Rubberduck.Fakes Gets an Upgrade

One of the objectively coolest features in Rubberduck is the Fakes API. Code that pops a MsgBox for example, needs a way to work without actually popping that message box, otherwise that code cannot be unit tested… without somehow hijacking the MsgBox function. The Fakes API does exactly that: it hooks into the VBA runtime, intercepts specific internal function calls, and makes it return exactly what your test setup …set up.

This API can stop time, or Now can be told to return 1:59AM on first invocation, 1:00AM on the next, and then we can test and assert that some time-sensitive logic survives a daylight savings time toggle, or how Timer-dependent code behaves at midnight.

Let’s take a look at the members of the IFakesProvider interface.

Fakes Provider

Fakes for many of the internal VBA standard library functions exist since the initial release of the feature, although some providers wouldn’t always play nicely together – thanks to a recent pull request from @tommy9 these issues have been resolved, and a merry bunch of additional implementations are now available in pre-release builds:

NameDescriptionParameter names
MsgBoxConfigures VBA.Interaction.MsgBox callsFakes.Params.MsgBox
InputBoxConfigures VBA.Interaction.InputBox callsFakes.Params.InputBox
BeepConfigures VBA.Interaction.Beep calls
EnvironConfigures VBA.Interaction.Environ callsFakes.Params.Environ
TimerConfigures VBA.DateTime.Timer calls
DoEventsConfigures VBA.Interaction.DoEvents calls
ShellConfigures VBA.Interaction.Shell callsFakes.Params.Shell
SendKeysConfigures VBA.Interaction.SendKeys callsFakes.Params.SendKeys
KillConfigures VBA.FileSystem.Kill callsFakes.Params.Kill
MkDirConfigures VBA.FileSystem.MkDir callsFakes.Params.MkDir
RmDirConfigures VBA.FileSystem.RmDir callsFakes.Params.RmDir
ChDirConfigures VBA.FileSystem.ChDir callsFakes.Params.ChDir
ChDriveConfigures VBA.FileSystem.ChDrive callsFakes.Params.ChDrive
CurDirConfigures VBA.FileSystem.CurDir callsFakes.Params.CurDir
NowConfigures VBA.DateTime.Now calls
TimeConfigures VBA.DateTime.Time calls
DateConfigures VBA.DateTime.Date calls
Rnd*Configures VBA.Math.Rnd callsFakes.Params.Rnd
DeleteSetting*Configures VBA.Interaction.DeleteSetting callsFakes.Params.DeleteSetting
SaveSetting*Configures VBA.Interaction.SaveSetting callsFakes.Params.SaveSetting
Randomize*Configures VBA.Math.Randomize callsFakes.Params.Randomize
GetAllSettings*Configures VBA.Interaction.GetAllSettings calls
SetAttr*Configures VBA.FileSystem.SetAttr callsFakes.Params.SetAttr
GetAttr*Configures VBA.FileSystem.GetAttr callsFakes.Params.GetAttr
FileLen*Configures VBA.FileSystem.FileLen callsFakes.Params.FileLen
FileDateTime*Configures VBA.FileSystem.FileDateTime callsFakes.Params.FileDateTime
FreeFile*Configures VBA.FileSystem.FreeFile callsFakes.Params.FreeFile
IMEStatus*Configures VBA.Information.IMEStatus calls
Dir*Configures VBA.FileSystem.Dir callsFakes.Params.Dir
FileCopy*Configures VBA.FileSystem.FileCopy callsFakes.Params.FileCopy
*Members marked with an asterisk are only available in pre-release builds for now.

Parameter Names

The IVerify.ParameterXyz members make a unit test fail if the specified parameter wasn’t given a specified value, but the parameter names must be passed as strings. This is a UX issue: the API essentially requires hard-coded magic string literals in its users’ code; this is obviously error-prone and feels a bit arcane to use. The IFakesProvider interface has been given a Params property that gets an instance of a class that exposes the parameter names for each of the IFake implementations, as shown in the list above, and the screenshot below:

Picking the correct parameter name from a drop-down completion list beats risking a typo, doesn’t it?

Note: the PR for this feature has not yet been merged at the time of this writing.

Testing Without Fakes (aka Testing with Stubs)

Unit tests have a 3-part structure: first we arrange the test, then we act by invoking the method we want to test; lastly, we assert that an actual result matches the expectations. When using fakes, we configure them in the arrange part of the test, and in the assert part we can verify whether (and/or how many times) a particular method was invoked with a particular parameterization.

Let’s say we had a procedure we wanted to write some tests for:

Public Sub TestMe()
    If MsgBox("Print random number?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Test") = vbYes Then
        Debug.Print Now & vbTab & Rnd * 42
        Debug.Print Now
    End If
End Sub

If we wanted to make this logic fully testable without the Fakes API, we would need to inject (likely as parameters) abstractions for MsgBox, Now, and Debug dependencies: instead of invoking MsgBox directly, the procedure would be invoking the Prompt method of an interface/class that wraps the MsgBox functionality. Unit tests would need a stub implementation of that interface in order to allow some level of configuration setup – an invocation counter, for example. A fully testable version of the above code might then look like this:

Public Sub TestMe(ByVal MessageBox As IMsgBox, ByVal Random As IRnd, ByVal DateTime As IDateTime, ByVal Logger As ILogger)
    If MessageBox.Prompt("Print random number?", "Test") = vbYes Then
        Logger.LogDebug DateTime.Now & vbTab & Random.Next * 42
        Logger.LogDebug DateTime.Now
    End If
End Sub

The method is testable, because the caller controls all the dependencies. We’re probably injecting an IMsgBox that pops a MsgBox, an IRnd that wraps Rnd, a DateTime parameter that returns VBA.DateTime.Now and an ILogger that writes to the debug pane, but we don’t know any of that. I fact, we could very well run this method with an ILogger that writes to some log file or even to a database; the IRnd implementation could consistently be returning 0.4 on every call, IDateTime.Now could return Now adjusted to UTC, and IMsgBox might actually display a fancy custom modal UserForm dialog – either way, TestMe doesn’t need to change for any of that to happen: it does what it needs to do, in this case fetching the next random number and outputting it along with the current date/time if a user prompt is answered with a “Yes”, otherwise just output the current date/time. It’s the interfaces that provide the abstraction that’s necessary to decouple the dependencies from the logic we want to test. We could implement these interfaces with stubs that simply count the number of times each member is invoked, and the logic we’re testing would still hold.

We could then write tests that validate the conditional logic:

Public Sub TestMe_WhenPromptYes_GetsNextRandomValue()
    ' Arrange
    Dim MsgBoxStub As StubMsgBox ' implements IMsgBox, but we want the stub functionality here
    Set MsgBoxStub = New StubMsgBox
    MsgBoxStub.Returns vbYes
    Dim RndStub As StubRnd ' implements IRnd, but we want the stub functionality here too
    Set RndStub = New StubRnd
    ' Act
    Module1.TestMe MsgBoxStub, RndStub, New DateTimeStub, New LoggerStub
    ' Assert
    Assert.Equals 1, RndStub.InvokeCount
End Sub
Public Sub TestMe_WhenPromptNo_DoesNotGetNextRandomValue()
    ' Arrange
    Dim MsgBoxStub As StubMsgBox
    Set MsgBoxStub = New StubMsgBox
    MsgBoxStub.Returns vbNo
    Dim RndStub As StubRnd
    Set RndStub = New StubRnd
    ' Act
    Module1.TestMe MsgBoxStub, RndStub, New DateTimeStub, New LoggerStub
    ' Assert
    Assert.Equals 0, RndStub.InvokeCount
End Sub

These stub implementations are class modules that need to be written to support such tests. StubMsgBox would implement IMsgBox and expose a public Returns method to configure its return value; StubRnd would implement IRnd and expose a public InvokeCount property that returns the number of times the IRnd.Next method was called. In other words, it’s quite a bit of boilerplate code that we’d usually rather not need to write.

Let’s see how using the Fakes API changes that.

Using Rubberduck.FakesProvider

The standard test module template defines Assert and Fakes private fields. When early-bound (needs a reference to the Rubberduck type library), the declarations and initialization look like this:

Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Private Assert As Rubberduck.AssertClass
Private Fakes As Rubberduck.FakesProvider
Public Sub ModuleInitialize()
    Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass")
    Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider")
End Sub

The Fakes API implements three of the four stubs for us, so we still need an implementation for ILogger, but now the method remains fully testable even with direct MsgBox, Now and Rnd calls:

Public Sub TestMe(ILogger Logger)
    If MsgBox("Print random number?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Test") = vbYes Then
        Logger.LogDebug Now & vbTab & Rnd * 42
        Logger.LogDebug Now
    End If
End Sub

With an ILogger stub we could write a test that validates what’s being logged in each conditional branch (or we could decide that we don’t need an ILogger interface and we’re fine with tests actually writing to the debug pane, and leave Debug.Print statements in place), but let’s just stick with the same two tests we wrote above without the Fakes API. They look like this now:

Public Sub TestMe_WhenPromptYes_GetsNextRandomValue()
    ' Arrange
    Fakes.MsgBox.Returns vbYes
    ' Act
    Module1.TestMe New LoggerStub ' ILogger is irrelevant for this test
    ' Assert
End Sub
Public Sub TestMe_WhenPromptNo_DoesNotGetNextRandomValue()
    ' Arrange
    Fakes.MsgBox.Returns vbNo
    ' Act
    Module1.TestMe New LoggerStub ' ILogger is irrelevant for this test
    ' Assert
End Sub 

We configure the MsgBox fake to return the value we need, we invoke the method under test, and then we verify that the Rnd fake was invoked once or never, depending on what we’re testing. A failed verification will fail the test the same as a failed Assert call.

The fakes automatically track invocations, and remember what parameter values each invocation was made with. Setup can optionally supply an invocation number (1-based) to configure specific invocations, and verification can be made against specific invocation numbers as well, and we could have a failing test that validates whether Randomize is invoked when Rnd is called.

API Details

The IFake interface exposes members for the setup/configuration of fakes:

AssignsByRefConfigures the fake such as an invocation assigns the specified value to the specified ByRef argument.
PassthroughGets/sets whether invocations should pass through to the native call.
RaisesErrorConfigures the fake such as an invocation raises the specified run-time error.
ReturnsConfigures the fake such as the specified invocation returns the specified value.
ReturnsWhenConfigures the fake such as the specified invocation returns the specified value
given a specific parameter value.
VerifyGets an interface for verifying invocations performed during the test. See IVerify.
The members of Rubberduck.IFake

The IVerify interface exposes members for verifying what happened during the “Act” phase of the test:

AtLeastVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified minimum number of times.
AtLeastOnceVerifies that the faked procedure was called one or more times.
AtMostVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified maximum number of times.
AtMostOnceVerifies that the faked procedure was not called or was only called once.
BetweenVerifies that the number of times the faked procedure was called falls within the supplied range.
ExactlyVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified number of times.
NeverVerifies that the faked procedure was called exactly 0 times.
OnceVerifies that the faked procedure was called exactly one time.
ParameterVerifies that the value of a given parameter to the faked procedure matches a specific value.
ParameterInRangeVerifies that the value of a given parameter to the faked procedure falls within a specified range.
ParameterIsPassedVerifies that an optional parameter was passed to the faked procedure. The value is not evaluated.
ParameterIsTypeVerifies that the passed value of a given parameter was of a type that matches the given type name.
The members of Rubberduck.IVerify

There’s also an IStub interface: it’s a subset of IFake, without the Returns setup methods. Thus, IStub is used for faking Sub procedures, and IFake for Function and Property procedures.

When to Stub Standard Library Members

Members of VBA.FileSystem not covered include EOF and LOF functions, Loc, Seek, and Reset. VBA I/O keywords Name, Open, and Close operate at a lower level than the standard library and aren’t covered, either. VBA.Interaction.CreateObject and VBA.Interaction.GetObject, VBA.Interaction.AppActivate, VBA.Interaction.CallByName, and the hidden VBA.Interaction.MacScript function, aren’t implemented.

Perhaps CreateObject and GetObject calls belong behind an abstract factory and a provider interface, respectively, and perhaps CallByName doesn’t really need hooking anyway. In any case there are a number of file I/O operations that cannot be faked and demand an abstraction layer between the I/O work and the code that commands it: that’s when you’re going to want to write stub implementations.

If you’re writing a macro that makes an HTTP request and processes its response, consider abstracting the HttpClient stuff behind an interface (something like Function HttpGet(ByVal Url As String)): the macro code will gain in readability and focus, and then if you inject that interface as a parameter, then a unit test can inject a stub implementation for it, and you can write tests that handle (or not?) an HTTP client error, or process such or such JSON or HTML payload – without hitting any actual network and making any actual HTTP requests.

Until we can do mocking with Rubberduck, writing test stubs for our system-boundary interfaces is going to have to be it. Mocking would remove the need to explicitly implement most test stubs, by enabling the same kind of customization as with fakes, but with your own interfaces/classes. Or Excel’s. Or anything, in theory.

Rubberduck Style Guide

As Rubberduck started to beef up its static code analysis capabilities in late 2015, it became evident that writing VBA (or VB6) code with Rubberduck loaded up in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) would inevitably change not only how we work in VBA, but also how we write our VBA code in the first place.

Rubberduck is essentially providing a bridge between VBA land where people just get in and have a go and the VS land where if you don’t know a great deal about software development, you just waste your time and burn. Rubberduck will put a lot of people on a big learning curve and this will result in a lot of questions.” – AndrewM- commented on Oct 9, 2015

There’s an old issue (#823, still opened as of this writing) about having a coding style guide somewhere, that would enshrine the philosophy behind what Rubberduck is, in a way, trying to make your code-writing be/become; I think that was a great idea and I’m hoping this post captures the essence of it, at least as far as thinking code goes.

About Code Inspections

If you fire up Rubberduck on any legacy VBA project with any significant amount of code, there’s a very high probability that static code analysis generates tons of inspection results, for various mundane little things. Should your goal be to quick-fix all the things and have code that doesn’t spawn any Rubberduck inspection results?

Perhaps surprisingly, the answer is a resounding “no”.

Severity Levels

In Rubberduck each inspection has a configurable “severity level” that defaults to Warning for most inspections (it’s the default-unless-specified-otherwise for all Rubberduck inspections):

  • Error level indicates a potential problem you likely want to pay immediate attention to, because it could be (or cause) a bug. If inspection results rendered in the code pane, these would be red squiggly underlines.
  • Warning level indicates a potential issue you should be aware of.
  • Suggestion level is usually used for various opportunities, not necessarily problems.
  • Hint level is also for various non-problematic opportunities. If inspection results rendered in the code pane, these would be a subtle dotted underline with a hover text.
  • DoNotShow disables the inspection: not only its results won’t show, they won’t even be generated.

By default, Rubberduck is configured to run all (that’s currently over 110, counting the hidden/Easter egg ones) inspections, with a handful of cherry-picked exceptions for inspections that would be flagging the exact opposite situation that another enabled inspection is already flagging – for example we ship implicit ByRef modifier enabled (as a Hint), but redundant ByRef modifier is disabled unless you give it a severity level that’s anything other than DoNotShow. This avoids “fixing” one inspection result only to get a new one flagging the exact opposite, which would be understandably confusing for users that aren’t familiar with static code analysis tooling.

Are inspections somehow imbued with the knowledge of whether you should treat them as errors, warnings, or mere hints and suggestions? Sometimes, yes. Missing Option Explicit should make a clear consensus at Error level. On the flipside, whether an implicit default member call or the use of an empty string literal should be a Warning, a Hint, or shown at all probably depends more on how comfortable or experienced you are with VBA/VB6 as a language, or could be just a personal preference; what matters is that the static code analysis tooling is letting you know something about the code, that the code alone isn’t necessarily saying.


One of the very first inspection to be implemented in Rubberduck was the Option Explicit inspection. Okay, part of it was just because it was a trivial one to implement even before we had an actual parser… but the basic idea was (and still is) that nobody knows everything, and it’s with our combined knowledge that we make a mighty bunch, and that is why static code analysis in Rubberduck explains the reasoning behind each inspection result: there are quite many things Rubberduck warns of, that I had no idea about 10 or 15 years ago. That never stopped me (and won’t stop you either) from writing VBA code that worked perfectly fine (except when it didn’t), but whether we realize and accept it or not… a macro written in VBA code is a set of executable instructions, which makes it a program, which makes the act of writing it programming, which makes us programmers.

Being programmers that write and maintain VBA code does set us apart, mostly because the language isn’t going anywhere and the IDE is becoming more and more severely outdated and under-featured as years pass. Yet if the volume of VBA questions on Stack Overflow means anything, VBA is still very much alive, still very much being learned, and this is where Rubberduck and static code analysis comes in.

When I started learning about .NET and C# over a decade ago, there was this exciting new language feature they called LINQ for Language-INtegrated-Query where you could start querying object collections pretty much literally like you would a database, and it was awesome (still is!). In order to make this possible, the C# compiler and the .NET framework and runtime itself had to undergo some very interesting changes Jon Skeet covers in details, but the point is… the new syntax was a bit off-putting at first, and came with new and important implications (closures, deferred execution), and the company I worked for gave us all a ReSharper license, and that is how and when I discovered that thorough & accurate static code analysis tooling could be a formidable educational tool.

And I want Rubberduck to be like that, to be the companion tool that looks at your code and reveals bits of trivia, hints like “hey did you know this conditional assignment could be simplified?“, or “if that condition was inverted you wouldn’t need this empty block here“.

Maybe we don’t agree about Hungarian Notation, and that’s fine: Rubberduck wants you to be able to find it and rename it if that’s what you want to do, but you can mute that particular inspection anytime. But I believe the tool should tell you what Systems Hungarian notation is when it calls it out, and perhaps it should even explain what Apps Hungarian is and give examples, because Apps Hungarian notation absolutely is useful and meaningful (think o-for-OneBased, or src-for-Source and dst-for-Destination prefixes). But str-for-String, lng-for-Long, o-for-Object is different, in a bad kind of way.

Rubberduck flags obsolete code constructs and keywords, too. Global declarations, On Local Error statements, explicit Call statements, While...Wend loops, all have no reason to exist in brand new, freshly-written VBA code, and quick-fixes can easily turn them into Public declarations, On Error statements, implicit Call statements (without the Call keyword!), and Do While...Loop structures.

Rubberduck wants to push your programming towards objectively, quantitatively better code.

About Code Metrics

Rubberduck could count the number of lines in a procedure, and issue an inspection result when it’s above a certain configurable threshold. In fact, things are slowly falling into place for it to eventually happen. But we wouldn’t want you to just arbitrarily cut a procedure scope at 20 lines because an inspection said so! Rubberduck can measure line count, nesting levels, and cyclomatic complexity. These metrics can be used to identify problematic areas in a code base and methodically split up large complex problems into measurably much smaller and simpler ones.

Line Count simply counts the number of lines. Eventually this would expand into Statements and Comments counts, perhaps with percentages; 10% comments is probably considered a good sign, for example. But no tool is going to tell you that ' increments i is a useless comment, and even the best tools would probably not tell the difference between a huge ' the following chunk of code does XYZ banner comment and an actually valuable comment. Common wisdom is to keep this line count metric down as much as possible, but one should not do this at the expense of readability.

Nesting Levels counts the number of… well, nesting levels. While nesting two For...Next loops to iterate a 2D array (or a Range of cells) down and across is probably reasonable, further nesting is probably better off made implicit through a procedure call. Rule of thumb, it’s always good idea to pull the body of a loop into its own parameterized procedure scope. Arrow-shaped code gets flattened, line count gets lower, and procedures become more specialized and have fewer reasons to fail that way.

Cyclomatic Complexity essentially calculates the number of independent execution paths in a given procedure (wikipedia). A procedure with a cyclomatic complexity above 5 is harder to follow than one with a complexity of 1 or 2, but it’s not uncommon for a “God procedure” with nested loops and conditionals to measure in the high 40s or above.

The code metrics feature will eventually get all the attention it deserves, but as with inspections the general idea is to highlight procedures that could be harder to maintain than necessary, and nudge our users towards:

  • Writing more, smaller, more specialized procedure scopes.
  • Passing parameters between procedures instead of using global variables.
  • Having more, smaller, more cohesive modules.

Navigating the VBE

You may or may not have noticed, but the Visual Basic Editor is nudging you in the exact opposite direction, because…

  • Having fewer, larger, more general-purpose procedures puts you in a scripting mindset.
  • Using globals instead of passing parameters around is perhaps a simpler thing to do.
  • Having fewer, larger, more general-purpose modules makes it simpler to share the code between projects, and arguably easier to find things in the Project Explorer.

If you’re actually writing a small script, you can and probably should absolutely do that.

But if you’re like me then you’ve been pushing VBA to do things it wasn’t really meant to do, and you’re maintaining actual applications that could just as well be written in any other language out there, but you’re doing it in VBA because [your reasons are valid, whatever they are].

And that’s kind of a problem, because the VBE seems to actively not want you to write proper object-oriented code: its navigation tooling indeed makes it very hard to work in a project with many small modules, let alone an OOP project involving explicit interfaces and high abstraction levels.

Rubberduck lifts pretty much all the IDE limitations that hinder treating a VBA project as more than just an automation script. Now you can have a project with 135 class modules, all neatly organized by functionality into folders that can contain any module type, so a UserForm can appear right next to the classes that use it, without needing to resort to any kind of ugly prefixing schemes. You can right-click on an abstract interface (or one of its members) and quickly find all classes that implement it. You get a Find symbol command that lets you quickly navigate to literally anything that has a name, anywhere in the project. Curious about the definition of a procedure, but don’t want to break your flow by navigating to it? Peek definition (currently only in pre-release builds) takes you there without leaving where you’re at.

The Peek Definition command pops a floating panel conveniently showing the source code for the user-defined module or member you’ve selected.
Find all References shows all the places a given identifier is being used, and shows it in context so you can easily locate the specific usage you’re looking for – and then a double-click takes you there.
The Find all Implementations command is incredibly useful in object-oriented projects that leverage polymorphism through abstract interfaces: quickly locate and navigate to any implementation of any interface (class or member).

The VBE’s Project Explorer aims to give you a bird’s eye view of your project, regrouping modules by module type which is great for a small script that can get away with a small number of components, but that makes it very hard to manage larger projects. With Rubberduck’s Code Explorer you get to drill down to member level, and regroup modules by functionality using an entirely customizable folder hierarchy:

The Code Explorer leaves the VBE’s Project Explorer in the dust, fair & square.

These navigational enhancements greatly simplify moving around a project of any size, although some of them might feel a bit overkill in a smaller project, and some of them are only useful in more advanced OOP scenarios. Still, having more than just a text-based search to look for things is very useful.


If there’s one single over-arching principle guiding everything else, it would have to be write code that does what it says, and says what it does. Everything else seems to stem from this. These are warmly recommended guidelines, not dogma.


  • Use PascalCase if you like. Use camelCase if you like. Consistency is what you want to shoot for, and in a case-insensitive language that only stores a single version of any identifier name it’s much easier and simpler to just use PascalCase everywhere and move on to more interesting things, like tabs vs spaces.
  • Avoid _ underscores in identifier names, especially in procedure/member names.
    • Causes compile errors with Implements.
  • Use meaningful names that can be pronounced.
  • Avoid disemvoweling (arbitrarily stripping vowels) and Systems Hungarian prefixing schemes.
  • A series of variables with a numeric suffix is a missed opportunity to use an array.
  • A good identifier name is descriptive enough that it doesn’t need an explainer comment.
  • Use a descriptive name that begins with a verb for Sub and Function procedures.
  • Use a descriptive name (a noun) for Property procedures and modules.
  • For object properties, consider naming them after the object type they’re returning, like Excel.Worksheet.Range returns a Range object, or like ADODB.Recordset.Fields returns a Fields object.
  • Appropriately name everything the code must interact with: if a rounded rectangle shape is attached to a DoSomething macro, the default “Rounded Rectangle 1” name should be changed to “DoSomethingButton” or something that tells us about its purpose. This includes all controls on a UserForm designer, too. CommandButton12 is useless; SearchButton is much better. Consider also naming the controls that don’t necessarily interact with code, too: future code might, and the author of that future code will appreciate that the bottom panel is named BottomPanel and not Label34.


Naming is hard enough, renaming things should be easy. With Rubberduck’s Rename refactoring (Ctrl+Shift+R) you can safely rename any identifier once, and all references to that identifier automatically get updated. Without a refactoring tool, renaming a form control can only be done from the Properties toolwindow (F4), and doing this instantly breaks any event handlers for it; renaming a variable by hand can be tedious, and renaming a single-letter variable like a or i with a local-scope find/replace (Ctrl+H) can get funny if the scope has any comments. Rubberduck knows the exact location of every reference to every identifier in your project, so if you have a module with two procedures that each declare a localThing, when you rename the local variable localThing in the first procedure, you’re not going to be affecting the localThing in the other procedure. But if you rename CommandButton1 to OkButton, then CommandButton1_Click() becomes OkButton_Click().

Parameters & Arguments

  • Prefer passing values as parameters instead of bumping the scope of a variable to module-level, or instead of declaring global variables.
  • Pass parameters ByVal whenever possible.
    • Arrays and User-Defined Type structures cannot and should not be passed by value.
    • Objects are never passed anywhere no matter the modifier: it’s only ever (ByVal: a copy of) a pointer that gets passed around – and most of the time the intent of the author is to pass that pointer by value. A pointer is simply a 32-bit or 64-bit integer value, depending on the bitness of the process; passing that pointer ByRef (explicitly or not) leaves more opportunities for programming errors.
  • Use an explicit ByRef modifier whenever passing parameters by reference.
  • Consider specifying an out prefix to name ByRef return parameters.
    • Consider using named arguments for out-prefixed ByRef return parameters.


  • Use the single quote ' character to denote a comment.
  • Avoid line-continuing comments; use single quotes at position 1 of each line instead.
  • Consider having a @ModuleDescription annotation at the top of each module.
  • Consider having a @Description annotation for each Public member of a module.
  • Remove comments that describe what an instruction does, replace with comments that explain why an instruction needs to do what it does.
  • Remove comments that summarize what a block of code does; replace with a call to a new procedure with a nice descriptive name.
  • Avoid cluttering a module with banner comments that state the obvious. We know they’re variables, or properties, or public methods: no need for a huge green comment banner to tell us.
  • Avoid cluttering a procedure scope with banner comments that split up the different responsibilities of a procedure: the procedure is doing too many things, split it up and appropriately name the new procedure instead.


  • Declare all variables, always. Option Explicit should be enabled at all times.
  • Declare an explicit data type, always. If you mean As Variant, make it say As Variant.
  • Consider using a Variant to pass arrays between scopes, instead of typed arrays (e.g. String()).
    • Pluralize these identifier names: it signals a plurality of elements/items much more elegantly than Pirate Notation (arr*) does.
  • Avoid Public fields in class modules; encapsulate them with a Property instead.
  • Consider using a backing user-defined Private Type structure for the backing fields of class properties; doing so eliminates the need for a prefixing scheme, lets a property be named exactly as per its corresponding backing field, and cleans up the locals toolwindow by grouping the fields under a single module variable.
  • Limit the scope of variables as much as possible. Prefer passing parameters and keeping the value in local scope over promoting the variable to a larger scope.
  • Declare variables where you’re using them, as you need them. You should never need to scroll anywhere to see the declaration of a variable you’re looking at.

Late Binding

Late binding has precious little to do with CreateObject and whether or not a library is referenced. In fact, late binding happens implicitly rather easily, and way too often. Strive to remain in early-bound realm all the time: when the compiler / IntelliSense doesn’t know what you’re doing, you’re on your own, and even Option Explicit can’t save you from a typo (and error 438).

  • Avoid making a member call against Object or Variant. If a compile-time type exists that’s usable with that object, a local variable of that data type should be assigned (Set) the Object reference and the member call made early-bound against this local variable.
    • Taking an object presenting one interface and assigning it to another data type is called “casting”.
  • Of course explicit late binding is OK (As Object, no library reference, create objects with CreateObject instead of the New operator). Late binding is very useful and has many legitimate uses, but generally not when the object type is accessible at compile-time through a library reference.
  • Avoid the dictionary-access (aka “bang”) operator !, it is late-bound by definition, and makes what’s actually a string literal read like a member name, and any member call chained to it is inevitably late-bound too. Rubberduck can parse and resolve these, but they’re much harder to process than standard method calls.


  • Use explicit modifiers everywhere (Public/Private, ByRef/ByVal).
  • Declare an explicit data type, even (especially!) if it’s Variant.
  • Avoid implicit qualifiers for all member calls: in Excel watch for implicit ActiveSheet references, implicit ActiveWorkbook references, implicit containing worksheet references, and implicit containing workbook references, as they are an extremely frequent source of bugs.
  • Invoke parameterless default members explicitly.
    • Note: some object models define a hidden default member (e.g. Range.[_Default]) that redirects to another member depending on its parameterization. In such cases it’s best to invoke that member directly; for example use Range.Value as appropriate, but the hidden [_Default] member is better off not being invoked at all, for both readability and performance reasons.
  • Invoke parameterized default members implicitly when they are indexers that get a particular item in an object collection, for example the Item property of a Collection. Invoking them explicitly doesn’t hurt, but could be considered rather verbose.
  • Call is not a keyword that needs to be in your program’s vocabulary when you use expressive, descriptive procedure names that imply an action taking place.
  • Consider explicitly qualifying standard module member calls with the project (and module) name, including for standard and referenced libraries, especially in VBA projects that reference multiple object models.

Structured Programming (Procedural)

  • One macro/script per module. Do have it in a module rather than a worksheet’s code-behind.
  • Public procedure first, followed by parameterized Private procedures, in decreasing abstraction level order such that the top reads like a summary and the bottom like boring, small but specific operations.
    • You know it’s done right when you introduce a second macro/module and get to pull the small, low-abstraction, specific operations into Public members of a utility module, and reuse them.
  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY).
  • Consider passing the relevant state to another procedure when entering a block of code. Code is simpler and easier to follow when the body of a loop or a conditional block is pulled into its own scope.
  • Avoid using error handling to control the flow of execution: the best error handling is no error handling at all, because assumptions are checked and things are validated. For example instead of opening a file from a parameter value, first verify that the file exists instead of handling a file not found error… but still handle errors, for any exceptional situations that might occur while accessing the file.
  • When it’s not possible to avoid error handling, consider extracting a Boolean function that swallows the expected error and returns False on failure, to simplify the logic.
  • Handle errors around all file and network I/O.
  • Never trust user inputs to be valid or formatted as expected.

Object Oriented Programming

In VBA/VB6 we get to go further than mere scripting and apply Object-Oriented Programming principles, probably more relevantly so in VB6 and larger VBA projects. For many years it has been drilled into our heads that VBA/VB6 cannot do “real” OOP because it doesn’t support inheritance. The truth is that there is much, much more to OOP than inheritance, and if you want to learn and apply OOP principles in your VBA/VB6 code, you absolutely can, and you absolutely should, and Rubberduck will absolutely help you do that.

  • Adhere to standard OOP best practices, they are general, language-agnostic concepts that couldn’t care less about the capabilities of VBA/VB6:
    • Single Responsibility Principle – each abstraction should be responsible for one thing.
    • Open/Closed Principle – write code that doesn’t need to change unless the purpose of the abstraction itself needs to change.
    • Liskov Substitution Principle – code should run the exact same execution paths regardless of the concrete implementation of a given abstraction.
    • Interface Segregation Principle – keep interfaces small and specialized, avoid a design that constantly needs new members to be added to an interface.
    • Dependency Inversion Principle – depend on abstractions, not concrete implementations.
  • Leverage composition where inheritance would be needed.
  • You cannot have parameterized constructors, but you still can leverage property injection in factory methods to inject instance-level dependencies.
  • Leverage method injection to inject method-level dependencies.
  • Avoid New-ing dependencies in-place, it couples a class with another, which hinders testability; inject the dependencies instead.
    • Use the New keyword in your composition root, as close as possible to an entry point.
    • The Workbook_Open event handler (Excel) is a possible entry point.
    • Macros (Sub procedures invoked from outside the code) are also valid entry points.
    • Let go of the idea that a module must control every last one of its dependencies: let something else deal with creating or dereferencing these objects.
  • Inject an abstract factory when a dependency cannot or should not be created at the composition root, for example if you needed to connect to a database and wish to keep the connection object as short-lived and tightly-scoped as possible.
  • Keep the default instance of a class stateless as much as possible. Actively protect/guard against accidental misuse by throwing a run-time error as necessary.
  • Use standard modules instead of a utility class with a @PredeclaredId, that never gets explicitly instantiated or used as an actual object.

User Interfaces

UI code is inherently object-oriented, and thus a UserForm should be treated as the object it wants to be. The responsibilities of a user interface are simple: display and collect data to/from the user, and/or offer a way to execute commands (which typically consume or otherwise manipulate the data).

  • Avoid working directly with the form’s default instance. New it up instead.
  • Form module / code-behind should be strictly concerned with presentation concerns.
    • Do implement UI logic in form’s code-behind, e.g. enable this control when this command says it can be executed, or show this label when the model isn’t valid, etc.
  • Consider creating a model class to encapsulate the form’s state/data.
    • Expose a read/write property for each editable field on the form.
    • Expose a read-only property for data needed by the controls (e.g. the items of a ListBox).
    • Controls’ Change handlers manipulate the model properties.
    • Expose additional methods and properties as needed for data/input validation.
      • Consider having an IsValid property that returns True when all required values are supplied and valid, False otherwise; use this property to enable or disable the form’s Accept button.
  • Avoid implementing any kind of side-effecting logic in a CommandButton‘s Click handler. A CommandButton should invoke a command, right?
    • In procedural code the command might be a Public Sub procedure in a standard module named after the form, e.g. a SomeDialogCommands module for a SomeDialog form.
    • In OOP the command might be a property-injected instance of a DoSomethingCommand class; the Click handler invokes the command’s Execute method and could pass the model as a parameter.
  • Consider implementing a presenter object that is responsible for owning and displaying the form instance; the Model-View-Presenter UI pattern is well documented, and like everything OOP, its concepts aren’t specific to any language or platform.

Caveat: Microsoft Access Data-Bound UI

VBA projects hosted in Microsoft Access can absolutely use UserForm modules too, but without Rubberduck you need to hunt down the IDE command for it because it’s hidden. Instead, in Access you mostly create Access Forms, which (being document modules owned by the host application) have much more in common with a Worksheet module in Excel than with a UserForm.

The paradigm is different in an Access form, because of data bindings: a data-bound form is inherently coupled with the underlying database storage, and any effort to decouple the UI from the database is working directly against everything Access is trying to make easier for you.

Treating an Access form the way one would treat a worksheet UI in Excel puts you in a bit of a different mindset. Imagine the Battleship worksheet UI implemented as an Access form: the game would be updating game state records in the underlying database, and instead of having code to pull the game state into the UI there would only need to be code to re-query the game state, and the data bindings would take care of updating the actual UI – and then the game could easily become multi-player, with two clients connecting to the database and sharing the same game state.

This is very fundamentally different than how one would go about getting the data into the controls without such data bindings. Binding the UI directly to a data source is perfectly fine when that data source happens to be running in the very same process your VBA code is hosted in: Access’ Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach is perfectly valid in this context, and its global objects and global state make a nice beginner-friendly API to accomplish quite a lot, even with only a minimal understanding of the programming language (and probably a bit of Access-SQL).

If we’re talking about unbound MS-Access forms, then it’s probably worth exploring Model-View-Presenter and Model-View-Controller architectures regardless: in such exploratory OOP scenarios the above recommendations can all hold.

UI Design

I’m not going to pretend to be a guru of UI design, but over the years I’ve come to find myself consistently incorporating the same elements in my modal forms, and it has worked very well for me so here we go turning that into general guidelines.

  • TopPanel is a Label control with a white background that is docked at the top and tall enough to comfortably fit short instructions.
  • BottomPanel is also a Label control, with a dark gray background, docked at the bottom and no more than 32 pixels in height.
  • DialogTitle is another Label control with a bold font, overlapping the TopPanel control.
  • DialogInstructions is another Label control overlapping the TopPanel control.
  • DialogIcon is an Image control for a 16×16 or 24×24 .bmp icon aligned left, at the same Top coordinate as the DialogTitle control.
  • OkButton, CancelButton, CloseButton, ApplyButton would be CommandButton controls overlapping the BottomPanel control, right-aligned.

The actual client area content layout isn’t exactly free-for-all, and I doubt it’s possible to come up with a set of “rules” that can apply universally, but we can try, yeah?

  • Identify each field with a label; align all fields to make it look like an implicit grid.
  • Seek visual balance; ensure a relatively constant margin on all sides of the client area, space things out but not too much. Use Frame controls to group ComboBox options.
  • Avoid making a complex form with too many responsibilities and, inevitably, too many controls. Beyond a certain complexity level, consider making separate forms instead of tabs.
  • Use Segoe UI for a more modern font than MS Sans Serif.
  • Do not bold all the labels.
  • Have a ToolTip string for the label of every field the user must interact with. If a field is required or demands a particular format/pattern, indicate it.
  • Consider toggling the visibility of a 16×16 icon next to (or even inside, right-aligned) input fields, to clearly indicate any data validation errors (have a tooltip string on the image control with the validation error message, e.g. “this field is required”, or “value cannot be greater than 100”).
  • Name. All. The. Things.
  • Use background colors in input controls only to strongly signal something to the user, like a validation error that must be corrected in order to move on. Dark red text over a light pink background makes a very strong statement.
  • Keep a consistent color scheme/palette and style across all of your application’s UI components.

This pretty much concludes the “guidelines” section (although I’ll quite probably be adding more to it), but since discussing unit testing and testability lines up with everything above…

Unit Testing

A unit test is a small, simple procedure that is responsible for 3 things:

  1. Arrange dependencies and set expectations.
  2. Act, by invoking the method or function under test.
  3. Assert that the expected result matches the actual one.

When a unit test runs, Rubberduck tracks Assert.Xxxx method calls and their outcome; if a single Assert call fails, the test fails. Such automated tests are very useful to document the requirements of a particular model class, or the behavior of a given utility function with multiple optional parameters. With enough coverage, tests can actively prevent regression bugs from being inadvertently introduced as the code is maintained and modified: if a tweak breaks a test, you know exactly what functionality you broke, and if all tests are green you know the code is still going to behave as intended.

Have a test module per unit/class you’re testing, and consider naming the test methods following a MethodUnderTest_GivenAbcThenXyz, where MethodUnderTest is the name of the method you’re testing, Abc is a particular condition, and Xyz is the outcome. For tests that expect an error, consider following a MethodUnderTest_GivenAbc_Throws naming pattern. Rubberduck will not warn about underscores in test method names, and these underscores are safe because Rubberduck test modules are standard modules, and unit test naming recommendations usually heavily favor being descriptive over being concise.

What to test?

You want to test each object’s public interface, and treat an object’s private members as implementation details. You do NOT want to test implementation details. For example if a class’ default interface only exposes a handful of Property Get members and a Create factory method that performs property-injection and a handful of properties, then there should be tests that validate that each of the parameters of the Create method correspond to an injected property. If one of the parameters isn’t allowed to be Nothing, then there should be a guard clause in the Create method for it, and a unit test that ensures a specific error is being raised when the Create method is invoked with Nothing for that parameter.

Below is one such simple example, where we have 2 properties and a method; note how tests for the private InjectDependencies function would be redundant if the public Create function is already covered – the InjectDependencies function is an implementation detail of the Create function:

Option Explicit
Implements IClass1
Private Type TState
    SomeValue As String
    SomeDependency As Object
End Type
Private This As TState
Public Function Create(ByVal SomeValue As String, ByVal SomeDependency As Object) As IClass1
    If SomeValue = vbNullString Then Err.Raise 5
    If SomeDependency Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5
    Dim Result As Class1
    Set Result = New Class1
    InjectProperties Result, SomeValue, SomeDependency
    Set Create = Result
End Function
Private Sub InjectProperties(ByVal Instance As Class1, ByVal SomeValue As String, ByVal SomeDependency As Object)
    Instance.SomeValue = SomeValue
    Set Instance.SomeDependency = SomeDependency
End Sub
Public Property Get SomeValue() As String
    SomeValue = This.SomeValue
End Property
Public Property Let SomeValue(ByVal RHS As String)
    This.SomeValue = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get SomeDependency() As Object
    SomeDependency = This.SomeDependency
End Property
Public Property Set SomeDependency(ByVal RHS As Object)
    Set This.SomeDependency = RHS
End Property
Private Property Get IClass1_SomeValue() As String
    IClass1_SomeValue = This.SomeValue
End Property
Private Property Get IClass1_SomeDependency() As Object
    IClass1_SomeDependency = This.SomeDependency
End Property

Note: the property injection mechanism doesn’t need a Property Get member on the Class1 interface, however not exposing a Property Get member for a property that has a Property Let (and/or Property Set) procedure, would leave the property as write-only on the Class1 interface. Write-only properties would be flagged as a design smell, so there’s a conundrum here: either we expose a Property Get that nothing is calling (except unit tests, perhaps), or we expose a write-only property (with a comment that explains its property injection purpose). There is no right or wrong, only a consistent design matters.

If we were to write unit tests for this class, we would need at least:

  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with an "" empty string for the first argument and fails if error 5 isn’t raised by the procedure call.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with Nothing for the second argument and fails if error 5 isn’t raised by the procedure call.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with valid arguments and fails if the returned object is Nothing.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with valid arguments and fails if the Class1.SomeValue property doesn’t return the value of the first argument.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with valid arguments and fails if the Class1.SomeDependency property doesn’t return the very same object reference as was passed for the second argument.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with valid arguments and fails if the IClass1.SomeValue property doesn’t return the same value as Class1.SomeValue does.
  • One test that invokes Class1.Create with valid arguments and fails if the IClass1.SomeDependency property doesn’t return the same object reference as Class1.SomeDependency does.

Obviously that’s just a simplified example, but it does perfectly illustrate the notion that the answer to “what to test?” is simply “every single execution path”… of every public member (private members are implementation details that are invoked from the public members; if they specifically need tests, then they deserve to be their own concern-addressing class module).

What is testable?

Without the Property Get members of Class1 and/or IClass1, we wouldn’t be able to test that the Create method is property-injecting SomeValue and SomeDependency, because the object’s internal state is encapsulated (as it should be). Therefore, there’s an implicit assumption that a Property Get member for a property-injected dependency is returning the encapsulated value or reference, and nothing more: by writing tests that rely on that assumption, we are documenting it.

Now SomeDependency might be an instance of another class, and that class might have its own encapsulated state, dependencies, and testable logic. A more meaty Class1 module might have a method that invokes SomeDependency.DoSomething, and the tests for that method would have to be able to assert that SomeDependency.DoSomething has been invoked once.

If Class1 wasn’t property-injecting SomeDependency (for example if SomeDependency was being New‘d it up instead), we would not be able to write such a test, because the outcome of the test might be dependent on a method being called against that dependency.

A simple example would be Class1 newing up a FileSystemObject to iterate the files of a given folder. In such a case, FileSystemObject is a dependency, and if Class1.DoSomething is newing it up directly then every time Class1.DoSomething is called, it’s going to try and iterate the files of a given folder, because that’s what a FileSystemObject does, it hits the file system. And that’s slow. I/O (file, network, …and user) is dependent on so many things that can go wrong for so many reasons, having it interfere with tests is something you want to avoid.

The way to avoid having user, network, and file inputs and outputs interfere with the tests of any method, is to completely let go of the “need” for a method to control any of its dependencies. The method doesn’t need to create a new instance of a FileSystemObject; what it really needs is actually a much simpler any object that’s capable of returning a list of files or file names in a given folder.

So instead of this:

Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal Path As String)
    With CreateObjet("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        ' gets the Path folder...
        ' iterates all files...
        ' ...
    End With
End Sub

We would do this:

Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal Path As String, ByVal FileProvider As IFileProvider)
    Dim Files As Variant
    Files = FileProvider.GetFiles(Path)
    ' iterates all files...
    ' ...
End Sub

Where IFileProvider would be an interface/class module that might look like this:

Option Explicit
'@Description "Returns an array containing the file names under the specified folder."
Public Function GetFiles(ByVal Path As String) As Variant
End Function

That interface might very well be implemented in a class module named FileProvider that uses a FileSystemObject to return the promised array.

It could also be implemented in another class module, named TestFileProvider, that uses a ParamArray parameter so that unit tests can take control of the IFileProvider dependency and inject (here by method injection) a TestFileProvider instance. The DoSomething method doesn’t need to know where the file names came from, only that it can expect an array of existing, valid file names from IFileProvider.GetFiles(String). If the DoSomething method indeed doesn’t care where the files came from, then it’s adhering to pretty much all OOP design principles, and now a test can be written that fails if DoSomething is doing something wrong – as opposed to a test that might fail if some network drive happens to be dismounted, or works locally when working from home but only with a VPN.

The hard part is obviously identifying the dependencies in the first place. If you’re refactoring a procedural VBA macro, you must determine what the inputs and outputs are, what objects hold the state that’s being altered, and devise a way to abstract them away and inject these dependencies from the calling code – whether that caller is the original entry point macro procedure, or a new unit test.


In the above example, the TestFileProvider implementation of the IFileProvider dependency is essentially a test stub: you actually write a separate implementation for the sole purpose of being able to run the code with fake dependencies that don’t incur any file, network, or user I/O. Reusing these stubs in “test” macros that wire up the UI by injecting the test stubs instead of the actual implementations, should result in the application running normally… without hitting any file system or network.

With mocks, you don’t need to write a “test” implementation. Instead, you configure an object provided by a mocking framework to behave as the method/test needs, and the framework implements the mocked interface with an object that can be injected, that verifiably behaves as configured.

Sounds like magic? A lot of it actually is, from a VBA/VB6 standpoint. Many tests in Rubberduck leverage a very popular mocking framework called Moq. What we’re going to be releasing as an experimental feature is not only a COM-visible wrapper around Moq. The fun part is that the Moq methods we need to use are generic methods that take lambda expressions as parameters, so our wrapper needs to expose an API VBA code can use, and then “translate” it into member calls into the Moq API, but because they’re generic methods and the mocked interface is a COM object, we essentially build a .NET type on the fly to match the mocked VBA/COM interface, so that’s what Moq actually mocks: a .NET interface type Rubberduck makes up at run-time from any COM object. Moq uses Castle Windsor under the hood to spawn instances of proxy types – made-up actual objects that actually implement one or more interfaces. Castle Windsor is excellent at what it does; we use CW to automate dependency injection in Rubberduck (a technique dubbed Inversion of Control, where a single container object is responsible for creating all instances of all objects in the application in the composition root; that’s what’s going on while Rubberduck’s splash screen is being displayed).

There is a problem though: CW seems to be caching types with the reasonable but still implicit assumption that the type isn’t going to change at run-time. In our case however, this means mocking a VBA interface once and then modifying that interface (e.g. adding, removing, or reordering members, or changing a member signature in any way) and re-running the test would still be mocking the old interface, as long as the host process lives. This isn’t a problem for mocking a Range or a Worksheet dependency, but VBA user code is being punished here.

Verifiable Invocations

Going back to the IFileProvider example, the GetFiles method could be configured to return a hard-coded array of bogus test strings, and a test could be made to turn green when IFileProvider.GetFiles is invoked with the same specific Path parameter value that was given to Class1.DoSomething. If you were stubbing IFileProvider, you would perhaps increment a counter every time IFileProvider_GetFiles is invoked, and expose that counter with a property that the test could Assert is equal to an expected value. With Moq, you can make a test fail by invoking a Verify method on the mock itself, that verifies whether the specified method was invoked as configured.

A best practice with mocking would be to only setup the minimal amount of members to make the test work, because of the performance overhead: if a mocked interface has 5 methods and 3 properties but the method under test only needs 2 of these methods and 1 of these properties, then it should only setup these. Verification makes mocking a very valuable tool to test behavior that relies on side-effects and state changes.

The best part is that because VBA is COM, then everything is an interface, so if you don’t have an IFileProvider interface but you’re still passing a FileProvider object as a dependency, then you can mock the FileProvider directly and don’t need to introduce any extra “just-for-testing” IFileProvider interface if you don’t already have one.

I’m going to stop here and just publish, otherwise I’ll be editing this post forever. So much is missing…

Globals and Ambient Context

Most of the time, we don’t need any global variables. State can usually be neatly encapsulated in an object, and a reference to this object can easily be passed as an argument to any procedure scope that needs it. But global scope is neither a necessary evil, nor necessarily evil. Like many things in programming, it’s a tool, and like many other tools, misusing it can cause pain.

The VBA code and host Excel workbook accompanying this article can be found on GitHub.

What is Global Scope?

When we declare a variable inside a procedure, we call it a “local variable” in reference to its scope being local to the procedure. “Module variables” are accessible within any procedure scope within the module they’re declared in. Public members of private modules (and Friend members of public modules) are only accessible within the project they live in, and Public members of public modules are global and can be accessed from other projects.

The different scopes of VBA: Global, project, module, and local.

Because in VBA class modules are private by default, and a public class is only PublicNotCreatable (as in, a referencing project cannot create a New instance of a class, factory methods must be provided), and also because “actually global” is in reality slightly more complicated than that (the VB_GlobalNamespace attribute is always going to be False for a VBA class), for the sake of simplicity when I talk about “global scope” and “globals” in this article, I’m treating global and project scopes as one and the same – but it’s important to know the difference, especially more so in scenarios where a VBA/Excel add-in/library is being referenced by other VBA projects, where a tidy public API is handy.

Rubberduck recommends using the Dim keyword only in local scope, and to use the Private keyword to declare module-level variables. It also recommends using Public over Global, because nothing is really “global” in VBA and that makes the deprecated keyword potentially confusing. The Global keyword really means Public in VBA, and should be avoided.

Picture the VBA runtime executing some macro procedure and some variable needs to be incremented by 1. Scope determines whether that variable identifier is referring to a local, module, or global declaration. Accessibility is how we use code to restrict scope, using keywords like Private, Public, or Friend: if the variable identifier exists in a public module but is declared with the Private keyword, then it’s inaccessible and not in scope for the procedure we’re in.

So in search for the variable’s declaration we look for a local scope declaration by that name. If there isn’t any, we look for a module scope declaration for that name. Not there? We look at everything we can see in project scope. If we still haven’t found it then, we look for the declaration in the referenced libraries and projects, in priority order (so, the VBA standard library, then the host application’s own object model library, then everything else).

That’s scoping. Scopes and accessibility are closely related, but they’re different things. Think of accessibility as a tool to shape your private and public interfaces and APIs, keeping in mind that in VBA all module members are implicitly Public unless their declaration states otherwise.

Globals and Testability

Global variables are very useful: having a piece of data that is accessible from anywhere in the code does have its advantages. Used wisely, globals can very elegantly address cross-cutting concerns. Instead of having every method responsible for its own logging, or instead of passing a Logger instance to every method, each scope can access a single global Logger object (or invoke the same Log utility procedure), and there really isn’t any problem with that, …until you realize that your unit tests are all needlessly writing logs to some file under C:\Dev\VBA because the global logger is doing its job whether or not the code invoking it is being executed from a test runner… and this is making tests run code that isn’t related to these tests’ purpose: if there’s a bug in the logger code, it’s a test about the logger code that should be failing, not every single other test that couldn’t care less for the logging functionality.

From a testability standpoint, code with global dependencies can be difficult, if not impossible to test. In the case of a global Logger dependency, the logger’s interface would need to expose some kind of “kill switch” that tests can invoke to disable logging… but then modifying an otherwise perfectly good interface for the sake of making the object aware of whether it’s being invoked from a test or not, isn’t ideal at all (we’ll see why in a bit).

This Logger is a good example of a legitimate global service, but it’s “user code” that could always be pragmatically modified to accommodate testing. What about code that depends on global-scope services that aren’t “user code”?

Treating the Excel Object Model as a Dependency

Imagine needing to write tests for user-defined functions (UDF) that store a number of values in a global Dictionary and then schedule a macro that then runs (asynchronously!) and sends these values over to some web API that returns data that then ends up on the worksheet, underneath the calling UDF; the functions have dependencies on Application.Caller and Application.OnTime: we don’t own the Application global object, and we can’t modify its code to accommodate testing – what then?

Writing tests for a UDF is normally trivial: the function takes inputs, computes a result, and then returns it. Tests can supply various inputs and run the function through all kinds of cases and assert that it handles them correctly, by simply comparing its return value with what’s expected, and exceptional edge cases can have tests asserting that the expected error is thrown.

Writing tests for a side-effecting UDF that temporarily stores data in global scope is a lot more challenging, for many reasons. Remember, unit tests:

  • Should reliably produce the same outcome regardless of any external factors;
  • Should be fast, and not involve any I/O or network activity;
  • Should be able to be executed individually or in any given order without affecting outcome;
  • Should be able to be executed concurrently (at least in theory – VBA won’t run concurrent code).

With state shared between the tests, we have to be careful to correctly setup and clean-up that state before & after each test, so that each test gets a fresh canvas in a controlled environment… and then we can live with VBA unit tests that would likely break if executed concurrently, because VBA can’t run them concurrently anyway.

Testing Untestable Things

Back to this not-so-crazy UDF scenario with the Application.OnTime hack: it wouldn’t be acceptable for a test to literally wait for Excel to decide it’s time to invoke a macro, not any more than a test should be sending any actual HTTP requests (although that would be very a good way to actually be testing an API’s rate limits and get acquainted with throttling, I guess), let alone parse and process an actual HTTP response.

Such a user-defined function involves too many moving parts soldered together to be testable: making the code testable involves making the parts moving parts again, and yes it involves a proverbial blowtorch and lots of proverbial sparks flying everywhere.

Refactoring code to make it testable is a lot of fun, but the first step is, ideally, to fully grasp what’s going on and why.

If you aren’t familiar with using Application.OnTime in user-defined functions (only indirectly, because Application.OnTime calls, like run-time errors and many other members in the Excel object model, get “swallowed” when Excel is evaluating a UDF), it’s a pretty cool process that goes like this:

The calling cell contains the UDF’s return value just before the macro gets asynchronously invoked and produces its own output.

So if a UDF stored its arguments as key/value pairs in a global-scope dictionary, if all goes well and according to plan, the macro that runs a moment later gets to consume this data.

By storing the Application.Caller cell object reference in global scope, the side-effecting macro gets to know where to put its results table. There’s always the possibility that a second UDF overwrites this global state during the split-second between the moment a first UDF writes it and the moment the scheduled asynchronous read of this global state actually happens: it’s important to keep in mind that Ambient Context does not inherently address this particular problem; the state is still global and mutable from anywhere in the code, and there is never any guarantee that any scope will run to completion before the VBA runtime decides it’s an asynchronous callback’s turn to run.

The Application.Caller member isn’t going to return a Range reference when it’s not a worksheet cell invoking the function, we can’t afford to wait for Application.OnTime, and we’d like to avoid actually invoking any Win32 API functions during a test. That UDF simply isn’t testable as-is.

The solution is to introduce an abstraction to wrap the Application members we need, and make the side-effecting UDFs depend on that abstraction instead of invoking Application members directly.

AbstractionThe untestable code might look something like this:

Public Function SideEffectingUDF(ByVal FirstParameter As String, ByVal SecondParameter As Long) As Variant
    Set SomeGlobalRange = Application.Caller.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
    With SomeGlobalDictionary
        .Add "FirstParameter", FirstParameter
        .Add "SecondParameter", SecondParameter
    End With
End Function

Where ScheduleMacro involves a Win32 API call to schedule the execution of an Execute procedure that handles the Application.OnTime scheduling of the actual side-effecting procedure.

We want to be able to write a test that invokes this SideEffectingUDF function, and determines whether Application.Caller was invoked: Application.Caller is a dependency here, and for the test to be able to fulfill its purpose we must find a way to inject the dependencies so they can be controlled by the test, from outside the function.

Note how narrow such a test would be: it asserts that the UDF gets the Application.Caller reference, nothing more. Other tests would be similarly narrow, but for other things, and we don’t want a failing Application.Caller member call to interfere with these other tests by throwing error 91 before the test gets to do its thing. Whether or not we need to know if a UDF does or does not invoke Application.Caller, we still need a way to abstract the dependency away, to stub it.

You may be thinking “oh that’s easy” and be tempted go down this path:

Public Function SideEffectingUDF(ByVal FirstParameter As String, ByVal SecondParameter As Long) As Variant
    If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Excel.Range Then
        ' caller is a worksheet cell
        Set ThatGlobalCell = Application.Caller.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
        With ThatGlobalDictionary
            .Add "FirstParameter", FirstParameter
            .Add "SecondParameter", SecondParameter
        End With
        ScheduleMacro "SideEffectingMacro"
        ' caller is a unit test
        Set ThatGlobalCell = Sheet1.Cells(1, 1) ' tests can read as "Application.Caller was invoked"
        With ThatGlobalDictionary
            .Add "FirstParameter", FirstParameter
            .Add "SecondParameter", SecondParameter
        End With
        SideEffectingUDF = True ' tests can read this as "macro was scheduled"
    End If
End Function

While it does solve the problem of avoiding to involve Application.Caller and actually scheduling the macro in tests, there are several reasons why this is a terrible idea:

  • Function now has a higher Cyclomatic Complexity metric by virtue of now needing more execution paths to accomplish the same thing: the code is objectively and measurably more complex now, on top of being repetitive (copying & pasting any code is usually a sign something is off!).
  • Tests are no longer executing the same code as normal execution does, which means tests are now testing code that only exists because there are tests: the normal execution path remains untested, and that makes the tests worthless busy-work.
  • Tests now need to be making assumptions about how the function is implemented, which effectively casts the code into concrete instead of making it simpler & safer to modify.
  • Dependencies should be abstractions, and code should be working with these abstractions without regards to their actual implementation: code that acts differently when the runtime type of an abstraction is X vs when it’s Y, violates the Liskov Substitution Principle, the “L” of “SOLID” that essentially states that all implementations of a given abstraction should be treated the same.

The killer is the second bullet: if the sole purpose of a test is to determine whether Application.Caller was invoked, and the UDF says “oh we’re in a test, here yeah everything is all right, see”, then a UDF that does nothing but returning True would pass that test, and that is why the test is useless, as is the code duplication.

When we write a test whose purpose is to determine whether the Application.Caller dependency was invoked, the test should FAIL when it isn’t, otherwise that test is just as good as a deleted one.

Now picture the UDF looking like this instead:

Public Function SideEffectingUDF(ByVal FirstParameter As String, ByVal SecondParameter As Long) As Variant
    With AppContext.Current
        Set .Target = .Caller.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
        .Property("FirstParameter") = FirstParameter
        .Property("SecondParameter") = SecondParameter
    End With
End Function

The UDF now only has one dependency, AppContext.Current, which is global state by virtue of being accessible from the default instance of the AppContext class; we’re tightly coupled with the AppContext class, but only because we specifically want to access global state in a controlled manner, and the rest of the function is working against the IAppContext abstraction. The state that was formerly a Range and a Dictionary globally-scoped declaration is now properly encapsulated in an object, and the “current” AppContext is coming into existence from outside the UDF scope (but still from within our own code), which is exactly what we want: now unit tests get to inject a TestContext instead of manipulating global state.

So how do we get there?


The basic idea is to pull our dependencies from global scope, encapsulate them in a class module, …and then making an instance of that class an “ambient context” that’s still globally accessible, but that introduces the necessary abstraction needed to make that UDF fully testable.

We want to leverage the default instance of the AppContext class, so we’re going to need an AppContext class with a @PredeclaredId annotation and a Current property getter that returns some IAppContext instance. If you’re familiar with factory methods this will feel a bit like something you’ve already seen:

Option Explicit
Implements IAppContext
Private Type TState
    Factory As IAppContextFactory
    Current As IAppContext
End Type
Private This As TState
'@Description "Gets the current (or default) context."
Public Property Get Current() As IAppContext
    Errors.GuardNonDefaultInstance Me, AppContext, TypeName(Me)
    If This.Current Is Nothing Then
        Set This.Current = This.Factory.Create
        Errors.GuardNullReference This.Factory, TypeName(Me), "IAppContextFactory.Create returned Nothing."
    End If
    Set Current = This.Current
End Property
Private Property Get IsDefaultInstance() As Boolean
    IsDefaultInstance = Me Is AppContext
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    If IsDefaultInstance Then
        'must initialize context with sensible defaults:
        Set This.Factory = New AppContextFactory
        Set This.TimerProvider = New TimerProvider
        Set This.Properties = New Scripting.Dictionary
        'we want all instances to have the same provider instance:
        Set This.TimerProvider = AppContext.TimerProvider
    End If
End Sub

We don’t normally want Property Get procedures to be side-effecting, but with an Ambient Context what we want is to yield a cached instance of the context class, so when no instance already exists, the getter caches the created object so it’s readily available next time, making it accessible from anywhere in the project (aka “global”).

Abstract Factory

The default instance of the AppContext class does not know what the actual runtime type of the Current context is, and this polymorphism is the cornerstone making it all work: the Current property getter is responsible for caching the new context instance, but not for actually creating it. That’s the job of an abstract factory (the IAppContextFactory dependency) that we conveniently initialize to a concrete factory type that creates instances of… the AppContext class.

Why involve an abstract factory to create an instance of the class we’re in, you might ask? Because that’s only the default implementation, and with ability to Set the Factory reference from outside the class, tests can inject a different factory implementation, say, this one named TestContextFactory:

'@Folder "Tests.Stubs"
'@ModuleDescription "A factory that creates TestContext instances."
Option Explicit
Implements IAppContextFactory
Private Function IAppContextFactory_Create() As IAppContext
    Set IAppContextFactory_Create = New TestContext
End Function

Meanwhile the actual UDFs would be using this AppContextFactory implementation by default:

'@Folder "AmbientContext"
'@ModuleDescription "A factory that creates AppContext instances."
Option Explicit
Implements IAppContextFactory
Private Function IAppContextFactory_Create() As IAppContext
    Set IAppContextFactory_Create = New AppContext
End Function

The AppContext.Current property will happily cache an instance of any class whatsoever, as long as it implements the IAppContext interface. The abstract factory pattern allows us to spawn an instance of a class at run-time, of which we don’t necessarily know the actual “concrete” type at compile-time.

In other words just by reading the UDF code, there is no way to tell whether AppContext.Current is going to be an AppContext or a TestContext instance, and that is exactly what we want.

What this abstraction achieves, is the decoupling that is necessary for a test to be able to inject a TestContextFactory and take control of everything UDFs can do with an IAppContext object.

Context State

We know the context needs to wrap Application.Caller and Application.OnTime functionality. We know we need a Target cell, we need some Properties in an encapsulated Scripting.Dictionary. If we crammed all that into a single interface, we would get a somewhat crowded IAppContext interface that doesn’t quite adhere to the Interface Segregation Principle and Open/Closed Principle guidelines.

By abstracting away the macro-scheduling functionality into its own IAppTimer interface, and making that interface an abstract dependency of the context class, we can stub that abstract dependency and write tests for the logic of the context class itself. Without this extra step, the context can be stubbed to test the code that uses it, but the macro-scheduling bits would remain untestable.

Treating IAppTimer as a dependency of the context makes the IAppContext interface look like this:

'@Folder "AmbientContext.Abstract"
'@ModuleDescription "Encapsulates the data and macro invocation mechanism for a side-effecting UDF."
Option Explicit
'@Description "Gets the cell that invoked the currently-running user-defined function (UDF), if applicable; Nothing otherwise."
Public Property Get Caller() As Range
End Property
'@Description "Gets or sets the target reference cell that the side-effecting macro shall use."
Public Property Get Target() As Range
End Property
Public Property Set Target(ByVal Value As Range)
End Property
'@Description "Gets or sets a named value representing data passed between the UDF and the side-effecting macro."
Public Property Get Property(ByVal Name As String) As Variant
End Property
Public Property Let Property(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As Variant)
End Property
'@Description "Gets an array of all property names."
Public Property Get Properties() As Variant
End Property
'@Description "Gets or sets the IAppTimer dependency."
Public Property Get Timer() As IAppTimer
End Property
Public Property Set Timer(ByVal Value As IAppTimer)
End Property
'@Description "Clears all held state."
Public Sub Clear()
End Sub

Note that we’re not exposing the dictionary itself: rather we expose an indexed property to get/set the key/values, then by exposing the dictionary keys, the calling code gets to do everything it needs to do, without ever directly interacting with a Scripting.Dictionary, a bit as if the AppContext class were a custom collection.

Now, there’s something special about the IAppTimer dependency: we absolutely cannot have each context instance spawn timers willy-nilly, because a leaking Win32 timer is a nice way to send Excel up in flames. Yet, we need each context instance to be able to access the same IAppTimer reference.

A good way to solve this is by introducing a Provider mechanism. The interface looks like this:

'@ModuleDescription "A service that ensures all clients get the same IAppTimer instance."
Option Explicit
'@Description "Gets an IAppTimer instance."
Public Property Get Timer() As IAppTimer
End Property

What I’m calling a “provider” here is exactly the same mechanism that provides the IAppContext instance (a Property Get procedure that gets a cached object or creates the object and caches it), except no abstract factory needs to get involved here. The class also makes a very convenient place to put the name of the Win32 callback macro procedure:

Option Explicit
Implements ITimerProvider
Private Const MacroName As String = "Execute"
Private Property Get ITimerProvider_Timer() As IAppTimer
    Static Instance As AppTimer
    If Instance Is Nothing Then
        Set Instance = New AppTimer
        Instance.MacroName = MacroName
    End If
    Set ITimerProvider_Timer = Instance
End Property

TimerProvider the only object that creates a New AppTimer: as a result, every AppContext instance created from this factory is going to use the same IAppTimer reference, and if we need to write tests for AppContext we can inject a TestTimerProvider that returns a TestTimer.

Note that the “provider” mechanism is an implementation detail of AppContext: the TestContext doesn’t need this, because it just initializes itself with a TestTimer, while AppContext initializes itself with a TimerProvider that gets the IAppTimer instance. Being an implementation detail, there’s no ITimerProvider dependency on the abstract interface.

The Tests

The previously-untestable user-defined functions now look like this:

Public Function TestUDF(ByVal SomeParameter As Double) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo CleanFail
    With AppContext.Current
        Set .Target = .Caller.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
        .Property("Test1") = 42
        .Property("Test2") = 4.25 * SomeParameter
    End With
    TestUDF = True
    Exit Function
    TestUDF = False
    Resume CleanExit
End Function

The code isn’t very far off from the original, but now we can write a test that passes when a UDF invokes the Caller member; when the UDF is invoked from a worksheet cell, IAppContext.Caller returns the Range reference returned by Application.Caller; when the exact same code is invoked from a test, IAppContext.Caller returns a bogus/test cell reference.

Similarly, when a UDF invokes IAppTimer.ExecuteMacroAsync, a Win32 API call schedules the execution of a callback macro that itself invokes Application.OnTime to schedule the execution of a side-effecting macro that can consume the state and alter the target range and worksheet; when the exact same code is invoked from a test, IAppTimer.ExecuteMacroAsync simply notes that it was invoked, …and does nothing else.

This test passes when IAppTimer.ExecuteMacroAsync is invoked from a UDF, and would fail if the UDF didn’t invoke it:

Private Sub TestUDF_SchedulesMacro()
    'inject the test factory:
    Set AppContext.Factory = New TestContextFactory
    'get the test context:
    Dim Context As TestContext
    Set Context = AppContext.Current
    'test factory already stubbed the timer:
    Dim StubTimer As TestTimer
    Set StubTimer = AppContext.Current.Timer
    'run the UDF:
    Dim Result As Boolean
    Result = Functions.TestUDF(0)
    'Assert that the UDF has invoked IAppContext.ScheduleMacro once:
    Const Expected As Long = 1
    Assert.AreEqual Expected, StubTimer.ExecuteMacroAsyncInvokes, "IAppTimer.ExecuteMacroAsync was invoked " & StubTimer.ExecuteMacroAsyncInvokes & " times; expected " & Expected
End Sub


Ambient Context is a fantastic tool to address cross-cutting concerns and leverage global scope in a way that does not hinder testing. It’s also useful for storing state and dependencies that would otherwise be held in global scope, when passing that state and dependencies as normal parameters isn’t possible.

That makes it a somewhat dangerous pattern: one must keep in mind that the state is still global, and globals that don’t need to be global, should not be global. By defining an explicit interface for the context (like IAppContext), we not only end up with neat abstractions: we also make it harder for the context interface to grow new members and for the class to become an over-engineered Globals.bas module.

Interfaces shouldn’t be designed to change. In .NET the IDisposable interface only mandates a parameterless Dispose method; IEquatable is all about an Equals method. A factory interface shouldn’t need more than a carefully parameterized Create method that only takes arguments that can’t be dependencies of the factory instance: we want to avoid modifying existing interfaces as much as possible, and since none of us can really predict the future… the best way to do that is to keep interfaces as slim as possible. Cohesion is what we’re after: a module that is cohesive will feel like everything is exactly where it should be.

If the members of a module don’t feel like they’re a cohesive and complete group of closely related methods, there’s a greater chance that more members need to be added in the future – and you will want to avoid that. Of course the “and complete” part can mean a few growing pains, but in general naming things is a great way to avoid the pitfalls of treating the context as some “state bag” where we just lazily stuff state without thinking it through. In that sense AppContext is probably one of the worst possible names for this: perhaps a FunctionContext that only exposes the Caller member would be a cleaner approach?

In the real world, ambient context is for things like System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread in .NET: it’s very specialized, with a very specific purpose, and we don’t see it very often. Authorization mechanisms might use it too.

In VBA-land, I’ve never once needed to implement it until I came upon this side-effecting UDF scenario needing unit tests; macros are definitely much simpler to refactor for testability!

Making MVVM Work in VBA Part 1 – Testing

I have recently written (100% VBA) a proof-of-concept for a Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) framework, and since the prototype works exactly as needed (with some rough edges of course)… I’ve decided to explore what Rubberduck can do to make MVVM fully supported, but going down that path poses a serious problem that needs a very good and well thought-out solution.

A Vision of a Framework

When you start a new project in Visual Studio (including 6.0 /VB6), the IDE prompts for a project type, essentially asking “what are we building today?

In VBA the assumption is that you just want to write a bit of script to automate some document manipulation. And then the framework so to speak, is the VBA Standard Library: functions, methods, constants, and actual objects too; all globally-scoped for convenience and quick-and-easy access: a fully spelled-out VBA.Interaction.MsgBox function call is a rare sight! Combined with the nonexistence of namespaces, the flip side is that the global scope is easily polluted, and name collisions are inevitable since anything exposed by any library becomes globally accessible. This makes fully-qualified global function calls appear sporadically sprinkled in the code, which can be confusing. I digress, but what I mean to get at is that this is part of what made Microsoft make the shift to the .NET platform in the early 2000’s, and eventually abandon the Visual Basic Editor to its fate. The COM platform and Win32 API was the framework, and Win32 programming languages built on top of that.

This leaves two approaches for a vision of a “framework” for VBA:

  • Package a type library and ship it.
    • Pros: any COM-visible library will work, can be written in .NET
    • Cons: projects now have a hard dependency on a specific type library; updating is a mess, etc.
  • Embed the framework into VBA projects, pretty much like JavaScript does.
    • Pros: devs are in charge of everything, framework is 100% VBA and inherently open-source, updating is essentially seamless for any non-breaking change, no early-bound dependencies, graceful late-bound degradation, etc.
    • Cons: VBA devs and maintainers that aren’t using Rubberduck will be massively lost in the source code (framework would cleanly leverage @Folder annotations), but then when the host application allows it this could be mitigated by embedding the code into its own separate VBA project and reference it from other projects (e.g. ship an Excel add-in with the framework code your VBA project depends on).

I think I’m slightly biased here, but I think this rules out the type library approach regardless. So we need a way to make this work in VBA, with VBA source code that lives in a GitHub repository with vetted, trusted content.

Where Rubberduck fits in

Like Visual Studio, Rubberduck could prompt VBA devs with “what are we building today?” and offer to pull various “bundles” of modules from this GitHub repository into the active project. Rubberduck would request the available “bundles” from, which would return with “bundle metadata” describing each “package” (is “nugget” forbidden to use as a name for these / play on “nuget” (the package manager for .NET)?), and then list them in a nice little dialog.

The “nugget” metadata would include a name, a description, and the path to each file to download for it. Every package would be the same “version”, but the tool could easily request any particular “tag” or “release” version, and/or pull from “main” or from “next” branches, and the source code / framework itself could then easily be a collaborative effort, with its own features and projects and milestones and collaborators, completely separate from the C# Rubberduck code base.

This complete decoupling from Rubberduck means you don’t need to use Rubberduck to leverage this VBA code in your VBA projects, and new tags / “releases” would be entirely independent of Rubberduck’s own release cycles. That means you’re using, say, future-Rubberduck 2.7.4 and the “nuggets” feature offers “v1.0 [main]” and “v1.1 [next]”; one day you’re still using Rubberduck 2.7.4 but now you get “v1.1 [main]”, “v1.0”, and “v1.2 [next]” to chose from, and if you updated the “nuggets” in your project from v1.0 to v1.1 then Rubberduck inspections would flag uses of any obsolete members that would now be decorated with @Obsolete annotations… it’s almost like this annotation was presciently made for this.

But before we can even think of implementing something like this and make MVVM infrastructure the very first “nugget”, we need a rock-solid framework in the first place.

Unit Tests

I had already written the prototype in a highly decoupled manner, mindful of dependencies and how things could later be tested from the outside. I’m very much not-a-zealot when it comes to things like Test-Driven Development (TDD), but I do firmly believe unit tests provide a solid safety net and documentation for everything that matters – especially if the project is to make any kind of framework, where things need to provably work.

And then it makes a wonderful opportunity to blog about writing unit tests with Rubberduck, something I really haven’t written nearly enough about.

Tests? Why?!

Just by writing these tests, I’ve found and fixed edge-case bugs and improved decoupling and cohesion by extracting (and naming!) smaller chunks of functionality into their own separate class module. The result is quite objectively better, simpler code.

Last but not least, writing testable code (let alone the tests!) in VBA makes a great way to learn these more advanced notions and concepts in a language you’re already familiar with.

If you’re new to VBA and programming in general, or if you’re not a programmer and you’re only interested in making macros, then reading any further may make your head spin a bit (if that’s already under way… I’m sorry!), so don’t hesitate to ask here or on the examples repository on GitHub if you have any questions! This article is covering a rather advanced topic, beyond classes and interfaces, but keep in mind that unit testing does not require OOP! It just so happens that object-oriented code adhering to SOLID principles tends to be easily testable.

This is an ongoing project and I’m still working on the test suite and refactoring things; I wouldn’t want to upload the code to GitHub in its current shape, so I’ll come back here with a link once I have something that’s relatively complete.

Where to Start?

There’s a relatively small but very critical piece of functionality that makes a good place to begin in the MVVM infrastructure code (see previous article): the BindingPath class, which I’ve pulled out of PropertyBinding this week. The (still too large for its own good) PropertyBinding class is no longer concerned with the intricacies of resolving property names and values: both this.Source and this.Target are declared As IBindingPath in a PropertyBinding now, which feels exactly right.

The purpose of a BindingPath is to take a “binding context” object and a “binding path” string (the binding path is always relative to the binding context), and to resolve the member call represented there. For example, this would be a valid use of the class:

Dim Path As IBindingPath
Set Path = BindingPath.Create(Sheet1.Shapes("Shape1").TextFrame.Characters, "Text")

This Path object implements TryReadPropertyValue and TryWritePropertyValue methods that the BindingManager can invoke as needed.

'@Folder MVVM.Infrastructure.Bindings
'@ModuleDescription "An object that can resolve a string property path to a value."
Option Explicit
Implements IBindingPath
Private Type TState
    Context As Object
    Path As String
    Object As Object
    PropertyName As String
End Type
Private This As TState
'@Description "Creates a new binding path from the specified property path string and binding context."
Public Function Create(ByVal Context As Object, ByVal Path As String) As IBindingPath
    GuardClauses.GuardNonDefaultInstance Me, BindingPath, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardNullReference Context, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardEmptyString Path, TypeName(Me)
    Dim Result As BindingPath
    Set Result = New BindingPath
    Set Result.Context = Context
    Result.Path = Path
    Set Create = Result
End Function
'@Description "Gets/Sets the binding context."
Public Property Get Context() As Object
    Set Context = This.Context
End Property
Public Property Set Context(ByVal RHS As Object)
    GuardClauses.GuardDefaultInstance Me, BindingPath, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardNullReference RHS, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardDoubleInitialization This.Context, TypeName(Me)
    Set This.Context = RHS
End Property
'@Description "Gets/Sets a string representing a property path against the binding context."
Public Property Get Path() As String
    Path = This.Path
End Property
Public Property Let Path(ByVal RHS As String)
    GuardClauses.GuardDefaultInstance Me, BindingPath, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardEmptyString RHS, TypeName(Me)
    GuardClauses.GuardDoubleInitialization This.Path, TypeName(Me)
    This.Path = RHS
End Property
'@Description "Gets the bound object reference."
Public Property Get Object() As Object
    Set Object = This.Object
End Property
'@Description "Gets the name of the bound property."
Public Property Get PropertyName() As String
    PropertyName = This.PropertyName
End Property
'@Description "Resolves the Path to a bound object and property."
Public Sub Resolve()
    This.PropertyName = ResolvePropertyName(This.Path)
    Set This.Object = ResolvePropertyPath(This.Context, This.Path)
End Sub
Private Function ResolvePropertyName(ByVal PropertyPath As String) As String
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Parts = Strings.Split(PropertyPath, ".")
    ResolvePropertyName = Parts(UBound(Parts))
End Function
Private Function ResolvePropertyPath(ByVal Context As Object, ByVal PropertyPath As String) As Object
    Dim Parts As Variant
    Parts = Strings.Split(PropertyPath, ".")
    If UBound(Parts) = LBound(Parts) Then
        Set ResolvePropertyPath = Context
        Dim RecursiveProperty As Object
        Set RecursiveProperty = CallByName(Context, Parts(0), VbGet)
        If RecursiveProperty Is Nothing Then Exit Function
        Set ResolvePropertyPath = ResolvePropertyPath(RecursiveProperty, Right$(PropertyPath, Len(PropertyPath) - Len(Parts(0)) - 1))
    End If
End Function
Private Property Get IBindingPath_Context() As Object
    Set IBindingPath_Context = This.Context
End Property
Private Property Get IBindingPath_Path() As String
    IBindingPath_Path = This.Path
End Property
Private Property Get IBindingPath_Object() As Object
    Set IBindingPath_Object = This.Object
End Property
Private Property Get IBindingPath_PropertyName() As String
    IBindingPath_PropertyName = This.PropertyName
End Property
Private Sub IBindingPath_Resolve()
End Sub
Private Function IBindingPath_ToString() As String
    IBindingPath_ToString = StringBuilder _
        .AppendFormat("Context: {0}; Path: {1}", TypeName(This.Context), This.Path) _
End Function
Private Function IBindingPath_TryReadPropertyValue(ByRef outValue As Variant) As Boolean
    If This.Object Is Nothing Then Resolve
    On Error Resume Next
    outValue = VBA.Interaction.CallByName(This.Object, This.PropertyName, VbGet)
    IBindingPath_TryReadPropertyValue = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function IBindingPath_TryWritePropertyValue(ByVal Value As Variant) As Boolean
    If This.Object Is Nothing Then Resolve
    On Error Resume Next
    VBA.Interaction.CallByName This.Object, This.PropertyName, VbLet, Value
    IBindingPath_TryWritePropertyValue = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Here’s our complete “system under test” (SUT) as far as the BindingPathTests module goes. We have a Create factory method, Context and Path properties, just like the class we’re testing.

The path object is itself read-only once initialized, but the binding source may resolve to Nothing or to a different object reference over the course of the object’s lifetime: say we want a binding path to SomeViewModel.SomeObjectProperty; when we first create the binding, SomeObjectProperty might very well be Nothing, and then it’s later Set-assigned to a valid object reference. This is why the IBindingPath interface needs to expose a Resolve method, so that IPropertyBinding can invoke it as needed, as the binding is being applied.

We’ll want a test for every guard clause, and each method needs at least one test as well.

So, I’m going to add a new test module and call it BindingPathTests. Rubberduck’s templates are good-enough to depict the mechanics and how things work at a high level, but if you stick to the templates you’ll quickly find your unit tests rather boring, wordy, and repetitive: we must break out of the mold, there isn’t one true way to do this!

Rubberduck discovers unit tests in standard modules annotated with @TestModule. Test methods are any [parameterless, for now] method annotated with a @TestMethod annotation that can have a category string – the Test Explorer can group your tests using these categories. The declarations section of a test module must include a declaration (early or late bound) for an Rubberduck.AssertClass or Rubberduck.PermissiveAssertClass (both implement the same internal interface; the “permissive” one has VBA-like equality semantics, and the default one has stricter type equality requirements (a Long can’t be equal to a Double, for example). The default test template also defines a FakesProvider object, but we’re not going to need it now (if we needed to test logic that involved e.g. branching on the result of a MsgBox function call, we could hook into the MsgBox function and configure it to return what the test needs it to return, which is honestly wicked awesome). So our test module might look something like this at first:

'@Folder Tests.Bindings
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
#Const LateBind = LateBindTests
#If LateBind Then
Private Assert As Object
Private Assert As Rubberduck.AssertClass
#End If

With this conditionally-compiled setup, all we need to toggle between late and early binding is to define a project-scoped conditional compilation argument: bring up the project properties and type LateBindTests=0 or LateBindTests=1 in that box, and just like that you can control conditional compilation project-wide without modifying a single module.

The first thing to do is to get the test state defined, and implement TestInitialize and TestCleanup methods that configure this state – in the case of BindingManagerTests, I’m going to add a private type and a private field to define and hold the current test state:

Private Type TState
    ExpectedErrNumber As Long
    ExpectedErrSource As String
    ExpectedErrorCaught As Boolean
    ConcreteSUT As BindingManager
    AbstractSUT As IBindingManager
    HandlePropertyChangedSUT As IHandlePropertyChanged
    BindingSource As TestBindingObject
    BindingTarget As TestBindingObject
    SourcePropertyPath As String
    TargetPropertyPath As String
    Command As TestCommand
End Type
Private Test As TState

Unit Testing Paradigm

Test modules are special, in the sense that they aren’t (absolutely shouldn’t be anyway) accessible from any code path in the project. Rubberduck invokes them one by one when you run a command like “run all tests” or “repeat last run”. But there’s a little more to it than that, worthy of mention.

VBA being single-threaded, tests are invoked by Rubberduck on the UI/main thread, and uses a bit of trickery to keep its own UI somewhat responsive. Each module runs sequentially, and each test inside each module runs sequentially as well – but the test execution order still shouldn’t be considered deterministic, and each test should be completely independent of every other test, such that executing all tests in any given order always produces the same outcomes.

A test that makes no assertions will be green/successful. When writing unit tests, the first thing you want to see is a test that’s failing (you can’t trust a test you have never seen fail!), and with Rubberduck in order to give a test a reason to fail, you use Assert methods (wiki).

When Rubberduck begins processing a test module, it invokes the methods (again, sequentially but not in an order that should matter) marked @ModuleInitialize in the module – ideally that would be only one method.

This is where the Assert object should be assigned (the default test templates do this):

Private Sub ModuleInitialize()
#If LateBind Then
    'requires HKCU registration of the Rubberduck COM library.
    Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.PermissiveAssertClass")
    'requires project reference to the Rubberduck COM library.
    Set Assert = New Rubberduck.PermissiveAssertClass
#End If
End Sub

Rubberduck’s test engine will then execute all methods (usually cleaner with only one though) annotated with @TestInitialize before executing each test in the module; that is the best place to put the wordy setup code that would otherwise need to be in pretty much every single test of the module:

Private Sub TestInitialize()
    Dim Context As TestBindingObject
    Set Context = New TestBindingObject
    Set Context.TestBindingObjectProperty = New TestBindingObject
    Test.Path = "TestBindingObjectProperty.TestStringProperty"
    Test.PropertyName = "TestStringProperty"
    Set Test.BindingSource = Context.TestBindingObjectProperty
    Set Test.BindingContext = Context
    Set Test.ConcreteSUT = BindingPath.Create(Test.BindingContext, Test.Path)
    Set Test.AbstractSUT = Test.ConcreteSUT
End Sub

By moving the test state to module level rather than having it local to each test, we already eliminate a lot of code duplication, and the Test module variable makes a rather nifty way to access the current test state, too!

Methods annotated with @TestCleanup are automatically invoked after each test in the module; in order to avoid accidentally sharing state between tests, every object reference should be explicitly set to Nothing, and values of intrinsic data types should be explicitly reset to their respective default value:

Private Sub TestCleanup()
    Set Test.ConcreteSUT = Nothing
    Set Test.AbstractSUT = Nothing
    Set Test.BindingSource = Nothing
    Set Test.BindingContext = Nothing
    Test.Path = vbNullString
    Test.PropertyName = vbNullString
    Test.ExpectedErrNumber = 0
    Test.ExpectedErrSource = vbNullString
    Test.ExpectedErrorCaught = False
End Sub

What Goes Into the Test State?

A number of members should always be in the Test state structure:

  • ConcreteSUT (or just SUT) and AbstractSUT both point to the same object, through the default interface (BindingPath) and the explicit one (IBindingPath), respectively.
  • If the system under test class implements additional interfaces, having a pointer to the SUT object with these interfaces is also useful. For example the TState type for the BindingManager class has a HandlePropertyChangedSUT As IHandlePropertyChanged member, because the class implements this interface.
  • Default property values and dependency setup: we want a basic default SUT configured and ready to be tested (or fine-tuned and then tested).
  • ExpectedErrNumber, ExpectedErrSource, and ExpectedErrorCaught are useful when a test is expecting a given input to produce a particular specific error.

Expecting Errors

The “expected error” test method template works for its purpose, but having this on-error-assert logic duplicated everywhere is rather ugly. Consider pulling that logic into a private method instead (I’m considering adding this into Rubberduck’s test module templates):

Private Sub ExpectError()
    Dim Message As String
    If Err.Number = Test.ExpectedErrNumber Then
        If (Test.ExpectedErrSource = vbNullString) Or (Err.Source = Test.ExpectedErrSource) Then
            Test.ExpectedErrorCaught = True
            Message = "An error was raised, but not from the expected source. " & _
                      "Expected: '" & TypeName(Test.ConcreteSUT) & "'; Actual: '" & Err.Source & "'."
        End If
    ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Message = "An error was raised, but not with the expected number. Expected: '" & Test.ExpectedErrNumber & "'; Actual: '" & Err.Number & "'."
        Message = "No error was raised."
    End If
    If Not Test.ExpectedErrorCaught Then Assert.Fail Message
End Sub

With this infrastructure in place, the unit tests for all guard clauses in the module can look like this – it’s still effectively doing Arrange-Act-Assert like the test method templates strongly suggest, only implicitly so (each “A” is essentially its own statement, see comments in the tests below):

Private Sub Create_GuardsNullBindingContext()
    Test.ExpectedErrNumber = GuardClauseErrors.ObjectCannotBeNothing '<~ Arrange
    On Error Resume Next
        BindingPath.Create Nothing, Test.Path '<~ Act
        ExpectError '<~ Assert
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Create_GuardsEmptyPath()
    Test.ExpectedErrNumber = GuardClauseErrors.StringCannotBeEmpty '<~ Arrange
    On Error Resume Next
        BindingPath.Create Test.BindingContext, vbNullString '<~ Act
        ExpectError '<~ Assert
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Create_GuardsNonDefaultInstance()
    Test.ExpectedErrNumber = GuardClauseErrors.InvalidFromNonDefaultInstance '<~ Arrange
    On Error Resume Next
        With New BindingPath
            .Create Test.BindingContext, Test.Path '<~ Act
            ExpectError '<~ Assert
        End With
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

And then similar tests exist for the respective guard clauses of Context and Path members. Having tests that validate that guard clauses are doing their job is great: it tells us exactly how not to use the class… and that doesn’t tell us much about what a BindingPath object actually does.

Testing the Actual Functionality

The methods we’re testing need to be written in a way that makes it possible for a test to determine whether it’s doing its job correctly or not. For functions and properties, the return value is the perfect thing to Assert on. For Sub procedures, you have to Assert on the side-effects, and have verifiable and useful, reliable ways to verify them.

These two tests validate that the BindingPath returned by the Create factory method has resolved the PropertyName and Object properties, respectively.

Private Sub Create_ResolvesPropertyName()
    Dim SUT As BindingPath
    Set SUT = BindingPath.Create(Test.BindingContext, Test.Path)
    Assert.IsFalse SUT.PropertyName = vbNullString
End Sub
Private Sub Create_ResolvesBindingSource()
    Dim SUT As BindingPath
    Set SUT = BindingPath.Create(Test.BindingContext, Test.Path)
    Assert.IsNotNothing SUT.Object
End Sub

I could have made multiple assertions in a test, like this…

Private Sub Create_ResolvesBindingSource()
    Dim SUT As BindingPath
    Set SUT = BindingPath.Create(Test.BindingContext, Test.Path)
    Assert.IsFalse SUT.PropertyName = vbNullString
    Assert.IsNotNothing SUT.Object
End Sub

The Test Explorer would say “IsFalse assert failed” or “IsNotNothing assert failed”, so it’s arguably (perhaps pragmatically so) still useful and clear enough why that test would fail (and if you had multiple Assert.IsFalse calls in a test you could provide a different message for each)… but really as a rule of thumb, tests want to have one reason to fail. If the conditions to meaningfully pass or fail a test aren’t present, use Assert.Inconclusive to report the test as such:

Private Sub Resolve_SetsBindingSource()
    With New BindingPath
        .Path = Test.Path
        Set .Context = Test.BindingContext
        If Not .Object Is Nothing Then Assert.Inconclusive "Object reference is unexpectedly set."
        Assert.AreSame Test.BindingSource, .Object
    End With
End Sub
Private Sub Resolve_SetsBindingPropertyName()
    With New BindingPath
        .Path = Test.Path
        Set .Context = Test.BindingContext
        If .PropertyName <> vbNullString Then Assert.Inconclusive "PropertyName is unexpectedly non-empty."
        Assert.AreEqual Test.PropertyName, .PropertyName
    End With
End Sub

This mechanism is especially useful when the test state isn’t in local scope and there’s a real possibility that the TestInitialize method is eventually modified and inadvertently breaks a test. Such conditional Assert.Inconclusive calls are definitely a form of defensive programming, just like having guard clauses throwing custom meaningful errors.

Note that while we know that the BindingPath.Create function invokes the Resolve method, the tests for Resolve don’t involve Create: the Path and Context are being explicitly spelled out, and the .Resolve method is invoked from a New instance.

And that’s pretty much everything there is to test in the BindingPath class.

There’s one thing I haven’t mentioned yet, that you might have caught in the TState type:

BindingSource As TestBindingObject
BindingTarget As TestBindingObject

This TestBindingObject is a test stub: it’s a dependency of the class (it’s the “binding context” of the test path) and it’s a real object, but it is implemented in a bit of a special way that the BindingPath tests don’t do justice to.

Test Stubs

Eventually Rubberduck’s unit testing framework will feature a COM-visible wrapper around Moq, a popular mocking framework for .NET that Rubberduck already uses for its own unit test requirements. When this happens Rubberduck unit tests will no longer need such “test stubs”. Instead, the framework will generate them at run-time and make them work exactly as specified/configured by a unit test, and “just like that” VBA/VB6 suddenly becomes surprisingly close to being pretty much on par with professional, current-day IDE tooling.

The ITestStub interface simply formalizes the concept:

'@Folder Tests.Stubs
'@ModuleDescription "An object that stubs an interface for testing purposes."
Option Explicit
'@Description "Gets the number of times the specified member was invoked in the lifetime of the object."
Public Property Get MemberInvokes(ByVal MemberName As String) As Long
End Property
'@Description "Gets a string representation of the object's internal state, for debugging purposes (not intended for asserts!)."
Public Function ToString() As String
End Function

A TestStubBase “base class” provides the common implementation mechanics that every class implementing ITestStub will want to use – the idea is to use a keyed data structure to track the number of times each member is invoked during the lifetime of the object:

'@Folder Tests.Stubs
Option Explicit
Private Type TState
    MemberInvokes As Dictionary
End Type
Private This As TState
'@Description "Tracks a new invoke of the specified member."
Public Sub OnInvoke(ByVal MemberName As String)
    Dim newValue As Long
    If This.MemberInvokes.Exists(MemberName) Then
        newValue = This.MemberInvokes.Item(MemberName) + 1
        This.MemberInvokes.Remove MemberName
        newValue = 1
    End If
    This.MemberInvokes.Add MemberName, newValue
End Sub
'@Description "Gets the number of invokes made against the specified member in the lifetime of this object."
Public Property Get MemberInvokes(ByVal MemberName As String) As Long
    If This.MemberInvokes.Exists(MemberName) Then
        MemberInvokes = This.MemberInvokes.Item(MemberName)
        MemberInvokes = 0
    End If
End Property
'@Description "Gets a string listing the MemberInvokes cache content."
Public Function ToString() As String
    Dim MemberNames As Variant
    MemberNames = This.MemberInvokes.Keys
    With New StringBuilder
        Dim i As Long
        For i = LBound(MemberNames) To UBound(MemberNames)
            Dim Name As String
            Name = MemberNames(i)
            .AppendFormat "{0} was invoked {1} time(s)", Name, This.MemberInvokes.Item(Name)
        ToString = .ToString
    End With
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set This.MemberInvokes = New Dictionary
End Sub

With this small bit of infrastructure, the TestBindingObject class is a full-fledged mock object that can increment a counter whenever a member is invoked, and that can be injected as a dependency for anything that needs an IViewModel:

'@Folder Tests.Stubs
'@ModuleDescription "An object that can stub a binding source or target for unit tests."
Option Explicit
Implements ITestStub
Implements IViewModel
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Private Type TState
    Stub As TestStubBase
    Handlers As Collection
    TestStringProperty As String
    TestNumericProperty As Long
    TestBindingObjectProperty As TestBindingObject
    Validation As IHandleValidationError
End Type
Private This As TState
Public Property Get TestStringProperty() As String
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestStringProperty.Get"
    TestStringProperty = This.TestStringProperty
End Property
Public Property Let TestStringProperty(ByVal RHS As String)
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestStringProperty.Let"
    If This.TestStringProperty <> RHS Then
        This.TestStringProperty = RHS
        OnPropertyChanged Me, "TestStringProperty"
    End If
End Property
Public Property Get TestNumericProperty() As Long
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestNumericProperty.Get"
    TestNumericProperty = This.TestNumericProperty
End Property
Public Property Let TestNumericProperty(ByVal RHS As Long)
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestNumericProperty.Let"
    If This.TestNumericProperty <> RHS Then
        This.TestNumericProperty = RHS
        OnPropertyChanged Me, "TestNumericProperty"
    End If
End Property
Public Property Get TestBindingObjectProperty() As TestBindingObject
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestBindingObjectProperty.Get"
    Set TestBindingObjectProperty = This.TestBindingObjectProperty
End Property
Public Property Set TestBindingObjectProperty(ByVal RHS As TestBindingObject)
    This.Stub.OnInvoke "TestBindingObjectProperty.Set"
    If Not This.TestBindingObjectProperty Is RHS Then
        Set This.TestBindingObjectProperty = RHS
        OnPropertyChanged Me, "TestBindingObjectProperty"
    End If
End Property
Private Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal PropertyName As String)
    Dim Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged
    For Each Handler In This.Handlers
        Handler.OnPropertyChanged Source, PropertyName
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set This.Stub = New TestStubBase
    Set This.Handlers = New Collection
    Set This.Validation = ValidationManager.Create
End Sub
Private Sub INotifyPropertyChanged_OnPropertyChanged(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal PropertyName As String)
    OnPropertyChanged Source, PropertyName
End Sub
Private Sub INotifyPropertyChanged_RegisterHandler(ByVal Handler As IHandlePropertyChanged)
    This.Handlers.Add Handler
End Sub
Private Property Get ITestStub_MemberInvokes(ByVal MemberName As String) As Long
    ITestStub_MemberInvokes = This.Stub.MemberInvokes(MemberName)
End Property
Private Function ITestStub_ToString() As String
    ITestStub_ToString = This.Stub.ToString
End Function
Private Property Get IViewModel_Validation() As IHandleValidationError
    Set IViewModel_Validation = This.Validation
End Property

This functionality will be extremely useful when testing the actual property bindings: for example we can assert that a method was invoked exactly once, and fail a test if the method was invoked twice (and/or if it never was).

There’s a lot more to discuss about unit testing in VBA with Rubberduck! I hope this article gives a good idea of how to get the best out of Rubberduck’s unit testing feature.

Rubberduck 2.5.1

Here we are again, some 580+ commits and 1000+ modified files later, with 10 contributors involved (with particular thanks to @MDoerner and @BZngr, and honorable mentions to @IvenBach and @testingoutgith1) in over 60 pull requests since the last release: time to look back at what was done and call it version 2.5.1! If you’ve been keeping up with pre-release builds, none of this is going to be news to you, but with over 9.1K downloads of v2.5.0 a lot of you seem to prefer to upgrade less often but more significantly, so here’s a timely recap.

But first, let’s get the known problems out of the way.

Known Issues

Making a VBIDE add-in means we can’t know or assume what our host application is going to be, and different hosts sometimes wire things up differently – and this can spell trouble under certain circumstances. Making a VBIDE add-in in .NET has even further implications: while it’s how we can extend a 64-bit VBE, it’s also causing various type cast errors/exceptions when other add-ins are loaded.

Possible Crash

The Visual Basic Editor has a peculiar way of loading its add-ins: Rubberduck’s (and any other VBIDE add-in’s) entry point is invoked by the VBE before the VBE has completely finished constructing itself – accessing the object model too early can throw COM exceptions that take down Rubberduck as it initializes.

Normally Rubberduck initializes itself, then proceeds to parse the project (if it’s an empty project then the bulk of that is Rubberduck loading everything defined in VBA7.DLL and the type library for the host application’s object model) – normally if the VBE isn’t ready for this yet, we bail out and don’t access any objects and the “Refresh” button says “Pending” instead of “Ready”, and by the time you manually run that command the VBE has finished initializing and the only annoyance is that the initial parse isn’t automatic.

But in certain host applications (Microsoft Access being a known one, but I’ve seen it happen in Excel as well, although not with a recent build), sometimes the VBE actually isn’t ready to take member calls against its own object model, and the result is a COM exception that is either caught and then Rubberduck says it can’t initialize, or thrown several layers deeper, uncaught, and then everything goes up in flames.

Loading Rubberduck manually from the VBE’s Add-Ins Manager is sure annoying, but is really the only 100% sure-shot way to load any VBIDE add-in with a properly initialized VBE, regardless of the host application. Note that the installer registers Rubberduck as a VBE add-in with the LoadBehavior flag set to load at startup. If Rubberduck blows up at startup or fails to initialize, consider editing this configuration to make it load manually (exception details should normally be logged for the first start-up).

Heavy on Memory (RAM)

Rubberduck has always used a lot of memory to keep all the code metadata handy and cache a lot of things to improve processing performance. Working on a large legacy project that generates lots of inspection results can grind the main thread of the host process to a halt as the toolwindow renders the many objects (whether the toolwindow is displayed or not).

Unless you are discovering Rubberduck with a new, empty VBA project, consider first reviewing the settings – can’t hurt to review them either way:

  • Disable “run inspections automatically on successful parse”, so that they only run if you explicitly refresh them from the Inspection Results toolwindow;
  • Set inspection severity to “Do not Show” for inspections that could produce thousands upon thousands of results, like “use meaningful names” if you’re into Hungarian Notation for example, or “use of bang operator” if that’s the only way you’re ever accessing recordset fields in Access;

Other general performance tips:

  • Rubberduck parses per-module, so when you leave a module after modifying it, trigger a parse – by the time you’re in the other module and have scrolled to where you want to be and are in that mindset, the modified module will have processed.
  • Reduce coupling: the more modules are inter-dependent, the more modifying a module requires re-resolving identifier references in the dependent modules.
  • Avoid complex grammar: bang operators, among other code constructs, are somewhat ambiguously defined and ultimately parse in two passes, with the first one failing. The standard member call syntax parses faster, in a single parser pass.

Undesirable Interactions

If you are using the free but rather old 32-bit MZ-Tools 3.x productivity add-in, this section shouldn’t be a concern. However MZ-Tools 8.x was rewritten from the ground up, ported from VB6 into .NET-land, and while its author Carlos Quintero took extraordinary steps to isolate MZ-Tools from other in-process .NET add-ins and has issued recommendations for Rubberduck to do the same, …there is still a chance the two add-ins bump into each other; if MZ wins, RD is essentially bricked.

MZ-Tools normally runs inside its own .NET AppDomain, except when hosted in AutoDesk products (Inventor, AutoCAD), which implement VBE initialization in a way that breaks MZ-Tools’ startup mechanics – up until recently it was assumed this collision only happens in AutoDesk hosts, but a recent support ticket involving Microsoft Access was filed and implicates interactions with MZ-Tools.

This issue manifests itself with InvalidCastException being thrown at various points, often during initialization, or later during parse: the exception message involves attempting to cast COM objects like Microsoft.Vbe.interop._VBProject into types such as VBClassicExtensibility.VBProjectClass, where VBClassicExtensibility is defined by MZ-Tools, not Rubberduck.

One thing that can be attempted to mitigate this problem, would be to set MZ-Tools to not load on start-up, and manually load it after Rubberduck has initialized… but sadly this cross-add-in confused COM marshaling is simply not supposed to happen given MZ-Tools’ AppDomain mechanics, and we don’t really have any solutions for this – same as we don’t really have any solution for cases where COM registrations are broken (e.g. when multiple Microsoft Office product versions are running side-by-side but were not installed in chronological order – that’s an officially unsupported scenario, per Microsoft).

As a result, using Rubberduck together with other .NET-based add-ins cannot be considered a completely fail-safe scenario, and we have to treat this as a “known issue” here, and the work-around sucks and boils down to “drop other add-ins, or drop Rubberduck”. This is actually probably true at various degrees of all .NET-based VBIDE add-ins.

On the bright side, we have taken several steps in this release cycle to prepare the ground not only to get Rubberduck to build correctly in the latest & greatest Visual Studio 2019, but also to get most of our build process ready for .NET Core – so when .NET Core 5 is released in a few weeks, we can try to get Rubberduck to run on the shiny new Core framework, which theoretically makes AppDomain completely moot, and so we have very little incentive to work on getting Rubberduck to load its own AppDomain the way MZ-Tools does: if we can make Rubberduck build and run on .NET Core 5, then this problem should simply disappear… in theory.

Enhancements & New Features

This release does not introduce any new top-level Rubberduck features, but makes a number of very useful user-facing additions nonetheless, on top of the many under-the-hood enhancements made this cycle.

Surfacing Annotations

One of the most useful and powerful features of Rubberduck, annotations are special comments that use a particular but relatively simple syntax – these are all grammatically valid:

'@AnnotationName "text"
'@AnnotationName("text", 123) : there can be comments here
'@AnnotationName "text", 123
'@AnnotationName Identifier1, Identifier2, ...IdentifierN

While the syntax itself is reasonably simple to use, the problem was that unless you knew every supported annotation, well then the @AnnotationName part kind of had to be a guess.

Rubberduck uses these annotations for various purposes, from identifying Rubberduck test modules to keeping hidden module/member attributes in sync with these comments (this includes the ability to document and literally map Excel hotkeys using VBA comments). You can read everything we’ve documented about them on the project’s website.

In Rubberduck 2.5.1.x builds, we finally get new commands in the code pane and Code Explorer context menus, that bring up a dialog that gives us all the options to easily and safely annotate everything that can be annotated, using the correct syntax and arguments every time:

a window describing the member to annotate and the annotation to add
Select the annotation to add, and supply the argument values. Magic!
Adding an @Ignore annotation to ignore a specific inspection, can now be done without needing to know the exact name we decided to call that inspection class in Rubberduck’s source code!

Encapsulate Field Enhancements

This particular refactoring has seen a terrific enhancement that makes it very easy to cleanly and quickly turn a set of public fields into Property Get/Let members, with a Private Type TClassName and a module-scope Private this As TClassName instance variable – and all properties automatically reading/writing from it. You can see this feature in action in the previous article.

The new Wrap fields in Private Type functionality leverages the very useful Private Type pattern.

Unit Testing

The Test Explorer now makes it easier to ignore one or more specific selected tests, or all tests under a given category/group, by exposing the context menu commands that add or remove the @TestIgnore annotation as appropriate; having this command in the Test Explorer makes it possible to annotate a test method while a completely different and unrelated module is maximized in the code editor.

Hmm, …these icons are out of control, aren’t they… expect that to change soon-ish…

Running tests while results are regrouped by outcome is still a known issue (tests run painfully slow because the UI thread is busy re-sorting and re-rendering the list every time a test finishes running), but everything works much more smoothly when the tests are regrouped any other way.

Code Inspections

Ok the logic for that is currently broken on the website (working on that… somewhat) so this is much harder than it will be in the future when I’ll just look at the [New] tab on the inspections page of the website and every inspection that is in [next] but not in [main] will be listed right there. From skimming through every pull request merged since the last release:

  • Function return value not used inspection now more clearly targets call sites, and now ignores non-user code.
  • Function return value is always discarded inspection is the old “return value not used” logic targeting the function itself, when none of the call sites capture the function’s return value.
  • Implicitly typed const inspection was added to flag Const declarations without an As clause to specify an explicit type.
  • Assignment not used inspection now correctly handles an assignment that is overridden in the next statement but first read in the RHS expression of the assignment.

Not user-facing but critically important nonetheless, is all the behind-the-scenes work done to simplify inspecting VBA code as much as possible. This cycle saw a tremendous amount of technical debt paid in the code inspections department, that pave the way for future enhancements like, say, having the ability to run inspections per-module; as the number of implemented inspections continues to grow, the ability to scope inspections in a more granular way is going to be very useful for our plan to eventually report inspection results in a custom code pane, with colored squiggly lines (that’s v3.x stuff, though).

Applying Quick-Fixes

The Code Inspections toolwindow has been updated with a context menu that makes it much simpler to apply a quick-fix to one or more inspection results; all available quick-fixes appear in the context menu, each with various options to apply to the selection. This menu is also shown by clicking the “Fix” drop-down menu from the toolwindow’s toolbar.

The weird “fix all occurrences in procedure/module/project” link buttons in the bottom panel are now gone, completely replaced with a more flexible menu system.

Code Explorer Enhancements

The Code Explorer toolwindow context menu now includes a move to folder command to easily organize your project components, and there’s a new setting to enable drag and drop in Code Explorer (disabled by default):

A new setting enables dragging & dropping capabilities in the Code Explorer toolwindow.

With that setting enabled, you can now move a code file to an existing folder, simply by dragging it from its location and dropping it onto a folder node! The setting was made to require being explicitly enabled, to avoid discovering that feature by accidentally dragging a code file somewhere (that did happen in beta/testing).

Website Integration

You may have noticed is “under reconstruction”. Before that, the site’s content was mostly static, with only the inspections list assembled from content parsed from the Rubberduck.CodeAnalysis.xml, downloaded periodically off GitHub through unauthenticated REST API requests. That worked relatively well until a spike in traffic occurred following the release of Excel Insights, a book collectively authored by 24 Microsoft MVP Award recipients, including myself: suddenly a bug in the caching mechanism became very apparent when the site’s home page started getting served as a wonderful HTTP 500 error page.

Since the website hosting came with a SQL Server database that I wasn’t using, I decided to start using it and make the site pull the content from there rather than directly off the GitHub API. I wrote a small console application, got myself a private API key to make properly authenticated REST API requests, and now there’s a scheduled task running on a virtual machine in my garage, that runs this application every 30 minutes to update the installer asset download counts and verify whether the XML documentation assets are up-to-date for the latest pre-release build, and then proceeds to parse the XML docs and generate/update the database records: the website simply pulls the data from the database at every request, and now the website couldn’t bust GitHub’s REST API limits even if it tried.

Documenting Rubberduck is challenging: there are a lot of features, and there isn’t really any user guide that’s constantly being kept up-to-date. The wiki on the repository is terribly outdated in several parts, and the feature announcements on this blog are nice when you’re following the project along its journey, but in a dream world using Rubberduck would be content found on the website, and contributing to Rubberduck would be content found in the repository’s wiki.

Parsing the xml-docs into website content is a step in that direction. Nobody wants to maintain documentation, but xml-doc comments are part of the source code, and we even put source code analyzers in place that will break the build if we try to introduce an inspection, quick-fix, or annotation, without properly documenting it with xml-docs.

Every single inspection, quick-fix, and annotation has thorough documentation, including code examples that may span multiple modules. But best of all, every single page generated from source code includes an “edit this page” link that points to a GitHub page where you can literally edit the xml documentation for the inspection you were looking at (and review its source code if you like – it’s the same file!) – and just like that, all you need to contribute to Rubberduck (yes, single-character typo fixes and additional useful code examples are welcome!) is a GitHub login!

Every page generated from xml documentation includes an “Edit this page” link at the bottom.

Because of how the request routing on the website was setup, it was easy to make Rubberduck link in-app inspection results to this website content – you can now click a URL at the bottom of the inspection results toolwindow (this will likely change one way or another in the future) to bring up the details page with the xml documentation and code examples:

The URL at the bottom of the adjustable panel (it’s possible you need to scroll the content or make the bottom panel tall enough to show it) opens that URL in a new tab in whatever your default browser is.

The in-app content exists as localized resources, lovingly translated by our international contributors; the website content however, is only available in English, because we’re absolutely not going to start translating XML comments in the source code. But the processed content actually resides in a database, so it wouldn’t be impossible to eventually localize it at that level, as well – we’re just not there yet at all at the moment.

The website content is often different than the in-app content, and over time it should be expected to grow more and more in-depth, thorough and descriptive.

The revamped domain will ultimately span 3 sites, including, which will eventually expose REST endpoints for various purposes, including Rubberduck’s “check for newer version at startup” feature; for example something like that might accept some VBA code in a JSON object in the request’s body, and respond with a JSON object in the response body containing the indented VBA code. Or that might also accept some VBA code (presumably along with some metadata about the module type) in a JSON object in the request’s body, but could respond with a JSON object representing all inspection results for it. It’s still all just brewing ideas at this stage. The other subdomain,, is going to host a web-based, GitHub-authenticated version of the VBA program I’m going to present in my next article: a tool for managing and editing most of the website’s content.

Moving Forward

Rubberduck is becoming a pretty mature code base and has an ever-increasingly better abstracted internal framework/API to understand and manipulate VBA code. The project now builds with the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, and we’re hoping COM Automation support in .NET Core 5 will allow us to build an increasing number of the project’s components with it; I’m thinking the “main” type library is better off under the old tech, but I’ll be more than happy to be proven wrong here!

A rough roadmap for v2.5.1.x might include…

  • More resolver capabilities unlocked by fully leveraging our internal ITypeLib API
  • Syntax-highlighted preview of the changes for all refactorings (and quick-fixes?)
  • Some Code Path Analysis API, to help implement the more complex inspection ideas
  • The Moq wrapper mocking framework
  • Block Completion, maybe
  • Anything else anyone feels like contributing to the project!

The goal for the rest of the 2.x cycle is to prepare everything that needs to happen in order to implement our own custom code editor window – giving us full, complete control over every single token and everything that can possibly happen in that custom code pane. We’re talking code folding, custom theming, that kind of thing.

‘Main’ vs ‘Master’ – Why it Matters

You may have noticed (or not) that the website is now labeling “main” the branch formerly known as “master”. As a French native, “master/slave” terminology in any non-actual master/slave context has always sounded a bit weird to me, but I’m a white man in North America (although not in the US) and I get the luxury to read these words and decide that they don’t affect me, and reflecting on the events of this summer has taught me that this is part of what white privilege is.

I don’t do political & editorial commenting, I prefer to leave that space to others – but I warmly recommend watching 13th on Netflix and, if you can handle it, When They See Us. Black lives matter, it’s simple – and no, it doesn’t say “but white lives don’t” anywhere between the lines.

So yes, we’re going to be taking steps to alter the language in Rubberduck a bit in this cycle. The “master” branch will be renamed to “main”, yes, but we’ll also come up with a better term for “white-listing” identifier names. It won’t stop racism, no, indeed. But it won’t hurt anyone, either.


Secure ADODB

Unless you’re hosted in Access, your VBA project doesn’t have access to a database engine. If you’re in Excel, it’s easy to treat the host workbook as a database and each worksheet as a table. While we can build an application that uses Excel worksheets to store data, we probably shouldn’t do that. The reasons are many, but primarily (pun …yeah, intended), we want to be able to establish bullet-proof referential integrity between records/tables; while Excel is great for many things, it’s useless for that: it’s the job of a relational database system (RDBMS), not that of any worksheet software, no matter how powerful. Power Query is very much worth looking into, but if you’re building a small CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) application in VBA, you’ll want VBA code responsible for the data access – enter ADODB, …and every pitfall that comes with it.

In this article we will explore a heavily object-oriented solution to querying a database securely with the ADODB library.


Querying a database with ADODB is easy: just set up a connection, open it, then execute whatever SQL statement you need through the Connection, and you get the results in a Recordset object:

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open "ConnectionString"

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1")



That is great for one-timer, ad-hoc queries: things quickly get messy when you start needing multiple queries, or when your SQL statement needs to be invoked repeatedly with different values:

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open "ConnectionString"

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 10
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1 WHERE Field3 = " & i)

This right here – WHERE SomeField = " & i, is making the database engine work harder than it needs to… and it’s costing server-side performance, because as far as the engine knows, it’s getting a different query every time – and thus computes the same execution plan over and over, every time… when it could just be reusing it. Databases are smart. Like, wicked smart… but yeah we still need to ask for the right thing!

Compare to something like this:

Const sql As String = "SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM Table1 WHERE Field3 = ?"
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
conn.Open "ConnectionString"

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 10
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
    cmd.CommandText = sql
    cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(Type:=adInteger, Value:= i)

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = cmd.Execute

Oh my, so much more code, so little gain – right?

Using ADODB.Command when queries involve a WHERE (and/or VALUES) clause and user-provided (directly or not) values is not only more efficient (the cached execution plan is reused because the command string is identical every time), it’s also more secure. Concatenating user inputs into SQL command strings is a common rookie mistake, and it’s a practice that is way more widespread than it should be (regardless of the language, paradigm, or platform); your code becomes vulnerable to SQL Injection Attacks – something that may or may not be in your threat model, but that inevitably turns into… easily avoidable bugs: think of what might happen if a user entered O'Connor in that LastName field. If you’re thinking “oh that’s easy! I’ll just double-up single quotes, and fixed!“, then you’re playing a needlessly exhausting game of cat-and-mouse with the next thing that will break your clever escaping: the mouse wins.

Abstract thoughts

Much simpler to just use an ADODB.Command every time, and when you need it parameterized, to Append any number of ADODB.Parameter objects to its Parameters collection. Except, it does make a lot of code to write, every time.

What do we do when we see repetitive patterns in code? If you’re thinking “we put it in a function!” then you’re thinking abstraction and that’s exactly the right train of thought.

We’re just going to take this abstraction… and make it an object. Then think of what objects it needs in order to do its job, and abstract these objects behind interfaces too, and take these abstractions in as constructor parameters of our Create “static” factory method. Rinse & repeat until all dependencies are property-injected and all responsibilities are nicely encapsulated into their own classes. It was fun!

I wrote an original version of this functionality little while ago – you can find the original version on Code Review, and see how different/similar it is to this simplified/improved version in our Examples repository on GitHub.

The original was just an ADODB wrapper class though, couldn’t really be unit-tested, and was annoying to maintain because it felt very repetitive. This version is separating the type mappings from the parameter-providing logic, which makes configuring these mappings is done through an object that’s solely responsible for these mappings; it also separates the command from the connection, and abstracts away that connection enough to enable unit testing and cover quite a large part of the API – but most importantly, this version exposes adequate abstractions for the calling code to use and stub in its own unit tests.

VBA code written with this API (and the principles it demonstrates) can easily be fully testable, without ever actually hitting any database.

I can do this in the immediate pane:

?UnitOfWork.FromConnectionString("connection string").Command.GetSingleValue("SELECT Field1 FROM Table1 WHERE Id=?", 1)

I mean, it’s a contrived example, but with a valid connection string, query, and arguments, that’s all we need to get an actual parameterized ADODB command sending that 1 as an actual ADODB parameter, …and the following debug output:

Begin connect...
Connect completed. Status: 1
Begin transaction completed. 
Begin execute...
Execute completed, -1 record(s) affected.
{whatever value was in Field1}
Rollback transaction completed.
Disconnect completed. Status: 1

I made DbConnection listen in on whatever events the ADODB connection is firing, pending the implementation of an adapter to expose some IDbConnectionEvents members – the idea is to end up with client code that can inject its own callbacks and do things like log such messages. In the meantime Debug.Print statements are producing this debug output, but that’s it’s an implementation detail: it doesn’t publicly expose any of these events. It couldn’t, either: the rest of the code needs to work with the IDbConnection interface, and interfaces unfortunately can’t expose events in VBA.


Some might call it layered spaghetti. Others call it lasagna. I call it well-abstracted code that reads and maintains like a charm and provably works as intended. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with having many class modules in a VBA project: the only problem is… well, the VBE itself:

Project Explorer is making OOP rather painful. In fact it makes any kind of modularization painful.
Code Explorer makes the VBE more OOP-friendly: now you can have folders regrouping modules by functionality rather than just by module type.

Nice, rich APIs involve many related objects, interfaces, methods – members that make up the object model the API’s client code will be working with. As long as we can keep all these classes organized, there’s no problem having many of them.

Before we look at the implementation, let’s review the interfaces and the overall structure.

Only two interfaces aren’t being stubbed for unit tests. IUnitOfWork because as the top-level object nothing in the object model consumes it. It is needed though, because client code can inject it as a dependency of some FooRepository class, and then tests can provide it with a StubUnitOfWork that implements IUnitOfWork.

The other “façade” interface is ITypeMap. This one isn’t really needed (neither is the predeclared instance of AdoTypeMappings or its Default factory method), something felt wrong with the client code without it. While the class is essentially just a dictionary / literally a map, there’s something rather elegant about depending on an ITypeMap rather than some Scripting.Dictionary.

The two dark blue interfaces are abstract factory interfaces, each with a “real” and a “stub” implementation for tests: these are very simple classes whose entire purpose is to create an object of a particular type.

If we consider IParameterProvider an implementation detail of IDbCommandBase, that leaves us with only the core stuff: IDbCommandBase, IDbCommand, and IDbConnection – everything else just revolves around these.


The old SqlCommand code had two sets of commands: “Execute” for methods you could pass a Connection to, and “QuickExecute” for methods that created a connection on-the-spot. I decided to split the two behaviors into two distinct implementation of the same interface, and that’s how I ended up with DefaultDbCommand and AutoDbCommand. As I was cleaning up the two new classes, I had to notice these two classes needed a number of common bits of functionality… as would any other implementation of IDbCommand.

In a language that supports inheritance, I would probably make the two classes inherit a third abstract “base” class where I’d implement the IDbCommand interface. In VBA, we can’t derive a class from another, or inherit members from another class: inheritance is flat-out unavailable. There’s an alternative though, and it’s arguably even better than inheritance: composition. We can put the common functionality in a third class, and then have the two implementations take an instance of that “base” class as we would any other dependency – effectively achieving what we wanted out of inheritance, but through composition.

Code is said to be “decoupled” when none of its concrete components are inter-dependent, as is apparent with the solid black “depends on” arrows here. Decoupled components can easily be swapped for other implementations, like …test stubs.

What’s wrong with inheritance?

Don’t get me wrong, inheritance is very cool: with an abstract class you can have templated methods, where a method in the base class (typically a method that implements some interface member) invokes an abstract or virtual method (typically with protected scope) that the inherited class must override and provide an implementation for. Rubberduck uses this pattern in quite a few places (inspections, notably). Without inheritance, it’s just not something that’s possible.

Inheritance is described as a “is a” relationship, while composition is more of a “has a” relationship. This is important, because when the only consideration weighting in favor of inheritance is the need for two classes to share some functionality, it’s exactly why inheritance should not be used.

Decoupling FTW

The “base” class appeared as a need to have a place for IDbCommand implementations to access shared functionality. I wanted to return disconnected recordsets, and retrieving the value of the first field of the first record of a recordset isn’t something that’s glaringly implementation-specific. The other piece of functionality I needed, was a function that creates the ADODB.Command object and adds the parameters.

Because I wanted this class to create the ADODB.Command, I needed it to be able to turn a Variant into an ADODB.Parameter through some mapping, and since I didn’t want my class to be necessarily coupled with that mapping, or anything remotely related to configuring ADODB parameters… I’m property-injecting an IParameterProvider dependency:

Public Function Create(ByVal provider As IParameterProvider) As IDbCommandBase
    Errors.GuardNonDefaultInstance Me, DbCommandBase
    Errors.GuardNullReference provider
    Dim result As DbCommandBase
    Set result = New DbCommandBase
    Set result.ParameterProvider = provider
    Set Create = result

End Function

Validating the command string / arguments

Since the commands are given an SQL command string to execute, and a ParamArray array of arguments that should have the same number of items as there are ? ordinal parameters in the SQL command string, we have an opportunity to catch a missing or extraneous argument before we even send the command string to the database server. And because this validation logic would have to be the same regardless of what IDbCommand implementation we’re looking at, DbCommandBase makes the best place to put it.

This implementation is probably too naive for a number of edge cases, but sufficient for most: we’re simply counting the number of ? characters in the sql string, and comparing that with the number of elements in the args array. We need to handle errors here, because if the args array is empty, evaluating UBound(args) and/or LBound(args) will throw a “subscript out of range” run-time error 9.

Public Function ValidateOrdinalArguments(ByVal sql As String, ByRef args() As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo CleanFail
    Dim result As Boolean
    Dim expected As Long
    expected = Len(sql) - Len(Replace(sql, "?", vbNullString))
    Dim actual As Long
    On Error GoTo CleanFail 'if there are no args, LBound/UBound are both out of bounds
    actual = UBound(args) + (1 - LBound(args))
    result = (expected = actual)
    ValidateOrdinalArguments = result
    Exit Function
    actual = 0
    Resume CleanExit
End Function

Getting a disconnected Recordset

If we created a database connection, issued a command against it, and received the recordset from ADODB.Command.Execute, and then we close the connection and return that recordset, then the calling code can’t use the data anymore: a connected recordset only works if the calling code owns the connection. So we need a way to issue a disconnected recordset, while still using an ADODB.Command. The way to do this, is to pass the command as the Source argument to Recordset.Open, and to use a static, client-side cursor:

Private Function GetDisconnectedRecordset(ByVal cmd As ADODB.Command) As ADODB.Recordset
    Errors.GuardNullReference cmd
    Errors.GuardNullReference cmd.ActiveConnection
    Dim result As ADODB.Recordset
    Set result = New ADODB.Recordset
    result.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    result.Open Source:=cmd, CursorType:=adOpenStatic
    Set result.ActiveConnection = Nothing
    Set GetDisconnectedRecordset = result
End Function

Getting a single value result

With functions to validate the parameters, create commands and get a disconnected recordset, we have everything we need for IDbCommand implementations to do their job, but if we leave it like this, we’ll end up with all implementations copying the logic of IDbCommand.GetSingleValue: best have that logic in DbCommandBase and avoid as much repetition as possible.

Private Function GetSingleValue(ByVal db As IDbConnection, ByVal sql As String, ByRef args() As Variant) As Variant
    Errors.GuardEmptyString sql
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Set cmd = CreateCommand(db, adCmdText, sql, args)
    Dim results As ADODB.Recordset
    Set results = GetDisconnectedRecordset(cmd)
    GetSingleValue = results.Fields.Item(0).value
End Function

Creating the command

A few things can go wrong when creating the ADODB.Command object: we need an ADODB.Connection that’s open, and the parameters must be valid. Since we’re not executing the command just yet, we don’t have to worry about everything that could go wrong actually executing the command string and processing the parameters on the server. So the strategy here is to guard against invalid inputs as much as possible, and then to handle errors when we add the parameters, and return the Command object with whatever parameters were successfully added. We don’t need to try salvaging the rest of the parameters if one blows up, since that failing parameter will fail command execution anyway, but there isn’t much we can do about it, other than perhaps throw an error and have the caller not even try to run the command – but here I decided that the server-side errors would be more useful than any custom “invalid parameter” error.

Note that the ADODB.Command object is actually created by the method-injected IDbConnection dependency. This creates a seam between the class and ADODB, despite the inherent coupling with the ADODB.Command type: it makes the command’s ActiveConnection an implementation detail of IDbConnection.CreateCommand, and that’s all I needed to make this method work with a stub connection that isn’t actually connecting to anything:

Private Function CreateCommand(ByVal db As IDbConnection, ByVal commandType As ADODB.CommandTypeEnum, ByVal sql As String, ByRef args() As Variant) As ADODB.Command
    Errors.GuardNullReference db
    Errors.GuardEmptyString sql
    Errors.GuardExpression db.State <> adStateOpen, message:="Connection is not open."
    Errors.GuardExpression Not ValidateOrdinalArguments(sql, args), message:="Arguments supplied are inconsistent with the provided command string parameters."
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Set cmd = db.CreateCommand(commandType, sql)
    On Error GoTo CleanFail
    Dim arg As ADODB.Parameter
    For Each arg In this.ParameterProvider.FromValues(args)
        cmd.parameters.Append arg
    Set CreateCommand = cmd
    Exit Function
    Resume CleanExit
End Function


As mentioned before, there are two implementations for the IDbCommand interface: one that creates and owns its own IDbConnection, the other that takes it in as a dependency.

This abstraction represents an object that can take an SQL statement and parameters, and return the result(s) to its caller.

DefaultDbCommand receives its IDbConnection dependency through property injection in its Create factory method.

AutoDbCommand takes a connection string and an IDbConnectionFactory instead.

UnitOfWork uses a DefaultDbCommand because the unit of work needs to own the connection, but AutoDbCommand could be used instead of a unit of work, if we just need a quick SELECT and no transaction.

Abstract Factory

IDbConnectionFactory is an Abstract Factory here. This is needed, because unit tests need to be able to inject a stub factory that produces stub connections: an abstract factory is a factory interface that creates objects of a type that is also an abstraction – in this case, IDbConnectionFactory.Create returns an IDbConnection object. Implementing this factory class is exactly as simple as you’d think – here’s DbConnectionFactory:

'@ModuleDescription("An implementation of an abstract factory that creates DbConnection objects.")
Option Explicit
Implements IDbConnectionFactory

Private Function IDbConnectionFactory_Create(ByVal connString As String) As IDbConnection
    Set IDbConnectionFactory_Create = DbConnection.Create(connString)
End Function

And here’s StubDbConnectionFactory:

'@ModuleDescription("A stub acting as a IDbConnectionFactory implementation.")
Option Explicit
Implements IDbConnectionFactory
Private Type TInvokeState
    CreateConnectionInvokes As Long
End Type
Private this As TInvokeState

Private Function IDbConnectionFactory_Create(ByVal connString As String) As IDbConnection
    this.CreateConnectionInvokes = this.CreateConnectionInvokes + 1
    Set IDbConnectionFactory_Create = New StubDbConnection
End Function

Public Property Get CreateConnectionInvokes() As Long
    CreateConnectionInvokes = this.CreateConnectionInvokes
End Property

The test stub is more “complex” because it tracks method invocations, so that tests can know whether & how many times any given member was invoked during a test run.

The Abstract Factory pattern is very useful with Dependency Injection: it gives us an abstraction to inject when a class needs a dependency that just cannot be injected when the object is created – the alternative would be tight coupling: if we weren’t injecting a connection factory, then the command class would’ve had to be the one invoking DbConnection.Create – tightly coupling it with the DbConnection class and instantly making unit testing impossible. An abstract factory removes the coupling and allows unit tests to inject an alternative/stub implementation of the factory that creates StubDbConnection objects.

Wrapping it all up

AutoDbConnection can very well be consumed as-is by the client code:

Dim results As ADODB.Recordset
Set results = AutoDbConnection.Create(connString, New DbConnectionFactory, DbCommandBase.Create(AdoParameterProvider.Create(AdoTypeMappings.Default))).Execute(sql)

The only problem is that, well, the dependencies need to be resolved somehow, and that means the client code is now responsible for wiring everything up. While each component has a clear purpose, explicitly creating all these objects quickly gets old and redundant: we need an object that simplifies this – enter IUnitOfWork, and now we can use this much simpler code:

Dim results As ADODB.Recordset
Set results = UnitOfWork.FromConnectionString(connString).Command.Execute(sql)

Unit of Work is a design pattern that encapsulates a transaction: each individual operation can succeed or fail, and the unit of work either succeeds or fails as a whole. These notions are abstracted in the IUnitOfWork interface:

'@ModuleDescription("Represents an object encapsulating a database transaction.")
Option Explicit

'@Description("Commits the transaction.")
Public Sub Commit()
End Sub

'@Description("Rolls back the transaction.")
Public Sub Rollback()
End Sub

'@Description("Creates a new command to execute as part of the transaction.")
Public Function Command() As IDbCommand
End Function

When a UnitOfWork is created, it initiates a database transaction. When it is destroyed before the transaction is committed, the transaction gets rolled back and from the database’s point of view, it’s like nothing happened.


If you’re unfamiliar with database transactions, there’s an easy example to illustrate what they do: imagine you have an Accounts table, and you’re processing a transfer – you need to UPDATE the record for the source account to deduct the transfer amount, then UPDATE the record for the destination account to add the transferred amount. In a happy world where everything goes well that would be the end of it… but the world is a cruel place, and assuming the 1st command goes through, nothing guarantees nothing will blow up when sending the 2nd command. Without transactions, the funds would simply vanish: they’re gone from the first account, and they were never added to the second account. With a transaction, we can rollback everything when the 2nd operation completes, no funds vanish and the data is exactly the way it was before the transaction started.

Again, the implementation is pretty straightforward – the only peculiarity is that the class has two factory methods – one named Create that takes all the dependencies in, and another named FromConnectionString that conveniently wires up a default set of dependencies (and then passes them to the Create method to avoid duplicating code).

'@ModuleDescription("An object that encapsulates a database transaction.")
Option Explicit
Implements IUnitOfWork
Private Type TUnitOfWork
    Committed As Boolean
    RolledBack As Boolean
    Connection As IDbConnection
    CommandFactory As IDbCommandFactory
End Type
Private this As TUnitOfWork

'@Description("Creates a new unit of work using default configurations.")
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Public Function FromConnectionString(ByVal connString As String) As IUnitOfWork
    Dim db As IDbConnection
    Set db = DbConnection.Create(connString)
    Dim provider As IParameterProvider
    Set provider = AdoParameterProvider.Create(AdoTypeMappings.Default)
    Dim baseCommand As IDbCommandBase
    Set baseCommand = DbCommandBase.Create(provider)
    Dim factory As IDbCommandFactory
    Set factory = DefaultDbCommandFactory.Create(baseCommand)
    Set FromConnectionString = UnitOfWork.Create(db, factory)
End Function

'@Inject: just an idea.. see #
Public Function Create(ByVal db As IDbConnection, ByVal factory As IDbCommandFactory) As IUnitOfWork
    Errors.GuardNonDefaultInstance Me, UnitOfWork
    Errors.GuardNullReference factory
    Errors.GuardNullReference db
    Errors.GuardExpression db.State <> adStateOpen, message:="Connection should be open."
    Dim result As UnitOfWork
    Set result = New UnitOfWork
    Set result.CommandFactory = factory
    Set result.Connection = db
    Set Create = result
End Function

'@Inject: this member should only be invoked by Me.Create, where Me is the class' default/predeclared instance.
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed: false positive with v2.5.0.5418
Friend Property Set Connection(ByVal value As IDbConnection)
    Errors.GuardDoubleInitialization this.Connection
    Errors.GuardNullReference value
    Set this.Connection = value
End Property

'@Inject: this member should only be invoked by Me.Create, where Me is the class' default/predeclared instance.
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed: false positive with v2.5.0.5418
Friend Property Set CommandFactory(ByVal value As IDbCommandFactory)
    Errors.GuardDoubleInitialization this.CommandFactory
    Errors.GuardNullReference value
    Set this.CommandFactory = value
End Property

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    On Error Resume Next
    If Not this.Committed Then this.Connection.RollbackTransaction
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Private Sub IUnitOfWork_Commit()
    Errors.GuardExpression this.Committed, message:="Transaction is already committed."
    Errors.GuardExpression this.RolledBack, message:="Transaction was rolled back."
    On Error Resume Next ' not all providers support transactions
    this.Committed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Private Function IUnitOfWork_Command() As IDbCommand
    Set IUnitOfWork_Command = this.CommandFactory.Create(this.Connection)
End Function

Private Sub IUnitOfWork_Rollback()
    Errors.GuardExpression this.Committed, message:="Transaction is already committed."
    On Error Resume Next ' not all providers support transactions
    this.RolledBack = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


If you paid close attention to the code listings so far, you likely already noticed the many Errors.GuardXxxxx member calls scattered throughout the code. There are probably as many ways to deal with custom errors as there are VBA classes out there, this is one way. Probably not the best way, but it feels “just right” for me in this case and I think I like it enough to keep using it until the problems it creates become clearer (there’s always something). Errors is a standard private module in the project, that defines custom error codes. Okay I was lazy and deemed SecureADODBCustomError all I needed, but it could also have been an Enum with descriptive names for each custom error code.

The module simply exposes a small number of very simple Sub procedures that make it easy for the rest of the code to raise meaningful custom errors:

'@ModuleDescription("Global procedures for throwing common errors.")
Option Explicit
Option Private Module

Public Const SecureADODBCustomError As Long = vbObjectError Or 32

'@Description("Re-raises the current error, if there is one.")
Public Sub RethrowOnError()
    With VBA.Information.Err
        If .Number <> 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Error " & .Number, .Description
            .Raise .Number
        End If
    End With
End Sub

'@Description("Raises a run-time error if the specified Boolean expression is True.")
Public Sub GuardExpression(ByVal throw As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal Source As String = "SecureADODB.Errors", _
Optional ByVal message As String = "Invalid procedure call or argument.")
    If throw Then VBA.Information.Err.Raise SecureADODBCustomError, Source, message
End Sub

'@Description("Raises a run-time error if the specified instance isn't the default instance.")
Public Sub GuardNonDefaultInstance(ByVal instance As Object, ByVal defaultInstance As Object, _
Optional ByVal Source As String = "SecureADODB.Errors", _
Optional ByVal message As String = "Method should be invoked from the default/predeclared instance of this class.")
    Debug.Assert TypeName(instance) = TypeName(defaultInstance)
    GuardExpression Not instance Is defaultInstance, Source, message
End Sub

'@Description("Raises a run-time error if the specified object reference is already set.")
Public Sub GuardDoubleInitialization(ByVal instance As Object, _
Optional ByVal Source As String = "SecureADODB.Errors", _
Optional ByVal message As String = "Object is already initialized.")
    GuardExpression Not instance Is Nothing, Source, message
End Sub

'@Description("Raises a run-time error if the specified object reference is Nothing.")
Public Sub GuardNullReference(ByVal instance As Object, _
Optional ByVal Source As String = "SecureADODB.Errors", _
Optional ByVal message As String = "Object reference cannot be Nothing.")
    GuardExpression instance Is Nothing, Source, message
End Sub

'@Description("Raises a run-time error if the specified string is empty.")
Public Sub GuardEmptyString(ByVal value As String, _
Optional ByVal Source As String = "SecureADODB.Errors", _
Optional ByVal message As String = "String cannot be empty.")
    GuardExpression value = vbNullString, Source, message
End Sub

Most of these procedures are invoked as the first executable statement in a given scope, to raise an error given invalid parameters or internal state, such as these:

Private Sub IUnitOfWork_Commit()
    Errors.GuardExpression this.Committed, message:="Transaction is already committed."
    Errors.GuardExpression this.RolledBack, message:="Transaction was rolled back."
    On Error Resume Next ' not all providers support transactions
    this.Committed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Consistently raising such errors is the single best way to ensure our objects are always in a known and usable state, because we outright forbid them to be invalid. These validation clauses are called guard clauses, hence the GuardXxxxx procedure names.

A lot of the unit tests simply verify that, given the specified conditions, the expected error is raised:

'@TestMethod("Factory Guard")
Private Sub Create_ThrowsIfNotInvokedFromDefaultInstance()
    On Error GoTo TestFail
    With New AutoDbCommand
        On Error GoTo CleanFail
        Dim sut As IDbCommand
        Set sut = .Create("connection string", New StubDbConnectionFactory, New StubDbCommandBase)
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
    If Err.Number = ExpectedError Then Exit Sub
    Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."
End Sub

If each guard clause has a unit test, then the tests are effectively documenting how the objects are meant to be used. With more specific custom errors, the tests would be more accurate, but there’s a point where you need to look at what you’ve got and say “I think I can work with that”, and move on.


Obviously, one doesn’t import 20 classes into their VBA project just to send one ADODB command to a database server. However if you’re maintaining a VB6 application that uses ADODB all over the place, leaks connections, leaves recordsets dangling, …then importing this API can really help tighten up the data access code in that legacy app. Or maybe you’re writing a complex data-driven system in VBA for Excel because that’s all you’ve got, and a UnitOfWork abstraction makes sense for you.

The goal here is mostly to 1) demonstrate proper usage of ADODB.Command for secure, parameterized queries, and 2) demonstrate that Classic VB (VB6/VBA) has always had everything everyone ever needed to write full-blown object-oriented code that leverages abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism – making it possible to write clean and fully unit-tested code.

…and of course, it makes a great practical application of the OOP concepts discussed in many other articles on this blog. Studying the code in this project gives you insight on…

  • OOP foundations: abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism.
  • SOLID principles: single responsibility, dependency inversion, etc.
  • DI techniques: property injection, abstract factory.
  • Unit testing: what to test, how to test, stubbing dependencies, etc.
  • Using custom errors, guard clauses, input validation.
  • Leveraging Rubberduck annotations, minimizing inspection results.

Dependency Injection + Inversion of Control + VBA

Whether VBA can do serious OOP isn’t a question – it absolutely can: none of the SOLID principles have implications that disqualify VBA as a language, and this means we can implement dependency injection and inversion of control. This article will go over the general principles, and then subsequent articles will dive into various dependency injection techniques you can use in VBA code.

A quick summary of these fundamental guidelines, before we peek at DI and IoC:


Single Responsibility Principle

Split things up, and then some. Write loop bodies in another procedure, extract if/else blocks into other small specialized procedures. Do as little as possible, aim for each procedure to have a well-defined single responsibility.

Open/Closed Principle

Designing classes that are “open for extension, but closed for modification” is much easier said than done, but definitely worth striving for; by adhering to the other SOLID principles, this one just naturally falls into place. In a nutshell, you’ll want to be able to add features by extending a class rather than modifying it (and risk breaking something) – the only code you need to think about is the code for the new feature… and how you’re going to be testing it.

Liskov Substitution Principle

Say you write a procedure that takes an IFooRepository parameter. Whether you invoke it with some SqlFooRepository, MySqlFooRepository, or FakeFooRepository, should make no difference whatsoever: each implementation fulfills the interface’s contract, each implementation could be swapped for another without altering the logic of the procedure.

Interface Segregation Principle

Write small, specialized interface with a clear purpose, that won’t likely need to grow new members in the future: IFooRepository.GetById is probably fine, but IFooRepository.GetByName looks like someone had a specific or particular implementation in mind when they designed the interface, and now you need to implement a GetByName method for a repository where that makes no sense.

Dependency Inversion Principle

Depend on abstractions, not concrete implementations – your code has dependencies, and you want them abstracted away behind interfaces that you receive as parameters.

What is a dependency?

You’re writing a procedure, and you need to invoke a method that belongs to another object or module – say, MsgBox: with it your procedure can warn the user of an error, or easily get a yes/no answer. But this ability comes with a cost: now there’s no way to invoke that procedure without popping a message box and stopping execution until it’s dismissed. Hard-wired dependencies make unit testing difficult (if not impossible), so we inject them instead, as abstractions.

And dependency injection?

MsgBox is a bad example – Rubberduck’s FakesProvider already lets you configure MsgBox calls any way your testing requires, and no pop-up ..pops up. But let’s say the procedure needs to do things to a Worksheet.

We could make the procedure take a Worksheet parameter, and that would be method injection.

Since we’re in a class module (right?), we could have a Property Set member that takes a Worksheet value argument and assigns it to a Worksheet instance field that our method can work with, and that would be property injection.

We could have a factory method on our class’ default instance, that receives a Worksheet argument and property-injects it to a New instance of the class, then returns an instance of the class that’s ready to use (behind an interface that doesn’t expose any Property Set accessor for the injected dependencies), and that would be as close to the ideal constructor injection as you could get in a language without constructors.

What “control” is inverted, and why?

When a method News up all its dependencies, it’s a control freak that doesn’t let the outside world know anything about what objects it needs to do its job: it’s a black box that other code needs to take as “it just works”, and we can’t do much to alter how it works.

With inversion of control (IoC), you give up that control and let something else New things up for you, and that’s why Dependency Injection (DI) goes hand-in-hand with it. IoC implies completely reversing the dependency graph. Take a UserForm that reads from / writes to a worksheet, with code-behind that implements every little bit of what needs to happen in CommandButton1_Click handlers – a “Smart UI” – reversing the dependency graph means the form’s code-behind is now only concerned about the data it needs to present to the user, and the data it needs to collect from the user; the CommandButton1 button was renamed to AcceptButton, and its Click handler does one single thing: it invokes a SaveChangesCommand object’s Execute method, and everything that was in that click handler is now in that ICommand implementation. The command knows nothing of any userform; it works with the model, that it receives in an Object parameter to its Execute method.

It all comes down to one thing: testability. You want to test your commands and what they do, how they manipulate the model – so you pull as much as possible out of UI-dependent code and into specialized classes that only know as much as they need to know. The form’s code-behind (aka the view) knows about the model, the commands; the model knows about nothing but itself; the commands know about the model; a presenter would know about both the view and the model, but shouldn’t need to care for commands.

If none of the components create their dependencies / if all components have their dependencies injected, then if we follow the dependency chain we arrive to an entry point: in VB6 that would be some Public Sub Main(); in VBA, that could be any Public Sub procedure / “macro” in a standard module, or any Worksheet or Workbook event handler. These entry points all need to New up (or otherwise provide) everything in the dependency graph (e.g. class1 depends on class2 which depends on class3 and class4, …), and then invoke the desired functionality.

What is testable code?

Testable code is code for which you can fully control/inject all the dependencies of that code. This is where coding against abstractions pays off: you can leverage polymorphism and implement test doubles / stubs / fakes as needed. The presence of a New keyword in a method is a rather obvious indicator of a dependency; it’s the implicit dependencies that are harder to spot. These could be a MsgBox prompt, a UserForm dialog, but also Open, Close, Write, Kill, Name keywords, or maybe ActiveSheet, or ActiveWorkbook implicit member calls against a hidden global object; even the current Date can be a hidden dependency if it’s involved in behavior you want to cover with one or more unit tests. The Rnd function is definitely a dependency as well.

SOLID code is inherently testable code. If you write the tests first (Test-Driven Development / TDD), you could even conceivably end up with SOLID-compliant code out of necessity.

Say you want to bring up a dialog that collects some inputs, and one of these inputs needs to be a decimal value greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1 – what are the odds that such validation logic ends up buried in some TextBox12_Change handler (and duplicated in 3 places) in the UserForm module if the problem is tackled from a testability standpoint? That’s right: exactly none.

If the first thing you do is create a MyViewModelTests module with a MySpecialDecimal_InvalidIfGreaterThanOne test method, there’s a good chance your next move could be to add a MyViewModel class with a MySpecialDecimal property – be it only so that the test method can compile:

Public Sub MySpecialDecimal_InvalidIfGreaterThanOne()
    Dim sut As MyViewModel
    Set sut = New MyViewModel
    sut.MySpecialDecimal = 42
    Assert.IsFalse sut.IsValid
End Sub

So we need this MyViewModel.IsValid member now:

Public Property Get IsValid() As Boolean
End Property

At this point we can run the test in Rubberduck’s Test Explorer, and see it fail. Never trust a test you’ve never seen fail! The next step is to write just enough code to make the test pass:

Public Property Get IsValid() As Boolean
    IsValid = MySpecialDecimal < 1
End Property

This prompts us to write another test that we know would fail:

Public Sub MySpecialDecimal_InvalidIfNegative()
    Dim sut As MyViewModel
    Set sut = New MyViewModel
    sut.MySpecialDecimal = -1
    Assert.IsFalse sut.IsValid
End Sub

So we tweak the code to make it pass:

Public Property Get IsValid() As Boolean
    IsValid = MySpecialDecimal >= 0 And MySpecialDecimal < 1
End Property

We then run the whole test suite, to validate that this change didn’t break any green test, which would mean a regression bug was introduced – and the red test is telling you exactly which input scenario broke.

In a vanilla VBE, OOP quickly gets out of hand, for any decently-sized project: wading through many class modules in the legacy editor, locating implementations of the interfaces you’re coding against – things that you would seamlessly deal with in a modern IDE, become excruciatingly painful when modules are all listed alphabetically under one single “classes” folder, and when Ctrl+F “Implements {name}” is the only thing that can help you locate interface implementations.

Rubberduck not only addresses the organization of your OOP project (with “@Folder” annotations that let you organize & regroup modules by functionality) and enhances navigation tooling (“find all implementations”, “find all references”, “find symbol”, etc.), it also provides a unit testing framework, so that testing your VBA code is done the same way it’s done in other languages and modern IDEs, with Assert expressions that make or break a green test.

But if you write unit tests for your object-oriented VBA code, you’ll quickly notice that when your tests need to inject a fake implementation of a dependency, a consequence is that you often end up with a lot of “test fake” classes whose sole purpose is to support unit testing. This is double-edged, because you need to be careful that you’re testing the right thing (i.e. the actual object/method under test) and not whether your test fake/stub is behaving correctly.

Rubberduck has well over 5K unit tests, and most of them would be very hard to implement without the ability to setup proper mocking. Using the popular Moq framework, we are able to create and configure these “test fakes” without actually writing a class that implements the interface we need to inject into the component we’re testing.

Soon, these capabilities will land in the VBA landscape, with Rubberduck’s unit testing tools wrapping up Moq to let VBA code do exactly that.

What’s Cooking for Rubberduck 2.5.x

If you’ve been following the project all along, this isn’t going to be news, but we kind of missed the v2.4.2 milestone we were slated to release back in April, and here we are with our [next] branch (“pre-release” builds) being a whopping 580+ commits ahead of [master] (“green-release” builds). These commits change a lot of things… so much that v2.4.1 will end up being the only “green-release” of the 2.4.x release cycle, and we’ve decided next release will have to be 2.5.0 – but what is it specifically that warrants such delays and the +1 on the minor version number?


Perhaps the most important set of changes since v1.2 where we introduced an ANTLR-generated parser, this internal API was actually introduced last year, but until relatively recently it was only used to make the unit testing feature fully host-agnostic (i.e. unit testing works in every host application since) and to retrieve project-level precompiler constants, which closed an otherwise desperate gaping hole in Rubberduck’s understanding of the code that’s in the editor. We are also using it to retrieve and manipulate project references, and possibly in other places I don’t recall at the moment.

But this internal API unlocks much more power than that, and until very recently we hadn’t really started tapping into it. During the v2.5.x cycle, we’ll be using it to instantly populate the Code Explorer toolwindow with tree nodes that still drill down to member level – of course Rubberduck won’t know where a procedure is referenced or be able to refactor anything until parsing has actually occurred, but the project should be instantly navigatable regardless.

We have already begun leveraging this ITypeLib API to augment resolver capabilities, notably with regards to member and module attributes: we can now read most of their values without needing to export anything to any temp file.

So what this API does, is that it taps into VBA/VB6’s internal storage: you may not realize, but compiling your VBA code, internally, creates a COM type library. With this API we can safely query this type library and model user code modules and their members just like any other COM type library, e.g. project references. This means Rubberduck is be able to know what interfaces a document module implements – in other words, when we fully leverage this API we will be able to tell that Sheet1 is a Worksheet and that ThisWorkbook is a Workbook… which means a library-specific inspection like “sheet accessed using string” can now work exactly as intended. We already correctly identify event handler procedures in document modules thanks to these new capabilities; it might seem simple on the surface, but knowing that Sheet1 is a Worksheet and that this Worksheet_Change procedure is handling the Change event of that Worksheet interface, requires looking well beyond the code… and a side-effect of this, is that “procedure not used” no longer fires inspection results for them (the inspection already ignored event handler procedures… all it needed was for the resolver to recognize event handlers in document modules as such).

Default Member Resolution

Once again, a tremendous amount of effort went into augmenting resolver capabilities. This piece of the puzzle is the cornerstone that makes everything else fall into place: if we’re able to issue an inspection result when a variable is never referenced, it’s because the resolver processed all the parse trees and located no references to that variable. But it’s much more than just unused variables: the resolver is the literal central nervous system of Rubberduck – if the resolver doesn’t work well, everything else falls apart.

Except, resolving VBA code correctly is hard. We have an inspection that means to flag missing Set keywords, and until recently it would fire false positives whenever implicit default member calls were involved. What’s that? Picture this code:

Range("A1") = Range("B1")

What’s really happening is this:

Global.Range("A1").[_Default] = Global.Range("A1").[_Default]

But in order to know that, Rubberduck needs to know much more about the code than just what the code is saying: it needs to know that Range is an implicitly-qualified member call on Global (or is it? what if that very same code is in the code-behind of the Sheet3 module?), and that it has a default member that’s the target of this assignment on the left-hand side, and the provider of a value on the right-hand side; it needs to know that this default member yields a Variant (and not another object, which may have its own default member, which might yield an object, which may have a default member, which… so yeah, recursive resolution). And once it knows all that, it can warn you about implicit default member assignments, and soon about any implicit default member call – and help you make them explicit!

Bang notation now also resolves correctly. You write this:

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute(procName)
Debug.Print rs!Field1

Rubberduck sees this:

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = conn.Execute(procName)
Debug.Print rs.Fields.Item("Field1").Value

…and this means we’ll soon be able to offer quickfixes/refactorings that turn one notation into the other, and vice-versa.

This is where Rubberduck’s resolver is at, and I need to pinch myself to believe just how crazy wicked awesome it’s becoming – it’s not perfect, but I’m positive, and I’ll repeat this even though it’s been the case for a very long while, but no other VBIDE add-in understands VBA as deeply as Rubberduck.


Rubberduck uses the Moq framework for its thousands of unit tests. With it, we’re able to inject “mock” implementations of any abstract dependency: unit testing isn’t complete without a mocking framework, and there’s none for VBA, …for now.

The amount of work involved is astounding, but the important and hard parts are working and we’re just a few road-bumps away from having a COM-visible Moq wrapper API that VBA code can consume to mock any class – your Class1 module or ISomething interface, a ListObject Excel table, any Word.Range, ADODB.Connection, or Scripting.FileSystemObject. This is a massive and complete game-changer that takes unit testing VBA code to a whole new level of credibility.


To be honest, there isn’t really any timeline on the table: the 2.5.0 green-release will happen when it does. In the meantime you’ll want to keep an eye on pre-release builds: in the next couple of weeks we’ll be polishing the new features, reviewing what few inspection false positives remain, address a number of prioritized bugs (the all-or-nothing collapsing/expanding of grouping grids, for one), and then we’ll be ready.

There’s plenty of work for all levels and skills, you’re welcome to help us!

OOP Battleship Part 3: The View

Download the macro-enabled Excel workbook here

Now that we have defined our model, we need a view. In MVC terms, the view is the component that’s making the game state visible to the player; it is responsible for the two-way communication with the controller. Since we’re in Microsoft Excel, we can use a worksheet to do this. So we craft a lovely-looking Battleship game screen:


I used a stock image for the background, spent more time than I probably should have looking for images of the game ships, and used a number of rounded rectangle shapes to make various boxes and buttons – the clickable ones being attached to sheet-local macros. The two game grids use a customized 5-icon conditional format that not-so-coincidentally map to the GridState enum values:


If you recall from the previous post, the GridState enum was defined as follows:

Public Enum GridState
'@Description("Content at this coordinate is unknown.")
Unknown = -1
'@Description("Unconfirmed friendly ship position.")
PreviewShipPosition = 0
'@Description("Confirmed friendly ship position.")
ShipPosition = 1
'@Description("Unconfirmed invalid/overlapping ship position.")
InvalidPosition = 2
'@Description("No ship at this coordinate.")
PreviousMiss = 3
'@Description("An enemy ship occupies this coordinate.")
PreviousHit = 4
End Enum

The PlayerGrid class has a StateArray read-only property that returns a 2D variant array with Unknown values being Empty, and the rest of the state values being returned as-is: this means in order to “refresh” the view, all we need to do is dump this 2D variant array onto the appropriate game grid, and we’re done!

Private Property Get PlayerGrid(ByVal gridId As Byte) As Range
    Set PlayerGrid = Me.Names("PlayerGrid" & gridId).RefersToRange
End Property

Public Sub RefreshGrid(ByVal grid As PlayerGrid)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    PlayerGrid(grid.gridId).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(grid.StateArray)
    Me.EnableSelection = xlUnlockedCells
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Listing all the code here like I did for the model post would be rather boring, so I’m not going to do that. If the model was just a handful of classes with factory methods and explicit interfaces, the view is much more interesting as a concept.

The worksheet handles 3 worksheet events:

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal target As Range, ByRef Cancel As Boolean)
    Cancel = True
    Dim gridId As Byte
    Dim position As IGridCoord
    Set position = RangeToGridCoord(target, gridId)
    If Mode = FleetPosition Or Mode = player1 And gridId = 2 Or Mode = player2 And gridId = 1 Then
        RaiseEvent DoubleClick(gridId, position, Mode)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    Cancel = True
    If Mode = FleetPosition Then
        Dim gridId As Byte
        Dim position As IGridCoord
        Set position = RangeToGridCoord(target, gridId)
        RaiseEvent RightClick(gridId, position, Mode)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal target As Range)
    Dim gridId As Byte
    Dim position As IGridCoord
    Set position = RangeToGridCoord(target, gridId)
    If Not position Is Nothing Then
        CurrentSelectionGrid(gridId).Value = position.ToA1String
        CurrentSelectionGrid(IIf(gridId = 1, 2, 1)).Value = Empty
        Me.EnableSelection = xlUnlockedCells
        RaiseEvent SelectionChange(gridId, position, Mode)
    End If
End Sub

Notice these aren’t doing anything really – they merely work out a way to talk to another component – see, making a worksheet (or any document module class) implement an interface is a very bad idea: don’t do it (unless you like to crash the host and lose everything). So instead, we make another class implement the “view” interfaces, and make that class talk to the worksheet – a bit like we did in There is no worksheet.

The view needs two interfaces: one for the controller to send messages to the view, and the other for the view to send messages to the controller. If we call controller-to-view messages “commands”, and view-to-controller messages “events”, then the names IGridViewEvents and IGridViewCommands make complete sense!

So the WorksheetView class (not the GameSheet worksheet) implements the IGridViewCommands interface, like this:

Private Sub IGridViewCommands_OnBeginAttack(ByVal currentPlayerGridId As Byte)
    sheetUI.ShowInfoBeginAttackPhase currentPlayerGridId
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewCommands_OnBeginShipPosition(ByVal currentShip As IShip, ByVal player As IPlayer)
    sheetUI.ShowInfoBeginDeployShip currentShip.Name
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewCommands_OnBeginWaitForComputerPlayer()
    Application.Cursor = xlWait
    Application.StatusBar = "Please wait..."
End Sub

the WorksheetView class also handles the custom events sent from the worksheet, like this:

Private Sub sheetUI_DoubleClick(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord, ByVal Mode As ViewMode)
    Select Case Mode
        Case ViewMode.FleetPosition
            ViewEvents.ConfirmShipPosition gridId, position
        Case ViewMode.player1, ViewMode.player2
            ViewEvents.AttackPosition gridId, position
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub sheetUI_PlayerReady()
End Sub

Private Sub sheetUI_RightClick(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord, ByVal Mode As ViewMode)
    If Mode = FleetPosition Then ViewEvents.PreviewRotateShip gridId, position
End Sub

Private Sub sheetUI_SelectionChange(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord, ByVal Mode As ViewMode)
    If Mode = FleetPosition Then ViewEvents.PreviewShipPosition gridId, position
End Sub

So what is this ViewEvents? If VBA allowed an interface to expose events, we wouldn’t need it: we would simply raise an event to relay the message directly to the controller, who would then handle the view events and respond with a command back to the view. But VBA does not let us expose events on an interface, so this is where the adapter pattern kicks in.

We have a GridViewAdapter class that implements both IGridViewEvents and IGridViewCommands interfaces; the WorksheetView holds a (weak) reference to the adapter, through its IGridViewEvents interface – so ViewEvents.AttackPosition is a method on the adapter.

The GridViewAdapter class receives these messages from the view, and relays them back to the controller, via events:

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_AttackPosition(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord)
    RaiseEvent OnAttackPosition(gridId, position)
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_ConfirmShipPosition(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord)
    RaiseEvent OnConfirmCurrentShipPosition(gridId, position)
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_CreatePlayer(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal pt As PlayerType, ByVal difficulty As AIDifficulty)
    RaiseEvent OnCreatePlayer(gridId, pt, difficulty)
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_HumanPlayerReady()
    RaiseEvent OnPlayerReady
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_PreviewRotateShip(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord)
    RaiseEvent OnRotateCurrentShipPosition(gridId, position)
End Sub

Private Sub IGridViewEvents_PreviewShipPosition(ByVal gridId As Byte, ByVal position As IGridCoord)
    RaiseEvent OnPreviewCurrentShipPosition(gridId, position)
End Sub

The GameController has a Private WithEvents viewAdapter As GridViewAdapter private field, and with that it’s able to respond to the adapter’s events and, say, create a HumanPlayer in grid 1, or a MercilessAI AI player in grid2 – and then instruct the view to begin positioning the ships, one by one, until the game is ready to begin.

Apart from events, the worksheet exposes methods that display, hide, or flash such or such shape, depending on what the controller says needs to happen next: the worksheet doesn’t control anything whatsoever about the game mechanics – that’s the controller’s job. The view raises events, the adapter handles them and relays them to the controller; controller alters game state, and then sends a command to the view to reflect the current state.

This makes the controller blissfully unaware about any worksheet, or event about any WorksheetView class: it knows about the GridViewAdapter, but then looking at how the game is started…

Public Sub PlayWorksheetInterface()
    Dim view As WorksheetView
    Set view = New WorksheetView
    Dim randomizer As IRandomizer
    Set randomizer = New GameRandomizer
    Set controller = New GameController
    controller.NewGame GridViewAdapter.Create(view), randomizer
End Sub

…we can easily infer that the adapter would work with any class that implements the IGridViewCommands interface and that’s able to “adapt” its event model to the IGridViewEvents methods: the components are said to be decoupled; we can easily swap one implementation for another – be it for unit-testing the individual components… or we could implement a view that has nothing to do with any Excel worksheet.

We could easily add another button to the start screen, attach it to some PlayUserFormInterface macro, and do something like this:

Public Sub PlayUserFormInterface()
    Dim view As UserFormView
    Set view = New UserFormView
    Dim randomizer As IRandomizer
    Set randomizer = New GameRandomizer
    Set controller = New GameController
    controller.NewGame GridViewAdapter.Create(view), randomizer
End Sub

And then play the exact same game with a UI that’s entirely different.

Factories: Parameterized Object Initialization

Creating objects is something we do all the time. When we Set foo = New Something, we create a new instance of the Something class and assign that object reference to the foo variable, which would have been declared locally with Dim foo As Something.

With New

Often, you wish to instantiate Something with initial values for its properties – might look like this:

Dim foo As Something
Set foo = New Something
With foo
    .Bar = 42
    .Ducky = "Quack"
End With

Or, you could be fancy and make Something have a Self property that returns, well, the instance itself, like this:

Public Property Get Self() As Something
    Set Self = Me
End Property

But why would we do that? Because then we can leverage the rather elegant With New syntax:

Dim foo As Something
With New Something
    .Bar = 42
    .Ducky = "Quack"
    Set foo = .Self
End With

The benefits are perhaps more apparent with a factory method:

Public Function NewSomething(ByVal initialBar As Long, ByVal initialDucky As String) As Something
    With New Something
        .Bar = initialBar
        .Ducky = initialDucky
        Set NewSomething = .Self
    End With
End Function

See, no local variable is needed here, the With block holds the object reference. If we weren’t passing that reference down the call stack by returning it to the caller, the End With would have terminated that object. Not everybody knows that a With block can own an object reference like this, using With New. Without the Self property, a local variable would be needed in order to be able to assign the return value, because a With block doesn’t provide a handle to the object reference it’s holding.

Now the calling code can do this:

Dim foo As Something
Set foo = Factories.NewSomething(42, "Quack")

Here the NewSomething function is located in a standard module (.bas) named Factories. The code would have also been legal without qualifying NewSomething with the module name, but if someone is maintaining that code without Rubberduck to tell them by merely clicking on the identifier, meh, too bad for them they’ll have to Shift+F2 (go to definition) on NewSomething and waste time and break their momentum navigating to the Factories module it’s defined in – or worse, looking it up in the Object Browser (F2).

Where to put it?

In other languages, objects can be created with a constructor. In VBA you can’t have that, so you use a factory method instead. Factories manufacture objects, they create things.

In my opinion, the single best place to put a factory method isn’t in a standard/procedural module though – it’s on the class itself. I want my calling code to look something like this:

Dim foo As Something
Set foo = Something.Create(42, "Quack")

Last thing I want is some “factory module” that exposes a method for creating instances of every class in my project. But how can we do this? The Create method can’t be invoked without an instance of the Something class, right? But what’s happening here, is that the instance is being automatically created by VBA; that instance is named after the class itself, and there’s a VB_Attribute in the class header that you need to tweak to activate it:

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Something"      '#FunFact controlled by the "Name" property of the class module
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False '#FunFact VBA ignores this attribute
Attribute VB_Creatable = False       '#FunFact VBA ignores this attribute
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True    '<~ HERE!
Attribute VB_Exposed = False         '#FunFact controlled by the "Instancing" property of the class module

The attribute is VB_PredeclaredId, which is False by default. At a low level, each object instance has an ID; by toggling this attribute value, you tell VBA to pre-declare that ID… and that’s how you get what’s essentially a global-scope free-for-all instance of your object.

That can be a good thing… but as is often the case with forms (which also have a predeclared ID), storing state in that instance leads to needless bugs and complications.


The real problem is that we really have two interfaces here, and one of them (the factory) shouldn’t be able to access instance data… but it needs to be able to access the properties of the object it’s creating!

If only there was a way for a VBA class to present one interface to the outside world, and another to the Create factory method!

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "ISomething"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Public Property Get Bar() As Long
End Property

Public Property Get Ducky() As String
End Property

This would be some ISomething class: an interface that the Something class will implement.

The Something class would look like this- Notice that it only exposes Property Get accessors, and that the Create method returns the object through the ISomething interface:

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "Something"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Type TSomething
    Bar As Long
    Ducky As String
End Type

Private this As TSomething
Implements ISomething

Public Function Create(ByVal initialBar As Long, ByVal initialDucky As String) As ISomething
    With New Something
        .Bar = initialBar
        .Ducky = initialDucky
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Public Property Get Self() As ISomething
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Public Property Get Bar() As Long
    Bar = this.Bar
End Property

Friend Property Let Bar(ByVal value As Long)
    this.Bar = value
End Property

Public Property Get Ducky() As String
    Ducky = this.Ducky
End Property

Friend Property Let Ducky(ByVal value As String)
    this.Ducky = value
End Property

Private Property Get ISomething_Bar() As Long
    ISomething_Bar = Bar
End Property

Private Property Get ISomething_Ducky() As String
    ISomething_Ducky = Ducky
End Property

The Friend properties would only be accessible within that project; if that’s not a concern then they could also be Public, doesn’t really matter – the calling code only really cares about the ISomething interface:

With Something.Create(42, "Quack")
    Debug.Print .Bar 'prints 42
    .Bar = 42 'illegal, member not on interface
End With

Here the calling scope is still tightly coupled with the Something class though. But if we had a factory interface…

  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "ISomethingFactory"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Public Function Create(ByVal initialBar As Long, ByVal initialDuck As String) As ISomething
End Function

…and made Something implement that interface…

Implements ISomething
Implements ISomethingFactory

Public Function Create(ByVal initialBar As Long, ByVal initialDucky As String) As ISomething
    With New Something
        .Bar = initialBar
        .Ducky = initialDucky
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Private Function ISomethingFactory_Create(ByVal initialBar As Long, ByVal initialDucky As String) As ISomething
    Set ISomethingFactory_Create = Create(initialBar, initialDucky)
End Function

…now we basically have an abstract factory that we can pass around to everything that needs to create an instance of Something or, even cooler, of anything that implements the ISomething interface:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Main()
    Dim factory As ISomethingFactory
    Set factory = Something.Self
    With MyMacro.Create(factory)
    End With
End Sub

Of course this is a contrived example. Imagine Something is rather some SqlDataService encapsulating some ADODB data access, and suddenly it’s possible to execute MyMacro.Run without hitting a database at all, by implementing the ISomething and ISomethingFactory interfaces in some FakeDataService class that unit tests can use to test-drive the logic without ever needing to hit a database.

A factory is a creational pattern that allows us to parameterize the creation of an object, and even abstract away the very concept of creating an instance of an object, so much that the concrete implementation we’re actually coding against, has no importance anymore – all that matters is the interface we’re using.

Using interfaces, we can segregate parts of our API into different “views” of the same object and, benefiting from coding conventions, achieve get-only properties that can only be assigned when the object is initialized by a factory method.

If you really want to work with a specific implementation, you can always couple your code with a specific Something – but if you stick to coding against interfaces, you’ll find that writing unit tests to validate your logic without testing your database connections, the SQL queries, the presence of the data in the database, the network connectivity, and all the other things that can go wrong, that you have no control over, and that you don’t need to cover in a unit test, …will be much easier.

The whole setup likely isn’t a necessity everywhere, but abstract factories, factory methods, and interfaces, remain useful tools that are good to have in one’s arsenal… and Rubberduck will eventually provide tooling to generate all that boilerplate code.

Sounds like fun? Help us do it!