified documents to the workspace, synchronize the host VBA project components to mirror it, and then the VBE takes over from that point on (RDE window will minimize itself) to compile and actually run/debug the project.

The host VBA project can also be synchronized any time you want, using the File/Synchronize command – and the editor will run a FileSystemWatcher on workspace folders, so it will detect any external changes/additions/deletions, and immediately notify the language server. If external changes are detected on a file that is opened in the editor, it will prompt to either reload the document, or keep the editor version if it has unsaved changes (thus discarding the external changes).

In RD2 you had to manually tell Rubberduck about changes occurring in the VBE, because automatically parsing on idle involved low-level keyboard hooks and since these hooks were already involved in auto completion and hotkeys, it was deemed too invasive, and ran against the basic premise of the parser, which is that we’re operating with legal, compilable code.

This all changes dramatically in RD3. Because the editor is fully managed, nothing happens in it without the language server receiving requests and notifications. Content changes synchronize in real-time, the editor receives responses with completion lists, syntax errors to highlight (squiggles!), or edits (e.g. auto-formatting etc.) made server-side that the editor immediately carries into the code pane as you type – exactly like how Visual Studio and VSCode and any other modern-day code editor that works with a language server.

The server works asynchronously and out of process, so long-running tasks can send progress notifications, and even partial responses – for example a completion list might only include names to render the list in the client, and the associated tooltips and commands might be sent a few milliseconds later.


As was mentioned before, the one thing the RDE cannot do, is attach as a debugger to your running VBA code. When you debug, the RDE will minimize itself and leave the VBE in charge. Edit-and-continue poses a particular challenge: after a debug session, the RDE doesn’t know if anything was modified in the VBE, and its file system watchers cannot help because code doesn’t just magically export itself back to the workspace folders – so here’s what we’re looking at:

  • When a debug session is launched from the RDE, code gets synchronized into the VBE before it is compiled and executed;
  • If the RDE is re-focused and the VBE is back into edit mode (i.e. debug session has ended), the entire workspace gets refreshed with a new export from the VBE;
  • If the RDE is re-focused during a debug session, document tabs will be read-only and the status bar will indicate why;
  • If the host application crashes, or the debug session does not end with the RDE being brought back before the host application shuts down, then the single source of truth resides safely in the host document and the workspace will synchronize next time the RDE loads this project;
  • Any edits made to the exported workspace files during a debug session would be overwritten and lost when the session ends and the RDE is re-focused, unless source control is involved and the changes were committed – in which case the modifications can then be recovered from source control.

Breakpoints cannot be set programmatically either, so the RDE will likely not support them. Bookmarks have a similar problem, in that the VBIDE API doesn’t really let us manipulate them, however the RDE can very well have its own bookmarks system. Debugger toolwindows (immediate, locals, call stack, etc.) are also not going to be present in the Rubberduck Editor, since they’d all be useless without a debugger attached.

User Interface

Some parts of RD2 XAML markup may survive, but really the intent is to make the RDE have a consistent, pleasing, modern, intuitive, and functional user interface for all of its functionalities. Because we’re no longer confined to a WinForms/native host, key/command bindings (hotkeys) will no longer require any kind of bug-prone hooking; focus should behave much more naturally as well, and drag-and-drop is going to be a breeze with the Dragablz library. RD3 basically entails crafting an entire IDE UI from scratch, starting with the editor shell.

The RDE window features a complete menu bar (largely inspired from Visual Studio’s), an actual status bar, and the client area consists of a Dockablz layout panel hosting a Dragablz document tab container.

Some more tinkering is still needed around toolwindows, because what we get out of the box with Dragablz is not going to work for our purposes. Perhaps there’s a way to split the left and right docking areas in two so there’s a distinct drop location for toolwindows that displays them with the tabs at the bottom, but for now there’s no such thing and toolwindows are essentially just another type of document tab.

Another thing that will need attention ideally before the entire UI is done, is theming: indeed it would be sad to make our own editor from scratch without supporting light, dark, and custom themes and syntax highlighting!

Server Side

The LSP server is in place, handling server lifecycle requests and notifications. The next step is to beef up the initialization to send the server information about the project(s) loaded in the VBE, including whether it’s an unsaved new blank project or an existing one hosted in a saved document, and a URI for each library reference so the server can load them and extract all the types and their respective members.

Then we’ll need to setup the actual workspace folders and parse any code files in them – and when we’re done doing that we can send the semantic tokens to the editor to perform syntax highlighting and folding ranges, all while the server starts running diagnostics/inspections, prioritizing the documents that are opened in the editor. The client-side code for this was written in the prototyping stage, so it’s not complete but exactly how that’s going to work is already all figured out.


The last quarter of 2023 is likely to see lots of progress on all fronts: with LSP in place and a working but bare-bones editor, I can see myself focusing on UI work mostly, while other contributors hop on and work on server-side processing – much of which will have to be ported from the RD2 code base and reworked to fit the new paradigms.

There is a lot of work ahead, but with the client/server communications happening, things that have been on our minds for years, are about to get very real.

The ball is rolling, and nothing will stop it.

Rubberduck 2.5.9

I’m pleased to announce that Rubberduck release version 2.5.2 has achieved over 32 thousand total downloads this month, overflowing a VBA Integer data type! Big numbers are fun and all, but the time has come to reset the counters and officially release the next version.

Those of you that have been keeping up with the many pre-release builds for the past two years will not have too many surprises here, but for the vast majority of you this will be a welcome upgrade with the combined efforts of our contributors over the past 20 months or so. That’s two Hacktoberfests and over 700 commits from 180 pull requests!

> Release notes & Installation instructions: https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/releases/tag/V2.5.9

See rubberduckvba.com/features for more information about Rubberduck features.

What’s New?

This release brings an awesome new peek definition navigation command (pre-released in 2021!), which lets you view source code that’s anywhere else in the project, without leaving where you’re at.

The Fakes API has been seriously enhanced with more than a dozen new standard library function overrides, as discussed in details in a previous article.

The version check feature is no longer sending HTTP requests to legacy routes on the website (although the website still supports them, so the feature still works in older Rubberduck installs). Instead, an HTTPS request is sent to the public API behind the website – the result is a more reliable feature that now receives much more information than just a version number. It wouldn’t be surprising to see a future iteration show additional information about the latest tag/release, such as the number of downloads, and the installer executable asset URL, for example.

A Rubberduck release wouldn’t be a Rubberduck release without at least a handful of new inspections! 6 new inspections are coming this time around:

  • IIf side-effects flags uses of the IIf function where arguments are potentially side-effecting.
  • Public control field access flags code that accesses form controls from outside the form, recommending a more encapsulated approach.
  • Public Enum in Worksheet module warns about Enum types declared in a Worksheet document module, which can easily result in compilation errors when the worksheet is later copied.
  • Read-only property assignment flags programming errors that the VBE only picks up at run-time.
  • Suspicious predeclared instance access warns about accesses to a form’s predeclared instance made in that form’s code-behind module; depending on how the form is used, such code may not work as intended.
  • UDT Member not used finds UDT members that are declared without being referenced anywhere.

The Extract Method refactoring is making a long-awaited comeback, 5 whole years after the old 2.0 implementation was deemed irreparably broken. It has a number of limitations, for now the selection to extract cannot contain any of the following:

  • GoTo statements
  • GoSub...Return statements
  • Conditionally-compiled statements

This obviously isn’t an exhaustive list of everything that happened in the last two years, but it’s a good summary of the new stuff.

What’s next?

This release is the last one planned to start with a 2; work has started on Rubberduck 3.0, a major overhaul of everything we’ve built so far. Rubberduck is being split into client/server processes, storage is moving out-of-process, and the entire user interface is being remade to support everything that’s coming in v3.

Because a massive number of breaking changes need to happen, RD3 is being developed in a separate repository; you’ll find it under the rubberduck-vba organization on GitHub, and that’s where the bulk of development efforts are going to be directed at in the coming months.


The new revamped website is live now; still has a couple of annoying issues (search results page links don’t work, for one), but overall I’m very happy with how it turned out!

Swag Shop

If you’re following Rubberduck on social media, you know I’ve opened a swag shop where you can get Rubberduck-branded mugs, pens, stickers, t-shirts, and more; these past couple of weeks I’ve been building an assortment of various products at various price points for various budgets. Shipping remains a challenge (it’s expensive!), but Ko-fi doesn’t take a cut on shop sales (or donations), which makes it a better deal for a shop with uncertain sales, compared to say Amazon, where shipping is less of a challenge but the monthly fees are prohibitive for a small-volume shop.

There’s now a rather decent offering and quite a lot of inventory; eventually I’ll get more stuff made (hats, hoodies maybe), and will replenish whatever runs out, but my attention will be mostly dedicated to Rubberduck3 development now.

Rubberduck 2.x has been an amazing adventure and a tremendous learning experience – I’m primed and looking forward to all the new challenges porting 2.x to RD3 will bring!

Office-JS & Script Lab

Apparently this is this blog’s 100th article (!), and since Rubberduck is also about the future of Office automation in VBA, I wanted to write about what’s increasingly being considered a serious contender for an eventual replacement of Visual Basic for Applications. Just recently Mr.Excel (Bill Jelen) uploaded a video on YouTube dubbing it the “VBA killer”, and without being over-dramatic, I can’t help but to pragmatically agree with the sentiment… to an extent.

Forget VBA, think Win32 and COM: the Web has been “threatening” the future of Windows desktop applications of all kinds for about as long as VBA has been around. Windows desktop development went from COM-based to .NET, and now to cross-platform .NET Core, and there’s still COM interoperability built into .NET. It’s 2020 and Microsoft SQL Server runs perfectly fine on Linux, and you can use Microsoft Visual Studio on your Mac now, and a lot of what Microsoft does is open-sourced and accepts contributions, including .NET itself… and TypeScript is up there, too.

VBA isn’t going anywhere.

COM hasn’t gone anywhere either. If you used any Declare statements in VBA you probably know about user32.dll and kernel32.dll. The Win32 API is here to stay; COM is here to stay. My reading is that as long as the Windows plumbing exists to make it possible, VBA has no reason to go anywhere. The problem is that VBA and its COM-based Win32 infrastructure are essentially a dead end: it’s literally not going anywhere. The VBE has long been abandoned, and VBA as a language is stuck 20 years ago… but it’s likely going to stick around for a long time in desktop-land, even if (when?) the Excel COM type library stops getting new members – as the freezing of the GitHub repository holding the official VBA documentation suggests:

“This repo is no longer accepting PRs or new issues.”

Maybe (probably) I’m reading way too much into this, but to me that is a sign that we’ve reached a critical point in VBA’s history/lifetime. I do note that the repository wasn’t made read-only and that it’s still possible to submit a pull request, but the wording strongly suggests not to.

Meanwhile, the Office Extensibility team is hard at work getting the Excel Online automation capabilities of Office-JS on par with what can be achieved on Win32/desktop with VBA. As time marches forward, eventually we’ll reach a tipping point where Office-JS stabilizes while more and more enterprises embrace the Web as a platform: maybe I’m over-estimating how long that transition will take, but even well beyond that tipping point, COM and VBA will very likely still be around for a long, long time. It’s just that eventually the Excel team will have to stop updating (but not necessarily stop shipping) the COM type library, and focus on cross-platform extensibility.

Now, have you tried Excel Online? Personally, I don’t use it a lot (Rubberduck is Win32-only), but functions like XLOOKUP and SORT (and dynamic arrays in general) are a massive game-changer, and I will neither confirm nor deny that there are even more amazing capabilities to come. Things like this should make anyone seriously think twice before opting for a plain old perpetual desktop license: Excel 2016 isn’t going to get XLOOKUP anymore than Excel 2010 ever will…

This week I decided I was tired of seeing proof-of-concept “hello world” code demonstrating what Office-JS can do, and went on to explore and scratch more than just the surface. I found a Tetris game and decided to port my OOP Battleship from VBA to TypeScript… a language I know next to nothing about (and, looking at that Tetris game code and comparing it to mine… it shows!).

Script Lab

If you’re a VBA enthusiast, the first thing you notice in Excel Online, is the absence of a Developer tab. To automate Excel on the Web, you need to add Script Lab, a free add-on that brings up a task pane titled “Code”, that is very simple to use and that looks like this:

The default snippet merely sets up a “Run” UI button and wires it up to invoke a run async function that… does nothing but bring up a little banner at the top of the task pane that says “Your code goes here”.

As VBA developers, we’re used to having an actual IDE with an edit-and-continue debugger, dividing our projects into modules, and dragging and dropping controls onto a UserForm visual designer. So, your first impression of Script Lab might very well be that it’s even less of a code editor than the VBE is – especially with Rubberduck! You have to walk into it with an open mind, and with an open heart you just might discover a new friend, like I did.

Paradigm Shift

I’ve written code for a long time, but I’m not a web developer. HTML, JavaScript and CSS have scared me ever since they came into existence: too many things to think about, too many browsers, too many little things that break here but work there. I’ve been telling myself “I should try to do this” for years now, and I have to say that the project in the screenshot below is really my first [somewhat] serious attempt at anything web, …if we exclude what little ASP.NET/MVC I wrote for the rubberduckvba.com website (I’m more of a backend guy okay!).

So here’s the paradigm: that task pane is your playground, your sandbox – you have full control over everything that happens in there, the only limit is really just how bad you can be at CSS and HTML:

It’s not playable yet. I’ll definitely share it when it is …after a code review and a refactoring!

You can pop the code editor panel out into a separate browser window, which I warmly recommend doing – the code window docked on one side, the worksheet on the other. Another thing you’ll want to do is tweak your user settings to set editor.wordwrap: 'off', because for some reason the default setting is to word-wrap long lines of code, …which makes an interesting [CSS] tab when you have base-64 encoded .png image resources.

You’ll definitely want to pop the code editor into its own separate browser window.

There are a couple minor annoyances with the editor itself. Working with a single-file script for any decent-sized project, means you’re going to be scrolling up and down a lot. Hard to reliably reproduce, but I’m finding the editor tends to frequently (but thankfully, harmlessly) crash given a syntax error, like if you deleted a semicolon or something. Navigating between tabs loses your caret position, which means more scrolling. Could be just my machine (or my way-too-large-for-its-own-good script), but I’ve also experienced frequent and significant slow-downs and delays when typing.

Not having edit-and-continue debugging capabilities is a major paradigm shift as well, but then Script Lab isn’t meant to be a full-blown Integrated Development Environment… and the code that runs isn’t the code you’re editing; TypeScript compiles down to pure JavaScript, and mapping files need to get involved to help a TypeScript editor map the compiled JavaScript to the source TypeScript instructions.

On the bright side, like in Visual Studio { scopes } can be folded /collapsed, which does help reduce the amount of scrolling around and is a very useful and welcome editor feature. Also I couldn’t help but notice with utter glee that the editor auto-completes parentheses, braces, brackets, single and double quotes, …but while it does highlight matching parenthesis, unlike Rubberduck’s self-closing pair feature, backspacing onto a ( will not delete the matching closing ) character. One nice thing it does that Rubberduck autocompletion doesn’t, is that it wraps the selection: you can select an expression, type ( and instead of overwriting your selection with that character, it “wraps” the selected expression and you end up with (your selection).

As a programming language, TypeScript feels very much like the single best way to approach JavaScript: it supports strong types like a statically-typed language, and dynamic types, …like JavaScript (think Variant in VBA, but one to which you can tack-on any member you like at run-time). Coming from C# I’m finding myself surprisingly capable in this language that supports inherently object-oriented structures like classes and interfaces, and where even string literals have a ton of useful members (built-in support for regular expressions! lookbehinds in regex patterns!). Learning how string interpolation works will quickly make VBA concatenations feel clunky. Array methods will quickly become second-nature and you’ll realize just how much looping we do in VBA just because the types we’re dealing with have so little functionality.

But the most significant thing has to be how functions are now first-class citizens that can be passed around as parameters like any other object, just like we do in C# with delegates and lambda expressions. For example, in the constructor of my Ship class, I’m populating a Map<GridCoord, boolean> to hold the ship’s internal hit-state:

this.state = new Map<GridCoord, boolean>(
  new Array(this.size).fill(false).map((value: boolean, index: number): [GridCoord, boolean] => {
    let p = orientation === ShipOrientation.Horizontal 
      ? position.offset(index - 1, 0) 
      : position.offset(0, index - 1);
    return [p, false];

We’re creating a ship of a particular size and orientation, and the state means to hold the hit-state (true: hit) of each individual grid coordinate occupied by the ship. new Array(this.size).fill(false) creates an array of the appropriate length, filled with false Boolean values; but I wanted to map the array indices to actual grid coordinates to make my life easier, so I simply use .map((value, index):[GridCoord, boolean] => {...}) to do exactly that!

Reads like character soup? Don’t worry, that code is more verbose than it needs to be, and the lambda syntax is confusing to everyone that never worked with it. In a nutshell, (i) => {...} represents a function that takes an i parameter. There is no As keyword to specify data types in TypeScript, instead we would declare a numeric variable with e.g. var i: number. That means (value, index):[GridCoord, boolean] => {...} represents a function that takes a value and an index parameter (their values are provided by the map method), and returns a tuple (the square-bracketed part; can be thought of as some kind of anonymous type that’s defined on-the-spot with unnamed but typed members) made of a GridCoord and a boolean value. Therefore, the body of that function works out what GridCoord/boolean value to yield for each item of the Array(this.size) array.

Ternary (i.e. 3-operands) operators are another nice thing VBA doesn’t have. foo = bar ? a : b; assigns a to foo if bar evaluates to true, and assigns b otherwise. The closest we have in VBA is the IIf function, but because the provided true-value and false-value arguments are arguments, they both need to be evaluated before the function is even invoked.

I could go on and on about every little language feature TypeScript has that VBA doesn’t, but the truth is, there’s simply no possible comparison to be made: as a language (I’m not talking about the capabilities of the Excel object model here), VBA loses on every single aspect. And while VBA is essentially constrained to the VBE, TypeScript is in no way constrained to Script Lab. In fact if I wanted to make an actual serious Office-JS project, I’d likely be using VSCode, which I admittedly have yet to use for anything, but I’ve heard only good things about this lightweight IDE… and if I didn’t like it then I could just stick to good old Visual Studio.

VBA will very likely remain the uncontested King of Office automation on desktop for a very long time still: programming in TypeScript is a lot of fun to me, but I’m not Joe-in-Accounting – I write code (C#, T-SQL, VBA, …) for a living, and I doubt Script Lab, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Chrome developer tools appeal as much to someone that isn’t enthusiastic about not just automating Office, not just VBA, but about programming in general. And for that, and that alone, I posit that VBA will continue to rule as King of Win32 Office automation for many years to come, and Rubberduck will be there to keep adding modern-IDE functionalities to the Visual Basic Editor.

The King is dead, long live the King!

To be continued…

Hello, Rubberduck 2.5.0

Creating the pull request to merge the current [next] branch into [master] is always thrilling: the incredible amount of work that goes into Rubberduck, release after release, never ceases to amaze me. This time (again!), the pull request is well over 1.2K commits. Green-release version was all the way back on March 25, 2019 – which was the Monday that immediately followed the last MVP Global Summit.

What’s new?

If you’ve been keeping up with pre-release builds, you already know. If you’re still using v2.4.1.0 and have the check for newer version at startup setting enabled, your ducky will be telling you about the new build next time you fire up the VBE.

When you update to v2.5, you’ll notice a new option for the check for newer version at startup setting: there’s a new “check for pre-release builds” option that can let you know not only of a new minor version bump, but also for every pre-release build – which effectively means you now get to keep Rubberduck as up-to-date as possible (every merged pull request), without needing to subscribe to GitHub email notifications.

Splash Screen

But the first thing you’ll notice (assuming you haven’t disabled it) will be the splash screen going back to the 2.4.0 yellow ducky splash – if you didn’t know, v2.4.1 was “ThunderFrame Edition” and all this time the splash screen was a nod to our dear friend Andrew Jackson:

Rubberduck’s repository is still filled with hundreds of Andrew’s ideas, and his impact on the project will remain with us forever. This ducky is based on Andrew’s work, too:

I’m not a fan of the font (it’s the same as on the ThunderSplash), but SHOWCARD GOTHIC was getting old and annoyingly too playful-looking. If a graphic artist is reading this and has a nice idea they’d like to contribute, they’re welcome to do so!

But you’re not here to read about the splash screen, are you?

Website/GitHub Integration

In the past, a new green-release meant Rubberduck needed to be deployed to the project’s website itself, so that the /version/build pages could respond with the assembly version of the Rubberduck.dll file deployed. Today the website only needs a Rubberduck build to support the online indenter page, and we only need to update that build to keep the online indenter preview tool up-to-date: if no indenter changes are made, then nothing needs to be updated – the website uses GitHub’s REST API to get the latest pre-release and official “green release” version numbers, but also to download the latest xml-doc from the Rubberduck.CodeAnalysis project, and with that the website’s /inspections/list page will now start identifying the newer inspections that are only available in a pre-release build, versus those present in the latest “green release” (this hasn’t kicked in yet, only because the [master] branch didn’t have any xml-docs to download). The /inspections/details pages are also entirely generated from the in-code xml documentation, including the many examples: we’ll eventually start linking to these pages in the inspection results toolwindow, with “why am I seeing this?” links/buttons.

New Features?

New inspections and new quickfixes, of course – but mostly lots of bugs fixed, and extremely important enhancements to the resolver logic effectively warrant the minor version bump. As mentioned in What’s Cooking for Rubberduck 2.5.x, special attention was given to the resolution of implicit default member calls and bang notation – and with that there’s very, very little early-bound code (if any) that Rubberduck isn’t understanding.

Self-closing pairs aren’t a new feature, but Rubberduck will now ship with the feature enabled by default (was opt-in before). We have been able to hijack and suppress the annoying “beep” that the VBE sounds when the Parameter Quick-Info command doesn’t have anything to show, and this has unlocked restoring automatic quick-info when typing the argument list of a function or procedure call: before that, using self-closing pairs worked pretty nicely, but parameter quick-info had to be manual, which was rather disturbing.

VBA + Source Control

If you’ve been following the project for some time, you probably remember the defunct source control panel – a toolwindow that essentially implemented Visual Studio’s Team Explorer and let you synchronize your VBA project with the files in a git repository. It would also list modified files and let you commit, push, pull, fetch, create new branches, merge them, etc. It failed and isn’t coming back, but the Code Explorer in v2.5 brings back the ability to synchronize the contents of your VBA project from the file system:

Update Components from Files will update existing modules from files in a selected folder, and Replace Contents from Files will make the VBA project mirror the contents of the selected folder (creating new project components/modules as needed). Because Visual Basic 6.0 already works off the file system, in VB6 we only offer the Update Components from Files command.

Keep in mind that while the contents of document modules can be imported, new document modules can’t be added to the host project by the VBE (the host application owns these modules: see this article): for this reason you will want to minimize the amount of code you have in modules like ThisWorkbook and other Worksheet modules in Excel, or in reports & forms in Access. Implementing the actual functionality in separate modules will make things much easier to work with this feature in conjunction with source control (whether you use git, mercurial, SVN, or any other VCS technology).

Visual Studio 2019

Rubberduck has been built with Visual Studio 2017 for quite some time: we have successfully updated all projects in the solution to the awesome new .csproj format, and until now the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation – the .NET UI framework we use to design our toolwindows and dialogs) dependencies made it impossible to upgrade our build process to work in Visual Studio 2019 until the release of .NET Core 3 last September. This release marks the milestone where we flip the page, sunset Visual Studio 2017 – the first pull request to be merged after v2.5.0, will be one that updates the build process to work with Visual Studio 2019.

If you have forked or cloned Rubberduck, please note that Rubberduck will no longer build in VS2017, as soon as it builds in VS2019.

What Next?

One of the biggest road blocks that’s currently keeping us from implementing a lot of the amazing inspection ideas (and bringing back a proper Extract Method refactoring!), is the lack of proper code path analysis. With that, we’ll have standard tooling that all these inspections can share and reuse (rather than reinvent a rather complex wheel everytime), and then we can tackle the many open Code Path Analysis issues. I’ll be posting an “Inside Rubberduck” article about the architecture and thinking behind this at some point.

Another road block, that’s currently keeping Rubberduck from fully understanding the interfaces it’s looking at, is flicking the switch for our internal TypeLib API, which taps deep into the VBIDE’s guts and gives us visibility on the internal ITypeLib of the VBA project. Rubberduck is already leveraging some of these capabilities (that’s how unit testing works in every VBA host application), but by flicking that switch we’ll be able to, among many other things, pick up the Workbook interface of the ThisWorkbook module… which unlocks fixing a number of long-standing issues and inspection false positives.

Block Completion is another upcoming feature that will possibly be getting my attention in 2020, but not before Code Path Analysis does.

In order to address the growing concerns of performance and memory consumption (especially in larger projects, which currently work best in 64-bit hosts, and possibly not at all in 32-bit hosts), we are exploring implementing a Language Server to offload parsing & resolution out of the host process, similar to how VSCode & Roslyn works, and possibly also moving a lot of the in-memory storage of referenced type libraries’ declarations to an out-of-process database.

What’s Cooking for Rubberduck 2.5.x

If you’ve been following the project all along, this isn’t going to be news, but we kind of missed the v2.4.2 milestone we were slated to release back in April, and here we are with our [next] branch (“pre-release” builds) being a whopping 580+ commits ahead of [master] (“green-release” builds). These commits change a lot of things… so much that v2.4.1 will end up being the only “green-release” of the 2.4.x release cycle, and we’ve decided next release will have to be 2.5.0 – but what is it specifically that warrants such delays and the +1 on the minor version number?


Perhaps the most important set of changes since v1.2 where we introduced an ANTLR-generated parser, this internal API was actually introduced last year, but until relatively recently it was only used to make the unit testing feature fully host-agnostic (i.e. unit testing works in every host application since) and to retrieve project-level precompiler constants, which closed an otherwise desperate gaping hole in Rubberduck’s understanding of the code that’s in the editor. We are also using it to retrieve and manipulate project references, and possibly in other places I don’t recall at the moment.

But this internal API unlocks much more power than that, and until very recently we hadn’t really started tapping into it. During the v2.5.x cycle, we’ll be using it to instantly populate the Code Explorer toolwindow with tree nodes that still drill down to member level – of course Rubberduck won’t know where a procedure is referenced or be able to refactor anything until parsing has actually occurred, but the project should be instantly navigatable regardless.

We have already begun leveraging this ITypeLib API to augment resolver capabilities, notably with regards to member and module attributes: we can now read most of their values without needing to export anything to any temp file.

So what this API does, is that it taps into VBA/VB6’s internal storage: you may not realize, but compiling your VBA code, internally, creates a COM type library. With this API we can safely query this type library and model user code modules and their members just like any other COM type library, e.g. project references. This means Rubberduck is be able to know what interfaces a document module implements – in other words, when we fully leverage this API we will be able to tell that Sheet1 is a Worksheet and that ThisWorkbook is a Workbook… which means a library-specific inspection like “sheet accessed using string” can now work exactly as intended. We already correctly identify event handler procedures in document modules thanks to these new capabilities; it might seem simple on the surface, but knowing that Sheet1 is a Worksheet and that this Worksheet_Change procedure is handling the Change event of that Worksheet interface, requires looking well beyond the code… and a side-effect of this, is that “procedure not used” no longer fires inspection results for them (the inspection already ignored event handler procedures… all it needed was for the resolver to recognize event handlers in document modules as such).

Default Member Resolution

Once again, a tremendous amount of effort went into augmenting resolver capabilities. This piece of the puzzle is the cornerstone that makes everything else fall into place: if we’re able to issue an inspection result when a variable is never referenced, it’s because the resolver processed all the parse trees and located no references to that variable. But it’s much more than just unused variables: the resolver is the literal central nervous system of Rubberduck – if the resolver doesn’t work well, everything else falls apart.

Except, resolving VBA code correctly is hard. We have an inspection that means to flag missing Set keywords, and until recently it would fire false positives whenever implicit default member calls were involved. What’s that? Picture this code:

Range("A1") = Range("B1")

What’s really happening is this:

Global.Range("A1").[_Default] = Global.Range("A1").[_Default]

But in order to know that, Rubberduck needs to know much more about the code than just what the code is saying: it needs to know that Range is an implicitly-qualified member call on Global (or is it? what if that very same code is in the code-behind of the Sheet3 module?), and that it has a default member that’s the target of this assignment on the left-hand side, and the provider of a value on the right-hand side; it needs to know that this default member yields a Variant (and not another object, which may have its own default member, which might yield an object, which may have a default member, which… so yeah, recursive resolution). And once it knows all that, it can warn you about implicit default member assignments, and soon about any implicit default member call – and help you make them explicit!

Bang notation now also resolves correctly. You write this:

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute(procName)
Debug.Print rs!Field1

Rubberduck sees this:

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute(procName)
Debug.Print rs.Fields.Item("Field1").Value

…and this means we’ll soon be able to offer quickfixes/refactorings that turn one notation into the other, and vice-versa.

This is where Rubberduck’s resolver is at, and I need to pinch myself to believe just how crazy wicked awesome it’s becoming – it’s not perfect, but I’m positive, and I’ll repeat this even though it’s been the case for a very long while, but no other VBIDE add-in understands VBA as deeply as Rubberduck.


Rubberduck uses the Moq framework for its thousands of unit tests. With it, we’re able to inject “mock” implementations of any abstract dependency: unit testing isn’t complete without a mocking framework, and there’s none for VBA, …for now.

The amount of work involved is astounding, but the important and hard parts are working and we’re just a few road-bumps away from having a COM-visible Moq wrapper API that VBA code can consume to mock any class – your Class1 module or ISomething interface, a ListObject Excel table, any Word.Range, ADODB.Connection, or Scripting.FileSystemObject. This is a massive and complete game-changer that takes unit testing VBA code to a whole new level of credibility.


To be honest, there isn’t really any timeline on the table: the 2.5.0 green-release will happen when it does. In the meantime you’ll want to keep an eye on pre-release builds: in the next couple of weeks we’ll be polishing the new features, reviewing what few inspection false positives remain, address a number of prioritized bugs (the all-or-nothing collapsing/expanding of grouping grids, for one), and then we’ll be ready.

There’s plenty of work for all levels and skills, you’re welcome to help us!

Rubberduck 2.4.1: ThunderFrame Edition

As was shared a week or two ago on social media, Rubberduck contributor and supporter Andrew “ThunderFrame” Jackson passed away recently – but his love for VBA, his awesomely twisted ways of breaking it, his insights, the 464 issues (but mostly ideas, with 215 still open as of this writing) and 30 pull requests he contributed to Rubberduck, have shaped a large part of what this project is all about, and for this release we wanted to honor him with a special little something in Rubberduck, starting with the splash screen.

Andrew joined the project very early on. He gave us the signature spinning duckies and the SVG icon of the project; he once implemented a very creative way to make unit testing work in Outlook (and I know a certain duck that had to eat their hat because of it!), before the feature was made host-agnostic. He gave us the weirdest, most completely evil-but-still-legal VBA code we could possibly test Rubberduck’s parser/resolver with – and we’re very proud to have a ThunderCode-proof parser now!

What’s New?

This isn’t an exhaustive list. See the release notes for more information.

¡Rubberduck ahora habla español!

This release introduces Spanish language support. German, French, and Czech translations have also been updated.

Rubberduck doesn’t speak your language yet? Nothing would make us happier than helping you help us translate Rubberduck! See contributing.md for all the details, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have – go on, fork us!

The project’s many resource files are easily handled with the ResX Manager add-in for Visual Studio.

UI Enhancements

The Test Explorer has had a rather impressive facelift, Inspection Results are now much easier to review, navigate and filter. There is a known issue about the GroupingGrid control expanding/collapsing all groupings together, but we weren’t going to hold back the release for this – we will definitely address it in a near-future release though.

Toggle buttons in the toolbar now allow filtering inspection results by severity, and grouping by inspection type, by module, by individual inspection, or by severity.
Similar toggle buttons in the Test Explorer allow grouping tests by outcome, module, or category. Tests can be categorized by specifying a category name string as an argument to the @TestMethod annotation.

Parser performance has improved, especially for the most common usages of “bang” (foo!bar) notation, which remain a difficult language construct to handle. But they’re also late-bound, implicit, default member calls that would probably be better off made explicit and early-bound.

Self-Closing Pair completion works rather nicely now, with only two known, low-priority edge cases that don’t behave quite as nicely as they should.

Easter Is Coming

And with Easter comes… White Walkers Easter Eggs, so all I’m going to say, is that they’ll be flagging ThunderCode – the kind of code our friend loved to test & push the limits of Rubberduck’s parser with. If your code trips a ThunderCode inspection, …nah, it can’t happen.

Woopsie, might happen after all. We’ll eventually figure out a way to hide them from the settings!

Also it’s apparently not impossible that there’s no way no other Easter Eggs were never not added to Rubberduck. For the record I don’t know if this means what I think I mean it to say, and that’s perfect.

What’s Next?

Some very important changes have been waiting for this release and will be merged in the next few weeks – these changes won’t necessarily be visible from a user standpoint, but they will greatly enhance our internal API – refactorings, COM object management, and we’ll be leveraging more of the TypeLibs API, which in turn should end up translating into greatly enhanced user experience and feature set.

Next release will include a few new inspections, including one that locates obsolete While...Wend loops, and suggests to rewrite them as Do While...Loop blocks, which can be exited with an Exit Do statement, whereas While loops can only be prematurely exited (without throwing an error) by an inelegant GoTo jump.

We really want to tighten our release cycle, so we’ll be shooting for the end of April for what should be version 2.4.2.