Rubberduck 2.5.91

Release 2.5.9 came with an unfortunate bug where an exception in the version check feature would blow everything up and fail the startup of the add-in. It was of course quickly fixed in a subsequent pre-release build, and meanwhile other enhancements have been merged, so here we are with a new release that fixes the error handling of the version check service and correctly parses empty instructions.

You can find the GitHub tag/release here:

Parser Fixes

One parser bug was reported through an interesting edge case that was reminiscent of good old ThunderCode, looking something like this:

If condition Then:::::::::::DoSomething

It is of course grammatically correct, which means Rubberduck should be able to ingest it. Thanks to yet another contribution by @MDoerner this version correctly parses such empty instructions, which feels like it opens up an opportunity for an inspection that flags them, and a quick fix to remove them.

This parser tweak is definitely making it to RD3!

Other Hacktoberfest contributions include:

  • Correctly replacing any Exit Sub with Exit Function statements when converting a Sub procedure into a Function.
  • Fixing an unsafe conversion from Char to Int that was causing a crash in PowerPoint 2019.
  • COM Interop / RCW handling solidifying shutdown by taking measures to ensure reading or writing a CommandBarButton’s caption or enabled state does not happen during shutdown / after the COM objects have been destroyed.
  • Allowing multiple line continuations before the dot operator in member access expressions.

Version Check Bug

That one is purely on me rushing to release without realizing that the web API call wasn’t surrounded by a try/catch block, and since it was an asynchronous operation… any uncaught exception would take down the host process, which is utterly uncool.

The fix was, obviously, to handle errors around the network I/O. Of course a simple work-around was to simply disable the version check on startup, but unless you’re familiar with Rubberduck configurations, tweaking these without being able to load Rubberduck in the VBE to bring up the settings dialog wasn’t exactly a user-friendly experience.

Note: the web API that refreshes the website and responds to version check requests is still down! I’ve manually inserted the database records for this release, so it shows up on the website.

Extract Method

There’s an off-by-one selection glitch with this refactoring that’s also getting fixed in this release, thanks to a timely contribution by @tommy9. This selection glitch was disabling the refactoring command when it shouldn’t be disabled, making it more difficult to use than it should be.

RD3 Progress

Meanwhile I’ve been giving quite a bit of love to v3, working on the new settings model and UI. I needed to get settings out of the way early on, because everything wants to access the configuration settings, including the locations of the server executables: I got to a point where hard-coding these was no longer practical, and since debug builds don’t generate the assemblies in a single “install folder”, being able to point them to local debug builds was a good excuse to get the settings model under way.

Data Driven UI

Historically in Rubberduck, adding a new setting meant adding a property to one of the setting groups, crafting a dedicated UI section for it in the settings UI, and then editing a .XML configuration file to define the defaults. All this work means adding a new setting is a whole undertaking in its own right, and that’s essentially a deterrent to liberally sprinkling configurable options any time we come across a decision and go “hey it would be nice if this was configurable!”.

RD3 treats settings at a different abstraction level: instead of having a “GeneralSettings” class with a property for each setting, we go meta and now GeneralSettings is becoming a settings group, and the individual settings are becoming record type instances, where each setting has a name, a description, a data type, default and current values, and additional metadata to identify hidden settings that should not appear in the dialog (e.g. the flag indicating whether Rubberduck prompted to import legacy indenter settings), or settings that are recommended to keep their default value (e.g. server executables’ locations).

Because there are settings of pretty much every data type, templating the settings UI before everything else means everything else gets to use already-templated controls, resulting in a consistent UI that looks and behaves the same across the entire application.

The still-WIP RD3 settings dialog showing some language client settings.

Unless it’s for a new data type that wasn’t already templated, adding a new setting in RD3 means adding a new record class for the setting, defining its default value and metadata in the same place, and then adding an instance to an existing setting group – and that’s all there is to it… well, excluding the associated string resources, each of which will need translations (most of this doesn’t exist in RD2).

Language Server Protocol

The VBE addin itself is implementing a LSP client, but its server is going to be the Rubberduck Editor process: the editor will be notifying the addin whenever it needs to synchronize source files into the VBE. In other words the editor is both a server and a client, depending on whether it’s talking to the addin or to the language server.

At this stage the addin is initializing a language client when it launches the editor, and as soon as the editor completes the LSP initialization handshake with the addin, it starts the language server process and initializes its own language client.

While both the addin and the editor implement LSP initialization, the two processes have vastly different responsibilities: the addin doesn’t deal with documents, and doesn’t care about semantic tokens or diagnostics: its primary responsibility is to get the code files into and out of the hosted VBA project, and provide an insulation layer between COM and the rest of Rubberduck. The editor however, is going to implement most of the LSP-defined features.

All Json-RPC communications are happening across process standard I/O for now, but this isn’t viable because when the editor talks to the addin, it needs to do so in a channel that’s separate from when it talks to the language server (things could get really funky otherwise). Named pipes will solve this, but in order to keep things moving forward I’ve opted to leave the addin behind (it’s almost completed!) and build the editor as a standalone application (which greatly simplifies debugging). We’ll get the named pipes working to implement the synchronization with the VBE, but the VBE is otherwise not needed for now, so standard I/O it is, and we’ll look into named pipes when they’re needed.

Project Templates

As I was piecing together everything I needed to serialize the .rdproj file and initialize a workspace, I came across the need to create a blank project that references the VBA library… and as I was hard-coding this sensible default I realized I could just copy an existing project file instead of hard-coding it, and things snowballed from there a bit, and so RD3 will come with a default empty project that references the VBA library, but also templates for various Microsoft Office hosts, and then why not have a template for a host-agnostic MVP project!

In Visual Studio when you start a new ASP.NET MVC project, you get a bare-bones working application that’s already somewhat organized, with the source files under specialized folders; the RD3 Rubberduck Editor will be able to do the same.

Creating a new project in the Rubberduck Editor lets you pick a project template and not start from scratch every time.
Templates are just special folders with folders and code files; all the folders under the Templates folder are considered project templates!

Project/workspace files solve the problem of “remembering” which files were opened, so it should be easy to restore them – the same feature is how template projects will open in the editor with the document tab opened.


Making VBA code as git-friendly as possible is, I believe, one of the best ways to ensure VBA lives on; being able to organize a VBA project into actual folders is an important part of this, but the lack of namespaces makes it a challenge… that’s solved with the .rdproj file. Indeed, it makes a way to ensure no RD3 project can have two source files that result in importing a module into the VBE… and then overwriting it when importing the next source file.

Taking RD2 @Folder annotations as a baseline, the relationship between modules and folders is reversed in RD3: RD2 folders were just a representation of where modules fit in a tree, folders could only exist if there was a module to define it. Now that we’re moving to the file system, a project can have empty folders, and modules don’t (can’t) have a say on what folder they live under.

This poses a compatibility problem with RD2 projects, that we’re going to address by acknowledging the RD2 annotations and migrating the project to the RD3 paradigm by creating actual folders under the project workspace, and moving the source files there; the @Folder annotation comments should then be removed. This functionality is not implemented yet despite the “new project” command being completed, because it’s the language server that will tell the editor about this when it starts issuing diagnostics… and we’re not there yet.


Rubberduck 3.0 can now create a new project, load an existing one, and save workspace changes to the file system. Loading a workspace/project loads all the file contents in memory in the editor process, and that’s where we’re at: the next step is to come up with a UI to explore the files in a workspace and pick one or more to actually open in an editor tab. This workspace explorer UI is similar to the VBE’s project explorer in that it knows everything there is to know about what files are in a project, and what content is in each file… but unlike the RD2 code explorer it knows nothing about any semantics, so it doesn’t/can’t drill down to member level – it’s really all about files and folders.

Once the Workspace Explorer UI is done, I’ll be focusing on the editor shell UI again, this time to work on the docking panels and document tab system: then we’ll have the infrastructure in place to add all the toolwindows we need, and document tabs that – finally – actually display file contents… whether that’s a markdown document, a plain text file, or a VBA source file.

Opening a workspace has implications with the LSP server: when you open a project in the editor, it sends everything it knows about these files to the server process through Json-RPC communications – the server process never accesses the files directly; files “belong to” the editor process.

To be continued…

2 thoughts on “Rubberduck 2.5.91”

  1. I have a question about RD3 editor and RD3 projects in general. How are references between different VBA projects handled? For example: we have two VBA projects, A and B, and each have their respective RD3 projects. Project A refers to project B. If we start debugging project A from RD3, and make edits to project B in VBE, will these edits be synchronized to project B’s RD3 project, even though debugging was started for project A?


    1. Good question! The one thing the RDE cannot do, is anything that involves a debugger – here we defer to the VBE by ensuring it’s running the latest version of the project, running it, and then the idea is to re-export the source files to the workspace when a debug session ends; anything that happens during a debug session is a black box that has to result in acknowledging any changes that might have occurred outside of the editor, but then we need the Rubberduck in-process addin to handle VBE mode changes (edit/run/break) and export the project source files back to that project’s workspace.


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